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[0/4] coreaudio bug fix and clean up

Message ID 1a970310-4cff-f2f7-985e-05b2f4cd446b@t-online.de (mailing list archive)
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Series coreaudio bug fix and clean up | expand


Volker Rümelin Dec. 13, 2020, 1:03 p.m. UTC
Fix a bug reported on the qemu-discuss mailing list. The error
message was:

coreaudio: Could not lock voice for audioDeviceIOProc
Reason: Invalid argument

While being there, do some clean up.

Howard was kind enough to test the patches.

Volker Rümelin (4):
  coreaudio: rename misnamed variable fake_as
  coreaudio: don't start playback in init routine
  coreaudio: always stop audio playback on shut down
  audio: remove unused function audio_is_cleaning_up()

 audio/audio.c     |  8 -------
 audio/audio.h     |  1 -
 audio/coreaudio.c | 53 +++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)