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[V1,3/6] python: use qom-tree-get

Message ID 1741036202-265696-4-git-send-email-steven.sistare@oracle.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series fast qom tree get | expand

Commit Message

Steve Sistare March 3, 2025, 9:09 p.m. UTC
Use qom-tree-get to speed up the qom-tree command.

Signed-off-by: Steve Sistare <steven.sistare@oracle.com>
 python/qemu/utils/qom.py        | 36 ++++++++++++++---------------
 python/qemu/utils/qom_common.py | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/python/qemu/utils/qom.py b/python/qemu/utils/qom.py
index 426a0f2..086a592 100644
--- a/python/qemu/utils/qom.py
+++ b/python/qemu/utils/qom.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ 
 from qemu.qmp import ExecuteError
 from .qom_common import QOMCommand
+from .qom_common import ObjectNode
@@ -224,28 +225,27 @@  def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
         self.path = args.path
-    def _list_node(self, path: str) -> None:
+    def _list_node(self, node: ObjectNode, path: str) -> None:
-        items = self.qom_list(path)
-        for item in items:
-            if item.child:
-                continue
-            try:
-                rsp = self.qmp.cmd('qom-get', path=path,
-                                   property=item.name)
-                print(f"  {item.name}: {rsp} ({item.type})")
-            except ExecuteError as err:
-                print(f"  {item.name}: <EXCEPTION: {err!s}> ({item.type})")
+        for item in node.properties:
+            value = item.value
+            if value == None:
+                value = f"<EXCEPTION: {item.error}>"
+            print(f"  {item.name}: {value} ({item.type})")
-        for item in items:
-            if not item.child:
-                continue
-            if path == '/':
-                path = ''
-            self._list_node(f"{path}/{item.name}")
+        if path == '/':
+            path = ''
+        for child in node.children:
+            self._list_tree(child, f"{path}/{child.name}")
     def run(self) -> int:
-        self._list_node(self.path)
+        root = self.qom_tree_get(self.path)
+        self._list_node(root, self.path)
         return 0
diff --git a/python/qemu/utils/qom_common.py b/python/qemu/utils/qom_common.py
index dd2c8b1..0303863 100644
--- a/python/qemu/utils/qom_common.py
+++ b/python/qemu/utils/qom_common.py
@@ -65,6 +65,49 @@  def link(self) -> bool:
         return self.type.startswith('link<')
+class ObjectPropertyValue:
+    """
+    Represents a property return from e.g. qom-tree-get
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name: str, type_: str, value: object, error: str):
+        self.name = name
+        self.type = type_
+        self.value = value
+        self.error = error
+    @classmethod
+    def make(cls, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ObjectPropertyValue':
+        """
+        Build an ObjectPropertyValue from a Dict with an unknown shape.
+        """
+        assert value.keys() >= {'name', 'type'}
+        assert value.keys() <= {'name', 'type', 'value', 'error'}
+        return cls(value['name'], value['type'],
+                   value.get('value'), value.get('error'))
+class ObjectNode:
+    """
+    Represents the return type from e.g. qom-tree-get
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name: str, children: List['ObjectNode'],
+                 properties: List[ObjectPropertyValue]):
+        self.name = name
+        self.children = children
+        self.properties = properties
+    @classmethod
+    def make(cls, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ObjectNode':
+        """
+        Build an ObjectNode from a Dict with an unknown shape.
+        """
+        assert value.keys() == {'name', 'children', 'properties'}
+        props = [ObjectPropertyValue.make(x) for x in value['properties']]
+        children = [ObjectNode.make(x) for x in value['children']]
+        return cls(value['name'], children, props)
 CommandT = TypeVar('CommandT', bound='QOMCommand')
@@ -145,6 +188,13 @@  def qom_list(self, path: str) -> List[ObjectPropertyInfo]:
         assert isinstance(rsp, list)
         return [ObjectPropertyInfo.make(x) for x in rsp]
+    def qom_tree_get(self, path: str) -> ObjectNode:
+        """
+        :return: a strongly typed root node from the 'qom-tree-get' command.
+        """
+        rsp = self.qmp.cmd('qom-tree-get', path=path)
+        return ObjectNode.make(rsp)
     def command_runner(
             cls: Type[CommandT],