From patchwork Fri Apr 21 23:14:19 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Nhat Pham X-Patchwork-Id: 13220791 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2062BC77B78 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:28 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix) id 914AE6B0072; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:27 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 40) id 89D546B0074; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:27 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 63042) id 6A1206B0075; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:27 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5C1EC6B0072 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:27 -0400 (EDT) Received: from (a10.router.float.18 []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 175C8140980 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:27 +0000 (UTC) X-FDA: 80706954174.10.E371FB8 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 44C9F180007 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:25 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=20221208 header.b=qpzapAUX; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (policy=none) ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20220608; t=1682118865; h=from:from:sender:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date: message-id:message-id:to:to:cc:cc:mime-version:mime-version: content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-transfer-encoding: in-reply-to:in-reply-to:references:references:dkim-signature; bh=Leee/43AWJ8Q1BedRn9GrIwj8H1dQXKt4vvVqdpQ7zA=; b=HRoi3Ji5yKDvOGdVWu5oYx4PaoK7rA6fknOeygyp/WAVETaiQnk4bCikoi2LwDI2w2zIiV xYust69gDBQMiO30EB5xmKt4od0mGFI7jy+mvqz2GsOlazOtHWd25J2Mr95ekfke2glaR9 2JcMjzvK6tOPRHhvfca0a4VfQ3mEuBI= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=20221208 header.b=qpzapAUX; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (policy=none) ARC-Seal: i=1; s=arc-20220608;; t=1682118865; a=rsa-sha256; cv=none; b=rN+g+XKPpqzYNNBtUOiHT6ooMRCFdffTankICWBSef0hl/6ADwhT3Rg0qIerkzUoit1T0h KDsdIZ3kTG9JIBp5QLQYrzkVv/+ZAoxm3sH6dPqTKkq1NkLpH5HLLLB8uDZ1MPCh8tC00p B8SMJpQAPsjsvr+Sfa71e7ii585M8EY= Received: by with SMTP id 98e67ed59e1d1-24756a12ba0so1870731a91.1 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:24 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20221208; t=1682118864; x=1684710864; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=Leee/43AWJ8Q1BedRn9GrIwj8H1dQXKt4vvVqdpQ7zA=; b=qpzapAUXJSG/VSkZAcIof66MBA6g3b5FkbFLwfeFp6lMkj0KeYA1L2DPWCUCaX55b5 58lTt9YmvZsiyymOOCAk1pfZ/4vUUtyyDnCugENVZXo4Hts19czpCzfJJhQdTQVATqpc F3h4ciihVzkjEXCDGwMyDIHET8jZyOYQ2605i0A57uWLfHS3FTFz3IIfVn5SxGUhpz9F 8HkwegZeAySWkFzBKLskrElCF4Ea09TTATHVpywkd2zF1/+QTMgxTwbsFAuHj2m29EHR KhLKgIH/IRj6bN7bwRXiWqDcfq4/mfKnK7XnACVL4VYU706AaMLstyWVcDIw9A53QPrk +27Q== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20221208; t=1682118864; x=1684710864; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=Leee/43AWJ8Q1BedRn9GrIwj8H1dQXKt4vvVqdpQ7zA=; b=g7eAYz+o9iejEXHi19lxaj/sKpfcWjf4mNnSnrfu2aAf0AePPvUSpZ1R0H8z/eF0Pe kW+HJfIdN3sDGY01cMKO31cQ9VvZOu0Dg/3RCsMTmAkEKpjOlDT+BJFF/1IJPAyjyHYW N7YnIGEY9gjbXdzNrOd7G5y0Q9gzM54OuqmhZcvnfZ4owYKjewRObZ/UU7qPpTRmF+D8 H42zntDxBfQb5oIYaMF5oA3q5uUT6j+fUAFmJs+Y1CBSbTNM6dgZu26j8P2YHTI75FF8 NXNPM2dqLXPHigbamwDUBb9Ec6wamEUIcxAMLVMh5cuPzVuIh5M0Rk8hLhDWtIwEbDLg fbaw== X-Gm-Message-State: AAQBX9cTD/+iXfWPSaTMMddnHbptP4E/80jy/4Z/H9vkzEYosBhDPwjU eLyvaMJE8QQhFyp+9dQyExE= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AKy350bcFaY1hRgAoGPvRk70m6ChPhjgG1GESyjlVu0QqKyDnYX0AUVVRTS5wsIqL6PrFbsOH7i/4A== X-Received: by 2002:a17:90a:fb95:b0:248:839e:551 with SMTP id cp21-20020a17090afb9500b00248839e0551mr6469738pjb.35.1682118864039; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:24 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost ( [2a03:2880:ff:4::face:b00c]) by with ESMTPSA id y8-20020a17090a784800b002476ee46dbfsm4808420pjl.57.2023. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Nhat Pham To: Cc:,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v12 1/3] workingset: refactor LRU refault to expose refault recency check Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:19 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Rspamd-Server: rspam05 X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: 44C9F180007 X-Stat-Signature: 4j7o3hcr7c4kskyo3qb9n4w4hsg59jzn X-Rspam-User: X-HE-Tag: 1682118865-949174 X-HE-Meta: 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 m9gId5gy BBGBmxuA9lbQSy8fopy6WaBSRX2G25QhE2v/QDnFGEUjWNl+5xGUL48ju3ufcyuyO06EKJUGxkCvnbxd92aVLzu4bGnAHJLQ6Ff25VMaqxV4SIwXpmdcUnyJlD56voRVGuJWF3Z13sG07i+n1iEAbLYTNqCqB2LmlG1yqjspNA4HQYCYkjVbzgqfF+yUbjPFag0GPo3MbpJ7abIGJBteR06Qy0+AmR8XASWFsyReELC87bzIOhL1DeeDeH1bTbgfAgY/xIu7A62wxIfztc1C92UqCQWWj+ogc+enY6aQkmdrbMumfy5iGi9ISiCIf66PS315l2wlscNIeDvPnxGkJsa7b91BnjXFXRWiNQ438ASwaZ7DlFfFk4mxFFgUca3gcTB/Alg1g3wqaQlnAnJQkHYqC+Cy9WHhuRJm1jycXeoZXVJA= X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.2.4 Sender: Precedence: bulk X-Loop: List-ID: In preparation for computing recently evicted pages in cachestat, refactor