Show patches with: Submitter = Crestez Dan Leonard       |   9 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[RFC,v2] regmap: Add regmap_pipe_read API - - - --- 2016-07-20 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[v2,3/3] acpi spi: Initialize modalias from of_compatible - 1 - --- 2016-07-13 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[v2,2/3] acpi i2c: Initialize info.type from of_compatible - 1 - --- 2016-07-13 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[v2,1/3] acpi: Export acpi_of_modalias equiv of of_modalias_node - 1 - --- 2016-07-13 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[RFC] regmap: Add regmap_pipe_read API - - - --- 2016-06-16 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[3/3] acpi spi: Initialize modalias from of_compatible - - - --- 2016-06-15 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[2/3] acpi i2c: Initialize info.type from of_compatible - - - --- 2016-06-15 Crestez Dan Leonard New
[1/3] acpi: Export acpi_of_modalias equiv of of_modalias_node - - - --- 2016-06-15 Crestez Dan Leonard New
spi: dln2: Pass of_node to spi master - - - --- 2016-04-15 Crestez Dan Leonard Accepted