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[PULL,14/14] syscall: fixed mincore(2) not failing with ENOMEM

Message ID f5507e0448bd34473af72509297617a783049024.1488264243.git.mjt@msgid.tls.msk.ru (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Michael Tokarev Feb. 28, 2017, 6:44 a.m. UTC
From: "Franklin \\\"Snaipe\\\" Mathieu" <snaipe@diacritic.io>

The current implementation of the mincore(2) syscall sets errno to
EFAULT when the region identified by the first two parameters is

This goes against the man page specification, where mincore(2) should
only fail with EFAULT when the third parameter is an invalid address;
and fail with ENOMEM when the checked region does not point to mapped

Signed-off-by: Franklin "Snaipe" Mathieu <snaipe@diacritic.io>
Cc: Riku Voipio <riku.voipio@linaro.org>
Cc: Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
Reviewed-by: Laurent Vivier <laurent@vivier.eu>
Signed-off-by: Michael Tokarev <mjt@tls.msk.ru>
 linux-user/syscall.c | 11 ++++++++---
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/linux-user/syscall.c b/linux-user/syscall.c
index f569f82..6715ce3 100644
--- a/linux-user/syscall.c
+++ b/linux-user/syscall.c
@@ -11063,11 +11063,16 @@  abi_long do_syscall(void *cpu_env, int num, abi_long arg1,
     case TARGET_NR_mincore:
             void *a;
+            ret = -TARGET_ENOMEM;
+            a = lock_user(VERIFY_READ, arg1, arg2, 0);
+            if (!a) {
+                goto fail;
+            }
             ret = -TARGET_EFAULT;
-            if (!(a = lock_user(VERIFY_READ, arg1,arg2, 0)))
-                goto efault;
-            if (!(p = lock_user_string(arg3)))
+            p = lock_user_string(arg3);
+            if (!p) {
                 goto mincore_fail;
+            }
             ret = get_errno(mincore(a, arg2, p));
             unlock_user(p, arg3, ret);