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[v2,0/3] DirectSound fixes for 5.0

Message ID f28b8915-d9df-8de3-7298-cc4c74f0a8d1@t-online.de (mailing list archive)
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Series DirectSound fixes for 5.0 | expand


Volker RĂ¼melin April 5, 2020, 7:47 a.m. UTC
Three audio fixes for DirectSound on Windows. They were tested
on a Windows 10 Home system with HAXM accelerator.

- "dsoundaudio: fix never-ending playback loop"
  The commit message and the changed code was wrong.

Volker RĂ¼melin (3):
  dsoundaudio: fix never-ending playback loop
  dsoundaudio: fix "Could not lock capture buffer" warning
  dsoundaudio: dsound_get_buffer_in should honor *size

 audio/audio.c       | 12 +++++-------
 audio/dsoundaudio.c |  9 +++++++--
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)