workingset_refault and lru_gen_refault to expose a helper function that would test if an evicted page is recently evicted. Signed-off-by: Nhat Pham --- include/linux/swap.h | 1 + mm/workingset.c | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) diff --git a/include/linux/swap.h b/include/linux/swap.h index 7f7d5b9ddf7e..417d965d46d0 100644 --- a/include/linux/swap.h +++ b/include/linux/swap.h @@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ static inline void folio_set_swap_entry(struct folio *folio, swp_entry_t entry) } /* linux/mm/workingset.c */ +bool workingset_test_recent(void *shadow, bool file, bool *workingset); void workingset_age_nonresident(struct lruvec *lruvec, unsigned long nr_pages); void *workingset_eviction(struct folio *folio, struct mem_cgroup *target_memcg); void workingset_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow); diff --git a/mm/workingset.c b/mm/workingset.c index 817758951886..d81f9dafc9f1 100644 --- a/mm/workingset.c +++ b/mm/workingset.c @@ -255,6 +255,29 @@ static void *lru_gen_eviction(struct folio *folio) return pack_shadow(mem_cgroup_id(memcg), pgdat, token, refs); } +/* + * Tests if the shadow entry is for a folio that was recently evicted. + * Fills in @memcgid, @pglist_data, @token, @workingset with the values + * unpacked from shadow. + */ +static bool lru_gen_test_recent(void *shadow, bool file, int *memcgid, + struct pglist_data **pgdat, unsigned long *token, bool *workingset) +{ + struct mem_cgroup *eviction_memcg; + struct lruvec *lruvec; + struct lru_gen_folio *lrugen; + unsigned long min_seq; + + unpack_shadow(shadow, memcgid, pgdat, token, workingset); + eviction_memcg = mem_cgroup_from_id(*memcgid); + + lruvec = mem_cgroup_lruvec(eviction_memcg, *pgdat); + lrugen = &lruvec->lrugen; + + min_seq = READ_ONCE(lrugen->min_seq[file]); + return (*token >> LRU_REFS_WIDTH) == (min_seq & (EVICTION_MASK >> LRU_REFS_WIDTH)); +} + static void lru_gen_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) { int hist, tier, refs; @@ -269,23 +292,22 @@ static void lru_gen_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) int type = folio_is_file_lru(folio); int delta = folio_nr_pages(folio); - unpack_shadow(shadow, &memcg_id, &pgdat, &token, &workingset); - - if (pgdat != folio_pgdat(folio)) - return; - rcu_read_lock(); + if (!lru_gen_test_recent(shadow, type, &memcg_id, &pgdat, &token, + &workingset)) + goto unlock; + memcg = folio_memcg_rcu(folio); if (memcg_id != mem_cgroup_id(memcg)) goto unlock; + if (pgdat != folio_pgdat(folio)) + return; + lruvec = mem_cgroup_lruvec(memcg, pgdat); lrugen = &lruvec->lrugen; - min_seq = READ_ONCE(lrugen->min_seq[type]); - if ((token >> LRU_REFS_WIDTH) != (min_seq & (EVICTION_MASK >> LRU_REFS_WIDTH))) - goto unlock; hist = lru_hist_from_seq(min_seq); /* see the comment in folio_lru_refs() */ @@ -317,6 +339,12 @@ static void *lru_gen_eviction(struct folio *folio) return NULL; } +static bool lru_gen_test_recent(void *shadow, bool file, int *memcgid, + struct pglist_data **pgdat, unsigned long *token, bool *workingset) +{ + return false; +} + static void lru_gen_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) { } @@ -385,42 +413,34 @@ void *workingset_eviction(struct folio *folio, struct mem_cgroup *target_memcg) } /** - * workingset_refault - Evaluate the refault of a previously evicted folio. - * @folio: The freshly allocated replacement folio. - * @shadow: Shadow entry of the evicted folio. - * - * Calculates and evaluates the refault distance of the previously - * evicted folio in the context of the node and the memcg whose memory - * pressure caused the eviction. + * workingset_test_recent - tests if the shadow entry is for a folio that was + * recently evicted. Also fills in @workingset with the value unpacked from + * shadow. + * @shadow: the shadow entry to be tested. + * @file: whether the corresponding folio is from the file lru. + * @workingset: where the workingset value unpacked from shadow should + * be stored. + * + * Return: true if the shadow is for a recently evicted folio; false otherwise. */ -void workingset_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) +bool workingset_test_recent(void *shadow, bool file, bool *workingset) { - bool file = folio_is_file_lru(folio); struct mem_cgroup *eviction_memcg; struct lruvec *eviction_lruvec; unsigned long refault_distance; unsigned long workingset_size; - struct pglist_data *pgdat; - struct mem_cgroup *memcg; - unsigned long eviction; - struct lruvec *lruvec; unsigned long refault; - bool workingset; int memcgid; - long nr; + struct pglist_data *pgdat; + unsigned long eviction; - if (lru_gen_enabled()) { - lru_gen_refault(folio, shadow); - return; - } + if (lru_gen_enabled()) + return lru_gen_test_recent(shadow, file, &memcgid, &pgdat, &eviction, + workingset); - unpack_shadow(shadow, &memcgid, &pgdat, &eviction, &workingset); + unpack_shadow(shadow, &memcgid, &pgdat, &eviction, workingset); eviction <<= bucket_order; - /* Flush stats (and potentially sleep) before holding RCU read lock */ - mem_cgroup_flush_stats_ratelimited(); - - rcu_read_lock(); /* * Look up the memcg associated with the stored ID. It might * have been deleted since the