From patchwork Thu Mar 6 18:18:05 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Andrea Righi X-Patchwork-Id: 14005154 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 15F2D269CF1; Thu, 6 Mar 2025 18:26:20 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741285583; cv=fail; b=Uer5ysL/vcBaCgH2t7JBZFYJ1N+Ojxlc0QXi2rxiy0FMurfsDnhhsdQoiZae6keDLMZJBWPOeUO3ULFRQjsE82JqcRMH+3oo8ZUVEeMPvZj2VTSESRmaq1u9MkgjcAuENWuX/JbJHFyyN7C7C4IvpO94+UV/vq78Ee62DzXzUHY= ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741285583; c=relaxed/simple; bh=5jiWaqBqrPiv/in+dAH/eO4Mis12V+lX/uFhnp9WwbU=; h=From:To:Cc:Subject:Date:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:References: Content-Type:MIME-Version; b=Dxo8mjZmbJ/pmH0oQqdiuUZUfyLj0Cj/5Uzxey0DEuSyY5LGlq2whvWy19s0o9M0dwvkTLnmAkOjiDrhc4zqutotCqzafpdJv97yRoaj3SiSN6WFA8X5KhUvAEouoP++WOSWg96g0mwKh9QYNYqc6NPJ45IasmlnjbISd5rj9uc= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none); spf=fail; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=px9oXQui; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=fail Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="px9oXQui" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=p0TT2M9LppHoLkDyijDi9gFAF5clpZ/h+CuyItK4XHiAmy2ZF1+LYXahv4A0j8oFOragIO/+rIGi+sS58CjV6HsoHEyQtsNt7+XJsexz8NQaJ84WS4XOEMwA7JPyjKLMO1bxTLaWgwmO7dyPGRF2QUQ1or283XDDzv5tTbTPGA+/ObgDch6spRCaT+zJYP5I3FMK8tAyumMdDbL8A3ripGXn4xcQhI5Awz97o7fqmoQWg4QPvtdLXk4Eai8gih1QSjw7ku1195r9EFGPx9BTI/qv8ACskHFYIUhSjzDzjQ2Z/atz89jkUHRjw8picYFSSeYLerkIG6jn3VNqJ+oyaQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=giYADNXTv+kDfjvPJ+8gf/jIrDOn7b1dtGdLC0YZako=; b=QwVkxq1WTbXGIMNad8vjKsC1hODNV9rrOIdmMYI1Mzx5HAdEN6u/91ToIL16AxQhXX8UcL5sVkZGsIJulel9PAxYH53Vwzx7YhgsWRfGUZAh+styqzqjumqc5htcO8qdGqpsyRAt71b8pK+F10fOT5kphQJ2a3iQLAJadAngGFNacbxdxT0AvYc8uMrzoqNVT+xYCOStd3Dkxulbu1RFFfWthEIQGMWYfeVj1UfqNpJ5ZR86GexwIk1/YFNmJGg43ngVw3amZomIAovmQJc0xyA3B2LqZyDy60oZ1vg7PVUFyCZknygMz8YeNv+7CI0Ier9QwBUdz2lIc9fM8qxEuw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=giYADNXTv+kDfjvPJ+8gf/jIrDOn7b1dtGdLC0YZako=; b=px9oXQui5Bi99Q7o0VZjLBwGvLsEUb5mgGbXPRR03X1Pahe4zssVRE0u5//cBcRVItqVf2U34hfg+Nb31Iwiw68n1PD7NNX19cL0TCbFBEmFoOH48en3Y9i+x1KmI0VQ4Ah+fkvd2xNdjQttUdhM9mtfEuKwj+gDkuDKcpnTyJVHQ+CdCgZueOMr+Oe9/odJudTit5wOojz9REUz3GtDxkWjD2MQ0XpQRKJXRFJn48+eGC5ouBK+IzdSPbWCz6Bpx8z4Lq9teUf5X5MqCMjppOkuS+k6zZknBjJy8V726iFUZrdwALKqpT/9Wf5X46jZuE1/7sMKLIxlM58yuTAKoA== Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:930:3e::17) by (2603:10b6:930:c7::14) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8511.20; Thu, 6 Mar 2025 18:26:17 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::2119:c96c:b455:53b5]) by ([fe80::2119:c96c:b455:53b5%7]) with mapi id 15.20.8511.017; Thu, 6 Mar 2025 18:26:17 +0000 From: Andrea Righi To: Tejun Heo , David Vernet , Changwoo Min Cc:, Subject: [PATCH 2/4] sched_ext: idle: Introduce the concept of preferred CPUs Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 19:18:05 +0100 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.48.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: MI1P293CA0011.ITAP293.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:290:2::20) To (2603:10b6:930:3e::17) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CY5PR12MB6405:EE_|CYYPR12MB8921:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 3b0735d3-247c-452c-4a79-08dd5cdc6272 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;ARA:13230040|1800799024|366016|376014; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230040)(1800799024)(366016)(376014);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 3b0735d3-247c-452c-4a79-08dd5cdc6272 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 06 Mar 2025 18:26:17.3297 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 43083d15-7273-40c1-b7db-39efd9ccc17a X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: KgWN2OX5ScoEKjvLT8ZdZkgD9iPRUQSiLGKefGW6zO46x5kGyJcP8T5fLNbmEW5YmeRiXyMuxUGUEgnAj8KRTw== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CYYPR12MB8921 Many scx schedulers define their own concept of scheduling domains to represent topology characteristics, such as heterogeneous architectures (e.g., big.LITTLE, P-cores/E-cores), or to categorize tasks