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[0/9] Audio fixes and improvements

Message ID 84f1c61a-8399-c75e-96c2-febfc2dd5fab@t-online.de (mailing list archive)
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Series Audio fixes and improvements | expand


Volker Rümelin Sept. 20, 2020, 5:14 p.m. UTC
A few fixes and improvements from my audio patch queue.

It's currently still not possible to reach the function
audio_generic_read(). I tested the patch
audio: align audio_generic_read with audio_pcm_hw_run_in

with a modified audio/paaudio.c version. If someone wants
to reproduce the test, replace .read = qpa_read with
.read = audio_generic_read in the audio/paaudio.c pcm_ops
table and start qemu with
-audiodev pa,id=audio0,in.mixing-engine=off.

With best regards,

Volker Rümelin (9):
  audio: handle buf == NULL in put_buffer_out()
  audio/audio: fix video playback slowdown with spiceaudio
  audio/spiceaudio: always rate limit playback stream
  audio: align audio_generic_read with audio_pcm_hw_run_in
  audio: remove unnecessary calls to put_buffer_in
  audio: align audio_generic_write with audio_pcm_hw_run_out
  audio: run downstream playback queue unconditionally
  audio: restore mixing-engine playback buffer size
  audio: revert tests for pcm_ops table

 audio/alsaaudio.c   |   1 +
 audio/audio.c       | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 audio/audio_int.h   |   7 ++-
 audio/coreaudio.c   |   3 +
 audio/dsoundaudio.c |   6 ++
 audio/jackaudio.c   |   1 +
 audio/noaudio.c     |   1 +
 audio/ossaudio.c    |  12 ++++
 audio/paaudio.c     |   6 ++
 audio/sdlaudio.c    |   3 +
 audio/spiceaudio.c  |  27 +++++----
 audio/wavaudio.c    |   1 +
 12 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)


Gerd Hoffmann Sept. 23, 2020, 9:07 a.m. UTC | #1
On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 07:14:12PM +0200, Volker Rümelin wrote:
> A few fixes and improvements from my audio patch queue.

cherry-picked 1-7 into the audio queue.