folio's eviction. @@ -439,7 +459,8 @@ void workingset_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) */ eviction_memcg = mem_cgroup_from_id(memcgid); if (!mem_cgroup_disabled() && !eviction_memcg) - goto out; + return false; + eviction_lruvec = mem_cgroup_lruvec(eviction_memcg, pgdat); refault = atomic_long_read(&eviction_lruvec->nonresident_age); @@ -461,20 +482,6 @@ void workingset_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) */ refault_distance = (refault - eviction) & EVICTION_MASK; - /* - * The activation decision for this folio is made at the level - * where the eviction occurred, as that is where the LRU order - * during folio reclaim is being determined. - * - * However, the cgroup that will own the folio is the one that - * is actually experiencing the refault event. - */ - nr = folio_nr_pages(folio); - memcg = folio_memcg(folio); - pgdat = folio_pgdat(folio); - lruvec = mem_cgroup_lruvec(memcg, pgdat); - - mod_lruvec_state(lruvec, WORKINGSET_REFAULT_BASE + file, nr); /* * Compare the distance to the existing workingset size. We * don't activate pages that couldn't stay resident even if @@ -495,7 +502,54 @@ void workingset_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) NR_INACTIVE_ANON); } } - if (refault_distance > workingset_size) + + return refault_distance <= workingset_size; +} + +/** + * workingset_refault - Evaluate the refault of a previously evicted folio. + * @folio: The freshly allocated replacement folio. + * @shadow: Shadow entry of the evicted folio. + * + * Calculates and evaluates the refault distance of the previously + * evicted folio in the context of the node and the memcg whose memory + * pressure caused the eviction. + */ +void workingset_refault(struct folio *folio, void *shadow) +{ + bool file = folio_is_file_lru(folio); + struct pglist_data *pgdat; + struct mem_cgroup *memcg; + struct lruvec *lruvec; + bool workingset; + long nr; + + if (lru_gen_enabled()) { + lru_gen_refault(folio, shadow); + return; + } + + /* Flush stats (and potentially sleep) before holding RCU read lock */ + mem_cgroup_flush_stats_ratelimited(); + + rcu_read_lock(); + + /* + * The activation decision for this folio is made at the level + * where the eviction occurred, as that is where the LRU order + * during folio reclaim is being determined. + * + * However, the cgroup that will own the folio is the one that + * is actually experiencing the refault event. + */ + nr = folio_nr_pages(folio); + memcg = folio_memcg(folio); + pgdat = folio_pgdat(folio); + lruvec = mem_cgroup_lruvec(memcg, pgdat); + + mod_lruvec_state(lruvec, WORKINGSET_REFAULT_BASE + file, nr); + + if (!workingset_test_recent(shadow, file, &workingset)) goto out; folio_set_active(folio); From patchwork Fri Apr 21 23:14:20 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Nhat Pham X-Patchwork-Id: 13220793 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 63775C7618E for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:32 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix) id D8E766B0075; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 40) id D0F416B007B; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 63042) id A989F6B007D; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 880C46B0078 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) Received: from (a10.router.float.18 []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6C71C406D1 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:29 +0000 (UTC) X-FDA: 80706954258.04.FC36F77 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9603F14000A for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:26 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=20221208 header.b=kfwSY6f0; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (policy=none) ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20220608; t=1682118866; h=from:from:sender:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date: message-id:message-id:to:to:cc:cc:mime-version:mime-version: content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-transfer-encoding: in-reply-to:in-reply-to:references:references:dkim-signature; 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b=kfwSY6f0IiHQ83EKq+8fPIhQNUZ51f3wMi/7nO5E33B7omiMKTq4icFJ8woYXbKHE0 ecE24EWuzguJy7xbyH5MfD4Yo+n30oWkzMIGHyp8OgZ6pNwKolpTUCX/fAQrEIxuO28H eI35YLeCttr+AlQCAndN2pGawMlMXj74jguEJIBt575QmEAqeJcl2n8J97JEdfKF1O35 2rgSsjS1Nm5vfBJ7EX4jflaSLbKLlV0PsKzWCcP4TeuIDEor+IYmip2CBN2l3OEeNbNp v4J+IiQ6hBTrSKA/cbj/UVB2AdQOejRJRAwviBtggFDhQIHieCbexWkjdIguXQYasKWT vd4Q== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20221208; t=1682118865; x=1684710865; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=9dqKy60CX3/KJP20MR9vU5MIJh4mYidM/aaWRmoWoHc=; b=dHxFa3Sjrqk0+lAtb7WjJc15jvp9yXzkJ69LR8Ztbhbi2L6sfSH7UeW2cy0fe/axoj dPgYKmOCg72BQnnbnUhaGr/ay4Oc3TKQTnfYMSDIeozoVikDkUru8yEQfnCOqOpxq7A6 x95TvO+zbOYIacpIVd48Yk1cynVf9ICB6on17edHROve65uKUse+3Y0fEQK+0shCwh96 TtdIDnsSrpUWPtkc+FuVREBGgHWVuV6hajEPLMFDsq6xrBGfWj3Gx7ntPajrQ6u87N9t vb4Z9rHpNIdlI60yMl1a2E2XKa0axLBnYZTNFVXcn/a9HK+o92VoUIwKQqKAOPySEUmc ZHBA== X-Gm-Message-State: AAQBX9fNfBYS3AziVJYENcKXpY0s1uhxsPuqguCyAoqNnurObVmCgLhR T5BGSuLeXcxhRxZgaAiXf3Q= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AKy350YroBZn3WcX73O9qs263FQj8qQFF16lTr/m+D5eIjIJ+aRiOM5FxW+/U1OVoeNGGpffOCibpA== X-Received: by 2002:a17:903:228b:b0:1a6:46e0:6a15 with SMTP id b11-20020a170903228b00b001a646e06a15mr8024372plh.44.1682118865236; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:25 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost ( [2a03:2880:ff:17::face:b00c]) by with ESMTPSA id p4-20020a1709026b8400b001a51f75ed5fsm3159972plk.242.2023. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Nhat Pham To: Cc:,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v12 2/3] cachestat: implement cachestat syscall Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:20 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Rspamd-Server: rspam05 X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: 9603F14000A X-Stat-Signature: 1rjusn9px4e5wog435cdkhgr5ikzzw7f X-Rspam-User: X-HE-Tag: 1682118866-931381 X-HE-Meta: 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 RZqP6Omo kSpcC+zJmcD6GlUs7fAazHJ7mn8Oqube9NCdzXulQ0m6XYWN5Go0vtjR0mNZp7jvuga0yQ5Wk318/PmN4umZhFwWtiKvgSt+ft6sATQ5DYeKq45w2rB1Cc130aL/SfFy5As+Si6JIgTDbFIImaKhnWmrAbAAzu7+83EWh9JAjVtBL7PM/T8/AfJNZrT/haSp4FG0mslRAU+9jVYDjvYIzyLMk7Pe2vvGYaa6VM04Q8OoMJ+pxWA6fLPZSWHh9d3XYviQP1lrVl2YNEQNvNGUa+fs/evU1B6XdGPu5rwqu/JN6UUtcZvYbF4zkvaofNR+JiKZJ207/nQWaF0CwMcAjtaU+TqQOzg6dz/5JYbuhmwzwky+jadKEaxjAAouGgIMGk1lrlQbkvhPXym/KWu7x8Otkc6nPYCyH1B7HZMPZSMIUTNcrIm5jsuof6LQ5AjfZo+7oAM+a8fk8FvxT0zgiZgfz9hU9fRJlnm0i9SiDmyj5xfj6cVBnqI5uTJ2PxZLNDK/CyHfHhh0uT0FVDJAX1cC/E1D3gqbf0+Id X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.2.4 Sender: Precedence: bulk X-Loop: List-ID: There is currently no good way to query the page cache state of large file sets and directory trees. There is mincore(), but it scales poorly: the kernel writes out a lot of bitmap data that userspace has to aggregate, when the user really doesn not care about per-page information in that case. The user also needs to mmap and unmap each file as it goes along, which can be quite slow as well. A couple of use cases where this information could come in handy: * Deciding whether to perform an index scan or direct table queries based on the in-memory cache state of the index. * Visibility into the writeback algorithm, for performance issues diagnostic. * Userspace writeback advise - balancing between integrity and IO utilization. * Computing memory usage of large files/directory trees, analogous to the du tool for disk usage. More information about these use cases could be found in the following thread: This patch implements a new syscall that queries cache state of a file and summarizes the number of cached pages, number of dirty pages, number of pages marked for writeback, number of (recently) evicted pages, etc. in a given range. Currently, the syscall is only wired in for x86 architecture. NAME cachestat - query the page cache statistics of a file. SYNOPSIS #include struct cachestat { __u64 nr_cache; __u64 nr_dirty; __u64 nr_writeback; __u64 nr_evicted; __u64 nr_recently_evicted; }; int cachestat(unsigned int fd, size_t len, loff_t off, struct cachestat *cstat, unsigned int flags); DESCRIPTION cachestat() queries the number of cached pages, number of dirty pages, number of pages marked for writeback, number of evicted pages, number of recently evicted pages, in the bytes range given by `off` and `len`. An evicted page is a page that is previously in the page cache but has been evicted since. A page is recently evicted if its last eviction was recent enough that its reentry to the cache would indicate that it is actively being used by the system, and that there is memory pressure on the system. These values are returned in a cachestat struct, whose address is given by the `cstat` argument. The `off` and `len` arguments must be non-negative integers. If `len` > 0, the queried range is [`off`, `off` + `len`]. If `len` == 0, we will query in the range from `off` to the end of the file. The `flags` argument is unused for now, but is included for future extensibility. User should pass 0 (i.e no flag specified). Currently, hugetlbfs is not supported. Because the status of a page can change after cachestat() checks it but before it returns to the application, the returned values may contain stale information. RETURN VALUE On success, cachestat returns 0. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS EFAULT cstat points to an invalid address. EINVAL invalid offset or flags. EBADF invalid file descriptor. EOPNOTSUPP file descriptor is of a hugetlbfs file Signed-off-by: Nhat Pham --- arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl | 1 + arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl | 1 + include/linux/compat.h | 4 + include/linux/syscalls.h | 3 + include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h | 5 +- include/uapi/linux/mman.h | 9 ++ init/Kconfig | 10 ++ kernel/sys_ni.c | 1 + mm/filemap.c | 179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9 files changed, 212 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl b/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl index 320480a8db4f..01d1cc009250 100644 --- a/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl +++ b/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl @@ -455,3 +455,4 @@ 448 i386 process_mrelease sys_process_mrelease 449 i386 futex_waitv sys_futex_waitv 450 i386 set_mempolicy_home_node sys_set_mempolicy_home_node +451 i386 cachestat sys_cachestat compat_sys_cachestat diff --git a/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl b/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl index c84d12608cd2..227538b0ce80 100644 --- a/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl +++ b/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl @@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ 448 common process_mrelease sys_process_mrelease 449 common futex_waitv sys_futex_waitv 450 common set_mempolicy_home_node sys_set_mempolicy_home_node +451 common cachestat sys_cachestat # # Due to a historical design error, certain syscalls are numbered differently diff --git a/include/linux/compat.h b/include/linux/compat.h index 44b1736c95b5..ed7227603c7e 100644 --- a/include/linux/compat.h +++ b/include/linux/compat.h @@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ struct compat_sysctl_args; struct compat_kexec_segment; struct compat_mq_attr; struct compat_msgbuf; +struct cachestat; void copy_siginfo_to_external32(struct compat_siginfo *to, const struct kernel_siginfo *from); @@ -815,6 +816,9 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_recvmsg(int fd, struct compat_msghdr __user *msg, unsigned int flags); /* mm/filemap.c: No generic prototype for readahead */ +asmlinkage long compat_sys_cachestat(unsigned int fd, size_t len, + compat_arg_u64(off), struct cachestat __user *cstat, + unsigned int flags); /* security/keys/keyctl.c */ asmlinkage long compat_sys_keyctl(u32 option, diff --git a/include/linux/syscalls.h b/include/linux/syscalls.h index 33a0ee3bcb2e..73c174fda520 100644 --- a/include/linux/syscalls.h +++ b/include/linux/syscalls.h @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ struct open_how; struct mount_attr; struct landlock_ruleset_attr; enum landlock_rule_type; +struct cachestat; #include #include @@ -1058,6 +1059,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_memfd_secret(unsigned int flags); asmlinkage long sys_set_mempolicy_home_node(unsigned long start, unsigned long len, unsigned long home_node, unsigned long flags); +asmlinkage long sys_cachestat(unsigned int fd, size_t len, loff_t offset, + struct cachestat __user *cstat, unsigned int flags); /* * Architecture-specific system calls diff --git a/include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h b/include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h index 45fa180cc56a..dc5fcfee7f09 100644 --- a/include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h +++ b/include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h @@ -886,8 +886,11 @@ __SYSCALL(__NR_futex_waitv, sys_futex_waitv) #define __NR_set_mempolicy_home_node 450 __SYSCALL(__NR_set_mempolicy_home_node, sys_set_mempolicy_home_node) +#define __NR_cachestat 451 +__SC_COMP(__NR_cachestat, sys_cachestat, compat_sys_cachestat) + #undef __NR_syscalls -#define __NR_syscalls 451 +#define __NR_syscalls 452 /* * 32 bit systems traditionally used different diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/mman.h b/include/uapi/linux/mman.h index f55bc680b5b0..fe03ed0b7587 100644 --- a/include/uapi/linux/mman.h +++ b/include/uapi/linux/mman.h @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #include #include +#include #define MREMAP_MAYMOVE 1 #define MREMAP_FIXED 2 @@ -41,4 +42,12 @@ #define MAP_HUGE_2GB HUGETLB_FLAG_ENCODE_2GB #define MAP_HUGE_16GB HUGETLB_FLAG_ENCODE_16GB +struct cachestat { + __u64 nr_cache; + __u64 nr_dirty; + __u64 nr_writeback; + __u64 nr_evicted; + __u64 nr_recently_evicted; +}; + #endif /* _UAPI_LINUX_MMAN_H */ diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig index 1fb5f313d18f..10de68cbd6b6 100644 --- a/init/Kconfig +++ b/init/Kconfig @@ -1837,6 +1837,16 @@ config RSEQ If unsure, say Y. +config CACHESTAT_SYSCALL + bool "Enable cachestat() system call" if EXPERT + default y + help + Enable the cachestat system call, which queries the page cache + statistics of a file (number of cached pages, dirty pages, + pages marked for writeback, (recently) evicted pages). + + If unsure say Y here. + config DEBUG_RSEQ default n bool "Enabled debugging of rseq() system call" if EXPERT diff --git a/kernel/sys_ni.c b/kernel/sys_ni.c index 860b2dcf3ac4..04bfb1e4d377 100644 --- a/kernel/sys_ni.c +++ b/kernel/sys_ni.c @@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ COND_SYSCALL(set_mempolicy); COND_SYSCALL(migrate_pages); COND_SYSCALL(move_pages); COND_SYSCALL(set_mempolicy_home_node); +COND_SYSCALL(cachestat); COND_SYSCALL(perf_event_open); COND_SYSCALL(accept4); diff --git a/mm/filemap.c b/mm/filemap.c index a34abfe8c654..9819722569a5 100644 --- a/mm/filemap.c +++ b/mm/filemap.c @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -57,6 +58,9 @@ #include /* for try_to_free_buffers */ #include +#include + +#include "swap.h" /* * Shared mappings implemented 30.11.1994. It's not fully working yet, @@ -4119,3 +4123,178 @@ bool