based on specific properties (e.g., setting the soft-affinity of certain tasks to a subset of CPUs). Currently, there is no mechanism to share these domains with the built-in idle CPU selection policy. As a result, schedulers often implement their own idle CPU selection policies, which are typically similar to one another, leading to a lot of code duplication. To address this, introduce the concept of preferred domain (represented as a cpumask) that can be used by the BPF schedulers to apply the built-in idle CPU selection policy to a subset of preferred CPUs. With this concept the idle CPU selection policy becomes the following: - always prioritize CPUs from fully idle SMT cores (if SMT is enabled), - select the same CPU if it's idle and in the preferred domain, - select an idle CPU within the same LLC domain, if the LLC domain is a subset of the preferred domain, - select an idle CPU within the same node, if the node domain is a subset of the preferred domain, - select an idle CPU within the preferred domain, - select any idle CPU usable by the task. Moreover, introduce the new idle flag %SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_PREF, that enforces strict selection within the preferred domain. Without this flag, the preferred domain is treated as a soft constraint: idle CPUs outside the preferred domain can be considered if the preferred domain is fully busy. If the preferred domain is empty or NULL, the behavior of the built-in idle CPU selection policy remains unchanged. This only introduces the core concept of preferred domain. This functionality will be exposed through a dedicated kfunc in a separate patch. Signed-off-by: Andrea Righi --- kernel/sched/ext.c | 3 +- kernel/sched/ext_idle.c | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++------- kernel/sched/ext_idle.h | 3 +- tools/sched_ext/include/scx/compat.h | 1 + 4 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/kernel/sched/ext.c b/kernel/sched/ext.c index 5cd878bbd0e39..a28ddd7655ba8 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/ext.c +++ b/kernel/sched/ext.c @@ -807,6 +807,7 @@ enum scx_deq_flags { enum scx_pick_idle_cpu_flags { SCX_PICK_IDLE_CORE = 1LLU << 0, /* pick a CPU whose SMT siblings are also idle */ SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_NODE = 1LLU << 1, /* pick a CPU in the same target NUMA node */ + SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_PREF = 1LLU << 2, /* pick a CPU in the preferred domain */ }; enum scx_kick_flags { @@ -3396,7 +3397,7 @@ static int select_task_rq_scx(struct task_struct *p, int prev_cpu, int wake_flag bool found; s32 cpu; - cpu = scx_select_cpu_dfl(p, prev_cpu, wake_flags, 0, &found); + cpu = scx_select_cpu_dfl(p, NULL, prev_cpu, wake_flags, 0, &found); p->scx.selected_cpu = cpu; if (found) { p->scx.slice = SCX_SLICE_DFL; diff --git a/kernel/sched/ext_idle.c b/kernel/sched/ext_idle.c index 16981456ec1ed..9b002e109404b 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/ext_idle.c +++ b/kernel/sched/ext_idle.c @@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ static struct scx_idle_cpus scx_idle_global_masks; */ static struct scx_idle_cpus **scx_idle_node_masks; +/* + * Local per-CPU cpumasks (used to generate temporary idle cpumasks). + */ +static DEFINE_PER_CPU(cpumask_var_t, local_idle_cpumask); + /* * Return the idle masks associated to a target @node. * @@ -403,52 +408,80 @@ void scx_idle_update_selcpu_topology(struct sched_ext_ops *ops) * branch prediction optimizations. * * 3. Pick a CPU within the same LLC (Last-Level Cache): - * - if the above conditions aren't met, pick a CPU that shares the same LLC - * to maintain cache locality. + * - if the above conditions aren't met, pick a CPU that shares the same + * LLC, if the LLC domain is a subset of @preferred_cpus, to maintain + * cache locality. * * 4. Pick a CPU within the same NUMA node, if enabled: - * - choose a CPU from the same NUMA node to reduce memory access latency. + * - choose a CPU from the same NUMA node, if the node domain is a subset + * of @preferred_cpus, to reduce memory access latency. + * + * 5. Pick a CPU within @preferred_cpus. * - * 5. Pick any idle CPU usable by the task. + * 6. Pick any idle CPU usable by the task. * * Step 