Show patches with: Series = x86 cpu test refactoring       |   3 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v2,3/3] tests/qtest/x86: check for availability of older cpu models before running tests x86 cpu test refactoring - - - --- 2024-06-05 Ani Sinha New
[2/3] tests/qtest/libqtest: add qtest_has_cpu() api x86 cpu test refactoring - - - --- 2024-06-05 Ani Sinha New
[v3,1/3] qtest/x86/numa-test: do not use the obsolete 'pentium' cpu x86 cpu test refactoring - 2 - --- 2024-06-05 Ani Sinha New