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[V1,6/6] tests/qtest/qom-test: unit test for qom-list-getv

Message ID 1741036202-265696-7-git-send-email-steven.sistare@oracle.com (mailing list archive)
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Series fast qom tree get | expand

Commit Message

Steve Sistare March 3, 2025, 9:10 p.m. UTC
Add a unit test for qom-list-getv.

Signed-off-by: Steve Sistare <steven.sistare@oracle.com>
 tests/qtest/qom-test.c | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)
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diff --git a/tests/qtest/qom-test.c b/tests/qtest/qom-test.c
index c567c4c..8785ea3 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/qom-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/qom-test.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ 
 #include "qobject/qdict.h"
 #include "qobject/qlist.h"
+#include "qobject/qstring.h"
 #include "qemu/cutils.h"
 #include "libqtest.h"
@@ -65,6 +66,68 @@  static void test_tree(QTestState *qts, const char *path)
+static void test_getv(QTestState *qts, QList *paths)
+    QListEntry *entry, *prop_entry, *path_entry;
+    g_autoptr(QDict) response = NULL;
+    QDict *args = qdict_new();
+    QDict *prop;
+    QList *return_list;
+    if (verbosity_level >= 2) {
+        g_test_message("Obtaining properties for paths:");
+        QLIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(paths, path_entry) {
+            QString *qstr = qobject_to(QString, qlist_entry_obj(path_entry));
+            g_test_message("  %s", qstring_get_str(qstr));
+        }
+    }
+    qdict_put_obj(args, "paths", QOBJECT(qlist_copy(paths)));
+    response = qtest_qmp(qts, "{ 'execute': 'qom-list-getv',"
+                              "  'arguments': %p }", args);
+    g_assert(response);
+    g_assert(qdict_haskey(response, "return"));
+    return_list = qobject_to(QList, qdict_get(response, "return"));
+    path_entry = QTAILQ_FIRST(&paths->head);
+    QLIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(return_list, entry) {
+        QDict *obj = qobject_to(QDict, qlist_entry_obj(entry));
+        g_assert(qdict_haskey(obj, "properties"));
+        QList *properties = qobject_to(QList, qdict_get(obj, "properties"));
+        bool has_child = false;
+        QLIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(properties, prop_entry) {
+            prop = qobject_to(QDict, qlist_entry_obj(prop_entry));
+            g_assert(qdict_haskey(prop, "name"));
+            g_assert(qdict_haskey(prop, "type"));
+            g_assert(qdict_haskey(prop, "value") ||
+                     qdict_haskey(prop, "error"));
+            has_child |= strstart(qdict_get_str(prop, "type"), "child<", NULL);
+        }
+        if (has_child) {
+            /* build a list of child paths */
+            QString *qstr = qobject_to(QString, qlist_entry_obj(path_entry));
+            const char *path = qstring_get_str(qstr);
+            g_autoptr(QList) child_paths = qlist_new();
+            QLIST_FOREACH_ENTRY(properties, prop_entry) {
+                prop = qobject_to(QDict, qlist_entry_obj(prop_entry));
+                if (strstart(qdict_get_str(prop, "type"), "child<", NULL)) {
+                    g_autofree char *child_path = g_strdup_printf(
+                        "%s/%s", path, qdict_get_str(prop, "name"));
+                    qlist_append_str(child_paths, child_path);
+                }
+            }
+            /* fetch props for all children with one qom-list-getv call */
+            test_getv(qts, child_paths);
+        }
+        path_entry = QTAILQ_NEXT(path_entry, next);
+    }
 static void test_properties(QTestState *qts, const char *path, bool recurse)
     char *child_path;
@@ -134,6 +197,7 @@  static void test_machine(gconstpointer data)
     const char *machine = data;
     QDict *response;
     QTestState *qts;
+    g_autoptr(QList) paths = qlist_new();
     qts = qtest_initf("-machine %s", machine);
@@ -150,6 +214,8 @@  static void test_machine(gconstpointer data)
     test_properties(qts, "/machine", true);
     test_tree(qts, "/machine");
+    qlist_append_str(paths, "/machine");
+    test_getv(qts, paths);
     response = qtest_qmp(qts, "{ 'execute': 'quit' }");
     g_assert(qdict_haskey(response, "return"));