3 and 4 are performed only if the system has, respectively, multiple * LLC domains / multiple NUMA nodes (see scx_selcpu_topo_llc and - * scx_selcpu_topo_numa). + * scx_selcpu_topo_numa) and their domains don't overlap. + * + * If %SCX_OPS_BUILTIN_IDLE_PER_NODE is enabled, the search will always + * begin in @prev_cpu's node and proceed to other nodes in order of + * increasing distance. + * + * Return the picked CPU with *@found set, indicating whether the picked + * CPU is currently idle, or a negative value otherwise. * * NOTE: tasks that can only run on 1 CPU are excluded by this logic, because * we never call ops.select_cpu() for them, see select_task_rq(). */ -s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 flags, bool *found) +s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, const struct cpumask *preferred_cpus, + s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 flags, bool *found) { const struct cpumask *llc_cpus = NULL; const struct cpumask *numa_cpus = NULL; - int node = scx_cpu_node_if_enabled(prev_cpu); + int node; s32 cpu; *found = false; + /* + * If @prev_cpu is not in the preferred domain, try to assign a new + * arbitrary CPU in the preferred domain. + */ + if (preferred_cpus && !cpumask_test_cpu(prev_cpu, preferred_cpus)) { + cpu = cpumask_any_and_distribute(p->cpus_ptr, preferred_cpus); + if (cpu < nr_cpu_ids) { + prev_cpu = cpu; + node = scx_cpu_node_if_enabled(prev_cpu); + } + } else { + node = scx_cpu_node_if_enabled(prev_cpu); + } + /* * This is necessary to protect llc_cpus. */ rcu_read_lock(); /* - * Determine the scheduling domain only if the task is allowed to run - * on all CPUs. - * - * This is done primarily for efficiency, as it avoids the overhead of - * updating a cpumask every time we need to select an idle CPU (which - * can be costly in large SMP systems), but it also aligns logically: - * if a task's scheduling domain is restricted by user-space (through - * CPU affinity), the task will simply use the flat scheduling domain - * defined by user-space. + * Consider node/LLC scheduling domains only if the preferred + * cpumask contains all the CPUs of each particular domain and if + * the domains don't overlap. */ - if (p->nr_cpus_allowed >= num_possible_cpus()) { - if (static_branch_maybe(CONFIG_NUMA, &scx_selcpu_topo_numa)) - numa_cpus = numa_span(prev_cpu); + if (static_branch_maybe(CONFIG_NUMA, &scx_selcpu_topo_numa)) { + const struct cpumask *cpus = numa_span(prev_cpu); + const struct cpumask *pref = preferred_cpus ?: p->cpus_ptr; - if (static_branch_maybe(CONFIG_SCHED_MC, &scx_selcpu_topo_llc)) - llc_cpus = llc_span(prev_cpu); + if (!cpumask_equal(cpus, pref) && cpumask_subset(cpus, pref)) + numa_cpus = cpus; + } + + if (static_branch_maybe(CONFIG_SCHED_MC, &scx_selcpu_topo_llc)) { + const struct cpumask *cpus = llc_span(prev_cpu); + const struct cpumask *pref = preferred_cpus ?: p->cpus_ptr; + + if (!cpumask_equal(cpus, pref) && cpumask_subset(cpus, pref)) + llc_cpus = cpus; } /* @@ -486,7 +519,7 @@ s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 cpu_rq(cpu)-> == 0 && (!(flags & SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_NODE) || (waker_node == node)) && !cpumask_empty(idle_cpumask(waker_node)->cpu)) { - if (cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, p->cpus_ptr)) + if (cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, preferred_cpus ?: p->cpus_ptr)) goto cpu_found; } } @@ -523,6 +556,20 @@ s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 goto cpu_found; } + /* + * Search for any full-idle core in the preferred domain. + * + * If the node-aware idle CPU selection policy is enabled + * (%SCX_OPS_BUILTIN_IDLE_PER_NODE), the search will always + * begin in prev_cpu's node and proceed to other nodes in + * order of increasing distance. + */ + if (preferred_cpus) { + cpu = scx_pick_idle_cpu(preferred_cpus, node, flags | SCX_PICK_IDLE_CORE); + if (cpu >= 0) + goto cpu_found; + } + /* * Search for any full-idle core usable by the task. * @@ -531,9 +578,11 @@ s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 * begin in prev_cpu's node and proceed to other nodes in * order of increasing distance. */ - cpu = scx_pick_idle_cpu(p->cpus_ptr, node, flags | SCX_PICK_IDLE_CORE); - if (cpu >= 0) - goto cpu_found; + if (!