@@ -37,35 +37,106 @@ class find_developers(object):
self.r1 = re.compile(regex1, re.I)
+ # regex to guess if this is a list of multiple addresses.
+ # Not sure why the initial "^.*" is needed here.
+ self.r2 = re.compile(r'^.*,[^,]*@[^@]*,[^,]*@', re.I)
+ # regex to match on anything inside a pair of angle brackets
+ self.r3 = re.compile(r'^.*<(.+)>', re.I)
+ def _handle_addr(self, addr):
+ # The next split removes everything after an octothorpe (hash
+ # mark), because someone could have provided an improperly
+ # formatted email address:
+ #
+ # Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org # v6.19+
+ #
+ # This, according to my reading of RFC5322, is allowed because
+ # octothorpes can be part of atom text. However, it is
+ # interepreted as if there weren't any whitespace
+ # ("stable@vger.kernel.org#v6.19+"). The grammar allows for
+ # this form, even though this is not a correct Internet domain
+ # name.
+ #
+ # Worse, if you follow the format specified in the kernel's
+ # SubmittingPatches file:
+ #
+ # Cc: <stable@vger.kernel.org> # v6.9
+ #
+ # emailutils will not know how to parse this, and returns empty
+ # strings. I think this is because the angle-addr
+ # specification allows only whitespace between the closing
+ # angle bracket and the CRLF.
+ #
+ # Hack around both problems by ignoring everything after an
+ # octothorpe, no matter where it occurs in the string. If
+ # someone has one in their name or the email address, too bad.
+ a = addr.split('#')[0]
+ # emailutils can extract email addresses from headers that
+ # roughly follow the destination address field format:
+ #
+ # Reviewed-by: Bogus J. Simpson <bogus@simpson.com>
+ # Reviewed-by: "Bogus J. Simpson" <bogus@simpson.com>
+ # Reviewed-by: bogus@simpson.com
+ #
+ # Use it to extract the email address, because we don't care
+ # about the display name.
+ (name, addr) = email.utils.parseaddr(a)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f'A:{a}:NAME:{name}:ADDR:{addr}:')
+ if len(addr) > 0:
+ return addr
+ # If emailutils fails to find anything, let's see if there's
+ # a sequence of characters within angle brackets and hope that
+ # is an email address. This works around things like:
+ #
+ # Reported-by: Xu, Wen <wen.xu@gatech.edu>
+ #
+ # Which should have had the name in quotations because there's
+ # a comma.
+ m = self.r3.match(a)
+ if m:
+ addr = m.expand(r'\g<1>')
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f"M3:{addr}:M:{m}:")
+ return addr
+ # No idea, just spit the whole thing out and hope for the best.
+ return a
def run(self, lines):
addr_list = []
for line in lines:
l = line.strip()
- # emailutils can handle abominations like:
- #
- # Reviewed-by: Bogus J. Simpson <bogus@simpson.com>
- # Reviewed-by: "Bogus J. Simpson" <bogus@simpson.com>
- # Reviewed-by: bogus@simpson.com
- # Cc: <stable@vger.kernel.org> # v6.9
- # Tested-by: Moo Cow <foo@bar.com> # powerpc
+ # First, does this line match any of the headers we
+ # know about?
m = self.r1.match(l)
if not m:
- (name, addr) = email.utils.parseaddr(m.expand(r'\g<2>'))
+ rightside = m.expand(r'\g<2>')
- # This last split removes anything after a hash mark,
- # because someone could have provided an improperly
- # formatted email address:
- #
- # Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org # v6.19+
- #
- # emailutils doesn't seem to catch this, and I can't
- # fully tell from RFC2822 that this isn't allowed. I
- # think it is because dtext doesn't forbid spaces or
- # hash marks.
- addr_list.append(addr.split('#')[0])
+ n = self.r2.match(rightside)
+ if n:
+ # Break the line into an array of addresses,
+ # delimited by commas, then handle each
+ # address.
+ addrs = rightside.split(',')
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f"0LINE:{rightside}:ADDRS:{addrs}:M:{n}")
+ for addr in addrs:
+ a = self._handle_addr(addr)
+ addr_list.append(a)
+ else:
+ # Otherwise treat the line as a single email
+ # address.
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f"1LINE:{rightside}:M:{n}")
+ a = self._handle_addr(rightside)
+ addr_list.append(a)
return sorted(set(addr_list))