filemap_release_folio(struct folio *folio, gfp_t gfp) return try_to_free_buffers(folio); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(filemap_release_folio); + +/** + * filemap_cachestat() - compute the page cache statistics of a mapping + * @mapping: The mapping to compute the statistics for. + * @first_index: The starting page cache index. + * @last_index: The final page index (inclusive). + * @cs: the cachestat struct to write the result to. + * + * This will query the page cache statistics of a mapping in the + * page range of [first_index, last_index] (inclusive). The statistics + * queried include: number of dirty pages, number of pages marked for + * writeback, and the number of (recently) evicted pages. + */ +static void filemap_cachestat(struct address_space *mapping, pgoff_t first_index, + pgoff_t last_index, struct cachestat *cs) +{ + XA_STATE(xas, &mapping->i_pages, first_index); + struct folio *folio; + + rcu_read_lock(); + xas_for_each(&xas, folio, last_index) { + unsigned long nr_pages; + pgoff_t folio_first_index, folio_last_index; + + if (xas_retry(&xas, folio)) + continue; + + if (xa_is_value(folio)) { + /* page is evicted */ + void *shadow = (void *)folio; + bool workingset; /* not used */ + int order = xa_get_order(xas.xa, xas.xa_index); + + nr_pages = 1 << order; + /* rounds down to the nearest multiple of 2^order */ + folio_first_index = xas.xa_index >> order << order; + folio_last_index = folio_first_index + nr_pages - 1; + + /* Folios might straddle the range boundaries, only count covered pages */ + if (folio_first_index < first_index) + nr_pages -= first_index - folio_first_index; + + if (folio_last_index > last_index) + nr_pages -= folio_last_index - last_index; + + cs->nr_evicted += nr_pages; + +#ifdef CONFIG_SWAP /* implies CONFIG_MMU */ + if (shmem_mapping(mapping)) { + /* shmem file - in swap cache */ + swp_entry_t swp = radix_to_swp_entry(folio); + + shadow = get_shadow_from_swap_cache(swp); + } +#endif + if (workingset_test_recent(shadow, true, &workingset)) + cs->nr_recently_evicted += nr_pages; + + goto resched; + } + + nr_pages = folio_nr_pages(folio); + folio_first_index = folio_pgoff(folio); + folio_last_index = folio_first_index + nr_pages - 1; + + /* Folios might straddle the range boundaries, only count covered pages */ + if (folio_first_index < first_index) + nr_pages -= first_index - folio_first_index; + + if (folio_last_index > last_index) + nr_pages -= folio_last_index - last_index; + + /* page is in cache */ + cs->nr_cache += nr_pages; + + if (folio_test_dirty(folio)) + cs->nr_dirty += nr_pages; + + if (folio_test_writeback(folio)) + cs->nr_writeback += nr_pages; + +resched: + if (need_resched()) { + xas_pause(&xas); + cond_resched_rcu(); + } + } + rcu_read_unlock(); +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_CACHESTAT_SYSCALL +static long ksys_cachestat(unsigned int fd, size_t len, loff_t off, + struct cachestat __user *cstat, unsigned int flags) +{ + struct fd f = fdget(fd); + struct address_space *mapping; + struct cachestat cs; + pgoff_t first_index = off >> PAGE_SHIFT; + pgoff_t last_index = + len == 0 ? ULONG_MAX : (off + len - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT; + + if (!f.file) + return -EBADF; + + /* hugetlbfs is not supported */ + if (is_file_hugepages(f.file)) { + fdput(f); + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + if (off < 0 || flags != 0) { + fdput(f); + return -EINVAL; + } + + memset(&cs, 0, sizeof(struct cachestat)); + mapping = f.file->f_mapping; + filemap_cachestat(mapping, first_index, last_index, &cs); + fdput(f); + + if (copy_to_user(cstat, &cs, sizeof(struct cachestat))) + return -EFAULT; + + return 0; +} + +/* + * The cachestat(5) system call. + * + * cachestat() returns the page cache statistics of a file in the + * bytes range specified by `off` and `len`: number of cached pages, + * number of dirty pages, number of pages marked for writeback, + * number of evicted pages, and number of recently evicted pages. + * + * An evicted page is a page that is previously in the page cache + * but has been evicted since. A page is recently evicted if its last + * eviction was recent enough that its reentry to the cache would + * indicate that it is actively being used by the system, and that + * there is memory pressure on the system. + * + * `off` and `len` must be non-negative integers. If `len` > 0, + * the queried range is [`off`, `off` + `len`]. If `len` == 0, + * we will query in the range from `off` to the end of the file. + * + * The `flags` argument is unused for now, but is included for future + * extensibility. User should pass 0 (i.e no flag specified). + * + * Currently, hugetlbfs is not supported. + * + * Because the status of a page can change after cachestat() checks it + * but before it returns to the application, the returned values may + * contain stale information. + * + * return values: + * zero - success + * -EFAULT - cstat points to an illegal address + * -EINVAL - invalid arguments + * -EBADF - invalid file descriptor + * -EOPNOTSUPP - file descriptor is of a hugetlbfs file + */ +SYSCALL_DEFINE5(cachestat, unsigned int, fd, size_t, len, loff_t, off, + struct cachestat __user *, cstat, unsigned int, flags) +{ + return ksys_cachestat(fd, len, off, cstat, flags); +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT +COMPAT_SYSCALL_DEFINE6(cachestat, unsigned int, fd, size_t, len, + compat_arg_u64_dual(off), struct cachestat __user *, cstat, + unsigned int, flags) +{ + return ksys_cachestat(fd, len, compat_arg_u64_glue(off), cstat, flags); +} +#endif +#endif /* CONFIG_CACHESTAT_SYSCALL */ From patchwork Fri Apr 21 23:14:21 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Nhat Pham X-Patchwork-Id: 13220792 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 369DEC77B76 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:31 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix) id B5F036B0074; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 40) id AE7436B0075; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 63042) id 8CF876B007B; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7B03F6B0074 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:14:30 -0400 (EDT) Received: from (a10.router.float.18 []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7C0D7406D4 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:29 +0000 (UTC) X-FDA: 80706954258.27.6098B60 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A78F7140014 for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:14:27 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=20221208 header.b="gHAmo/FT"; 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Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:26 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost ( [2a03:2880:ff:2::face:b00c]) by with ESMTPSA id ij8-20020a170902ab4800b0019c93ee6902sm3171579plb.109.2023. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:26 -0700 (PDT) From: Nhat Pham To: Cc:,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v12 3/3] selftests: Add selftests for cachestat Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:14:21 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: A78F7140014 X-Stat-Signature: outynxmync89icgt1ajdeydrnuxipxwn X-Rspam-User: X-Rspamd-Server: rspam08 X-HE-Tag: 1682118867-312047 X-HE-Meta: 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 fzFj1Fkv 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 X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.2.4 Sender: Precedence: bulk X-Loop: List-ID: Test cachestat on a newly created file, /dev/ files, and /proc/ files. Also test on a shmem file (which can also be tested with huge pages since tmpfs supports huge pages). Signed-off-by: Nhat Pham --- MAINTAINERS | 7 + tools/testing/selftests/Makefile | 1 + tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/.gitignore | 2 + tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/Makefile | 8 + .../selftests/cachestat/test_cachestat.c | 257 ++++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 275 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/.gitignore create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/Makefile create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/test_cachestat.c diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 1b48ddff4159..072159a79e57 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -4490,6 +4490,13 @@ S: Supported F: Documentation/filesystems/caching/cachefiles.rst F: fs/cachefiles/ +CACHESTAT: PAGE CACHE STATS FOR A FILE +M: Nhat Pham +M: Johannes Weiner +L: +S: Maintained +F: tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/test_cachestat.c + CADENCE MIPI-CSI2 BRIDGES M: Maxime Ripard L: diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile index 13a6837a0c6b..93dbf0f0e814 100644 --- a/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ TARGETS += amd-pstate TARGETS += arm64 TARGETS += bpf TARGETS += breakpoints +TARGETS += cachestat TARGETS += capabilities TARGETS += cgroup TARGETS += clone3 diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/.gitignore b/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d6c30b43a4bb --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only +test_cachestat diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fca73aaa7d14 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +TEST_GEN_PROGS := test_cachestat + +CFLAGS += $(KHDR_INCLUDES) +CFLAGS += -Wall +CFLAGS += -lrt + +include ../ diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/test_cachestat.c b/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/test_cachestat.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f62ffb30f8ca --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/cachestat/test_cachestat.c @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +#define _GNU_SOURCE + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../kselftest.h" + +static const char * const dev_files[] = { + "/dev/zero", "/dev/null", "/dev/urandom", + "/proc/version", "/proc" +}; +static const int cachestat_nr = 451; + +void print_cachestat(struct cachestat *cs) +{ + ksft_print_msg( + "Using cachestat: Cached: %lu, Dirty: %lu, Writeback: %lu, Evicted: %lu, Recently Evicted: %lu\n", + cs->nr_cache, cs->nr_dirty, cs->nr_writeback, + cs->nr_evicted, cs->nr_recently_evicted); +} + +bool write_exactly(int fd, size_t filesize) +{ + char data[filesize]; + bool ret = true; + int random_fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); + + if (random_fd < 0) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to access urandom.