(flags & SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_PREF)) { + cpu = scx_pick_idle_cpu(p->cpus_ptr, node, flags | SCX_PICK_IDLE_CORE); + if (cpu >= 0) + goto cpu_found; + } /* * Give up if we're strictly looking for a full-idle SMT @@ -571,6 +620,20 @@ s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 goto cpu_found; } + /* + * Search for any idle CPU in the preferred domain. + * + * If the node-aware idle CPU selection policy is enabled + * (%SCX_OPS_BUILTIN_IDLE_PER_NODE), the search will always begin + * in prev_cpu's node and proceed to other nodes in order of + * increasing distance. + */ + if (preferred_cpus) { + cpu = scx_pick_idle_cpu(preferred_cpus, node, flags); + if (cpu >= 0) + goto cpu_found; + } + /* * Search for any idle CPU usable by the task. * @@ -579,9 +642,11 @@ s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 * in prev_cpu's node and proceed to other nodes in order of * increasing distance. */ - cpu = scx_pick_idle_cpu(p->cpus_ptr, node, flags); - if (cpu >= 0) - goto cpu_found; + if (!(flags & SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_PREF)) { + cpu = scx_pick_idle_cpu(p->cpus_ptr, node, flags); + if (cpu >= 0) + goto cpu_found; + } cpu = prev_cpu; goto out_unlock; @@ -599,7 +664,7 @@ s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 */ void scx_idle_init_masks(void) { - int node; + int i; /* Allocate global idle cpumasks */ BUG_ON(!alloc_cpumask_var(&scx_idle_global_masks.cpu, GFP_KERNEL)); @@ -610,14 +675,19 @@ void scx_idle_init_masks(void) sizeof(*scx_idle_node_masks), GFP_KERNEL); BUG_ON(!scx_idle_node_masks); - for_each_node(node) { - scx_idle_node_masks[node] = kzalloc_node(sizeof(**scx_idle_node_masks), - GFP_KERNEL, node); - BUG_ON(!scx_idle_node_masks[node]); + for_each_node(i) { + scx_idle_node_masks[i] = kzalloc_node(sizeof(**scx_idle_node_masks), + GFP_KERNEL, i); + BUG_ON(!scx_idle_node_masks[i]); - BUG_ON(!alloc_cpumask_var_node(&scx_idle_node_masks[node]->cpu, GFP_KERNEL, node)); - BUG_ON(!alloc_cpumask_var_node(&scx_idle_node_masks[node]->smt, GFP_KERNEL, node)); + BUG_ON(!alloc_cpumask_var_node(&scx_idle_node_masks[i]->cpu, GFP_KERNEL, i)); + BUG_ON(!alloc_cpumask_var_node(&scx_idle_node_masks[i]->smt, GFP_KERNEL, i)); } + + /* Allocate local per-cpu idle cpumasks */ + for_each_possible_cpu(i) + BUG_ON(!alloc_cpumask_var_node(&per_cpu(local_idle_cpumask, i), + GFP_KERNEL, cpu_to_node(i))); } static void update_builtin_idle(int cpu, bool idle) @@ -829,7 +899,7 @@ __bpf_kfunc s32 scx_bpf_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, goto prev_cpu; #ifdef CONFIG_SMP - return scx_select_cpu_dfl(p, prev_cpu, wake_flags, 0, is_idle); + return scx_select_cpu_dfl(p, NULL, prev_cpu, wake_flags, 0, is_idle); #endif prev_cpu: diff --git a/kernel/sched/ext_idle.h b/kernel/sched/ext_idle.h index 5c1db6b315f7a..386bde7e8ee3e 100644 --- a/kernel/sched/ext_idle.h +++ b/kernel/sched/ext_idle.h @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ static inline s32 scx_pick_idle_cpu(const struct cpumask *cpus_allowed, int node } #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */ -s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 flags, bool *found); +s32 scx_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, const struct cpumask *preferred_cpus, + s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, u64 flags, bool *found); void scx_idle_enable(struct sched_ext_ops *ops); void scx_idle_disable(void); int scx_idle_init(void); diff --git a/tools/sched_ext/include/scx/compat.h b/tools/sched_ext/include/scx/compat.h index 35c67c5174ac0..f9c06079b3a86 100644 --- a/tools/sched_ext/include/scx/compat.h +++ b/tools/sched_ext/include/scx/compat.h @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ static inline bool __COMPAT_struct_has_field(const char *type, const char *field #define SCX_PICK_IDLE_CORE SCX_PICK_IDLE_FLAG(SCX_PICK_IDLE_CORE) #define SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_NODE SCX_PICK_IDLE_FLAG(SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_NODE) +#define SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_PREF SCX_PICK_IDLE_FLAG(SCX_PICK_IDLE_IN_PREF) static inline long scx_hotplug_seq(void) {