diff mbox

[09/13] throttle: Add command-line settings to define the burst periods

Message ID 7fcab26ca473da5710bded6bd822903015ac6e43.1454669823.git.berto@igalia.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Alberto Garcia Feb. 5, 2016, 10:59 a.m. UTC
This patch adds all the throttling.*-max-length command-line
parameters to define the length of the burst periods.

Signed-off-by: Alberto Garcia <berto@igalia.com>
 blockdev.c | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+)
diff mbox


diff --git a/blockdev.c b/blockdev.c
index c9e91ab..5a2a9b4 100644
--- a/blockdev.c
+++ b/blockdev.c
@@ -414,6 +414,19 @@  static void extract_common_blockdev_options(QemuOpts *opts, int *bdrv_flags,
         throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_OPS_WRITE].max =
             qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.iops-write-max", 0);
+        throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_BPS_TOTAL].burst_length =
+            qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.bps-total-max-length", 1);
+        throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_BPS_READ].burst_length  =
+            qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.bps-read-max-length", 1);
+        throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_BPS_WRITE].burst_length =
+            qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.bps-write-max-length", 1);
+        throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_OPS_TOTAL].burst_length =
+            qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.iops-total-max-length", 1);
+        throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_OPS_READ].burst_length =
+            qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.iops-read-max-length", 1);
+        throttle_cfg->buckets[THROTTLE_OPS_WRITE].burst_length =
+            qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.iops-write-max-length", 1);
         throttle_cfg->op_size =
             qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "throttling.iops-size", 0);
@@ -4064,6 +4077,30 @@  QemuOptsList qemu_common_drive_opts = {
             .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
             .help = "total bytes write burst",
+            .name = "throttling.iops-total-max-length",
+            .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
+            .help = "length of the iops-total-max burst period, in seconds",
+        },{
+            .name = "throttling.iops-read-max-length",
+            .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
+            .help = "length of the iops-read-max burst period, in seconds",
+        },{
+            .name = "throttling.iops-write-max-length",
+            .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
+            .help = "length of the iops-write-max burst period, in seconds",
+        },{
+            .name = "throttling.bps-total-max-length",
+            .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
+            .help = "length of the bps-total-max burst period, in seconds",
+        },{
+            .name = "throttling.bps-read-max-length",
+            .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
+            .help = "length of the bps-read-max burst period, in seconds",
+        },{
+            .name = "throttling.bps-write-max-length",
+            .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
+            .help = "length of the bps-write-max burst period, in seconds",
+        },{
             .name = "throttling.iops-size",
             .type = QEMU_OPT_NUMBER,
             .help = "when limiting by iops max size of an I/O in bytes",