\n"); + ret = false; + goto out; + } else { + int remained = filesize; + char *cursor = data; + + while (remained) { + ssize_t read_len = read(random_fd, cursor, remained); + + if (read_len <= 0) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to read from urandom.\n"); + ret = false; + goto close_random_fd; + } + + remained -= read_len; + cursor += read_len; + } + + /* write random data to fd */ + remained = filesize; + cursor = data; + while (remained) { + ssize_t write_len = write(fd, cursor, remained); + + if (write_len <= 0) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable write random data to file.\n"); + ret = false; + goto close_random_fd; + } + + remained -= write_len; + cursor += write_len; + } + } + +close_random_fd: + close(random_fd); +out: + return ret; +} + +/* + * Open/create the file at filename, (optionally) write random data to it + * (exactly num_pages), then test the cachestat syscall on this file. + * + * If test_fsync == true, fsync the file, then check the number of dirty + * pages. + */ +bool test_cachestat(const char *filename, bool write_random, bool create, + bool test_fsync, unsigned long num_pages, int open_flags, + mode_t open_mode) +{ + size_t PS = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); + int filesize = num_pages * PS; + bool ret = true; + long syscall_ret; + struct cachestat cs; + + int fd = open(filename, open_flags, open_mode); + + if (fd == -1) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to create/open file.\n"); + ret = false; + goto out; + } else { + ksft_print_msg("Create/open %s\n", filename); + } + + if (write_random) { + if (!write_exactly(fd, filesize)) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to access urandom.\n"); + ret = false; + goto out1; + } + } + + syscall_ret = syscall(cachestat_nr, fd, filesize, 0, &cs, 0); + + ksft_print_msg("Cachestat call returned %ld\n", syscall_ret); + + if (syscall_ret) { + ksft_print_msg("Cachestat returned non-zero.\n"); + ret = false; + goto out1; + + } else { + print_cachestat(&cs); + + if (write_random) { + if (cs.nr_cache + cs.nr_evicted != num_pages) { + ksft_print_msg( + "Total number of cached and evicted pages is off.\n"); + ret = false; + } + } + } + + if (test_fsync) { + if (fsync(fd)) { + ksft_print_msg("fsync fails.\n"); + ret = false; + } else { + syscall_ret = syscall(cachestat_nr, fd, filesize, 0, &cs, 0); + + ksft_print_msg("Cachestat call (after fsync) returned %ld\n", + syscall_ret); + + if (!syscall_ret) { + print_cachestat(&cs); + + if (cs.nr_dirty) { + ret = false; + ksft_print_msg( + "Number of dirty should be zero after fsync.\n"); + } + } else { + ksft_print_msg("Cachestat (after fsync) returned non-zero.\n"); + ret = false; + goto out1; + } + } + } + +out1: + close(fd); + + if (create) + remove(filename); +out: + return ret; +} + +bool test_cachestat_shmem(void) +{ + size_t PS = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); + size_t filesize = PS * 512 * 2; /* 2 2MB huge pages */ + int syscall_ret; + off_t off = PS; + size_t compute_len = PS * 512; + char *filename = "tmpshmcstat"; + struct cachestat cs; + bool ret = true; + unsigned long num_pages = compute_len / PS; + int fd = shm_open(filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600); + + if (fd < 0) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to create shmem file.\n"); + ret = false; + goto out; + } + + if (ftruncate(fd, filesize)) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to trucate shmem file.\n"); + ret = false; + goto close_fd; + } + + if (!write_exactly(fd, filesize)) { + ksft_print_msg("Unable to write to shmem file.\n"); + ret = false; + goto close_fd; + } + + syscall_ret = syscall(cachestat_nr, fd, compute_len, off, &cs, 0); + + if (syscall_ret) { + ksft_print_msg("Cachestat returned non-zero.\n"); + ret = false; + goto close_fd; + } else { + print_cachestat(&cs); + if (cs.nr_cache + cs.nr_evicted != num_pages) { + ksft_print_msg( + "Total number of cached and evicted pages is off.\n"); + ret = false; + } + } + +close_fd: + shm_unlink(filename); +out: + return ret; +} + +int main(void) +{ + int ret = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { + const char *dev_filename = dev_files[i]; + + if (test_cachestat(dev_filename, false, false, false, + 4, O_RDONLY, 0400)) + ksft_test_result_pass("cachestat works with %s\n", dev_filename); + else { + ksft_test_result_fail("cachestat fails with %s\n", dev_filename); + ret = 1; + } + } + + if (test_cachestat("tmpfilecachestat", true, true, + true, 4, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0400 | 0600)) + ksft_test_result_pass("cachestat works with a normal file\n"); + else { + ksft_test_result_fail("cachestat fails with normal file\n"); + ret = 1; + } + + if (test_cachestat_shmem()) + ksft_test_result_pass("cachestat works with a shmem file\n"); + else { + ksft_test_result_fail("cachestat fails with a shmem file\n"); + ret = 1; + } + + return ret; +}