From patchwork Mon Mar 10 22:58:08 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jeff LaBundy X-Patchwork-Id: 14010851 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 3B9DA1ADC83; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:58:24 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741647510; cv=fail; b=D+bB8OtlkpS6XbjiCuqIBbYd2hLJQDD5d3S+xouKwsw9Qzz9HdBKHvrQvcPPg1UmhRZHZPmG0gfkIj9a4Lkn0jpPTCBy6IKt3YV8rYxcCFJ9/hfyq69W5nWtLpEevx/hwlTUgQ+fG7OTSUdsOde43ljOh2sNcszkx528YP+z1LA= ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741647510; c=relaxed/simple; bh=QypWaajYq7ZGgl7QcK35VgJ17X9PPXhskoq2otVNf+M=; h=Date:From:To:Cc:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type: Content-Disposition:MIME-Version; b=sfc7pyRHZe7xfNx5frDIismQ/Y8m9L9anVwD9WBHIZr3D4U05L8irJyatOg/ah62VFBhM1pIkkvLgK0EyPGg6jCs4wbA1NeuzA0mGZ7fnQBZ2SFga6H43YeECrJBiAIEVS6JyEb3WrxQoUKh8X90d0tzAm7hywUem3Cj1G2YJew= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dmarc=none (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b=dJyAC58g; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=none (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="dJyAC58g" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=Aap+4ANLro2zg2Ny5t3iHrulpNEGF3xXQHKcA8JljFCEJ/VF0eLbSeMrfbhD0JFpirfLzLUY07C9m2S6LPUT2zoy9H7NJIoUx/dxLpyBiJLpOdbwczhxKExD49jNPvbZQu8NlrvDpek6izrmtf7h3Ai6llAvzOxXXHbf906vo4lRpBiBvyEsqWdPT8WkT8KgmyKppUQUeVucTqDB+f0Mofidc1N1QtHJeRKl5iGHQ/Ip5wqv16XhsNqTcwEvb+j0qAw570ZICymg/NvK878XqLFv0MRDSYErxEdZ8ywQWzJiy89rJYHcp3kH6tXYRD/i1OLBSYGyOw9OcDPpvdq9Qw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=a8F3cWCUL5jn3ocvG38YDs6ZlUIEQuKl2FhuCC5sM2w=; b=kTzvRJ7QSKHXth2qT3fiNcuHHFkfQcSJSehHENfmJP9Tsuekiha4GkRNPFYBxzdEsBm7U5TPNvRbvtoGAIuLsSZy7HLnwMZ2Ch5zw9HB3UqzjEBNvq8Sd4SXBdAyXqwKNaBHYutSohPeTRWTUnPv8v3JFTVE7qzfljbhe51ZfxEOPfd11eOw1s11yy0cGKh9Hq4xkK7xjTsRADAhGzkid/ts90l15FTa3ClimzFhBvX/aDSKs5GqVW9CRJw5DO6Aagp/wIBqJQAsCJ9oC/awWZap2U5INcQaFpfeu6dCONYv8WAxub9zsuv2BFHfSiWMVpa8fVR9SlqA2k0TEs/l2g== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1-NETORG5796793-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=a8F3cWCUL5jn3ocvG38YDs6ZlUIEQuKl2FhuCC5sM2w=; b=dJyAC58g1GR5cAtVelSdDxgAplC0jQIketyakzSf3vxOyBxFqJry3mJXSe7KLPKYKa/QqNrszm3+insgR59stk6WcmBa990RFfyVGdW9l+KjzKcosJTTj1b8avMev0wMnYCkKoSx+Pjk1Jc+Ek9RYQQLOFCCCzuaGQndKLpqOSM= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:406:8f::25) by (2603:10b6:806:fa::18) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8511.19; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:58:21 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::b729:b21d:93b4:504d]) by ([fe80::b729:b21d:93b4:504d%4]) with mapi id 15.20.8511.025; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:58:21 +0000 Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:58:08 -0500 From: Jeff LaBundy To:,,, Cc:,, Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Input: remove support for Azoteq IQS269A and IQS626A Message-ID: Content-Disposition: inline X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:806:23::21) To (2603:10b6:406:8f::25) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BN7PR08MB3937:EE_|SA2PR08MB6666:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 97085bd1-f2a4-481d-dc68-08dd60270d37 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;ARA:13230040|366016|1800799024|376014; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230040)(366016)(1800799024)(376014);DIR:OUT;SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 97085bd1-f2a4-481d-dc68-08dd60270d37 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Mar 2025 22:58:20.9954 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 00b69d09-acab-4585-aca7-8fb7c6323e6f X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: xuv1Nfyf+vhuDZ+AyWP2XRh1f1AgcoZ4RW1YdOcezkHZrVOeT+KWCCAshMHCbBrzLR78puXgrBvPgTEQrNX11A== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: SA2PR08MB6666 The vendor no longer recommends IQS269A for new designs, and no longer manufacturers the highly similar IQS626A. No new product development will use either device. Remove both drivers to prune unused code and avoid the need for any further maintenance. Signed-off-by: Jeff LaBundy --- drivers/input/misc/Kconfig | 22 - drivers/input/misc/Makefile | 2 - drivers/input/misc/iqs269a.c | 1976 ---------------------------------- drivers/input/misc/iqs626a.c | 1821 ------------------------------- 4 files changed, 3821 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 drivers/input/misc/iqs269a.c delete mode 100644 drivers/input/misc/iqs626a.c diff --git a/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig b/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig index 13d135257e06..74aa8ed45a13 100644 --- a/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig @@ -785,28 +785,6 @@ config INPUT_IMS_PCU To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called ims_pcu. -config INPUT_IQS269A - tristate "Azoteq IQS269A capacitive touch controller" - depends on I2C - select REGMAP_I2C - help - Say Y to enable support for the Azoteq IQS269A capacitive - touch controller. - - To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the - module will be called iqs269a. - -config INPUT_IQS626A - tristate "Azoteq IQS626A capacitive touch controller" - depends on I2C - select REGMAP_I2C - help - Say Y to enable support for the Azoteq IQS626A capacitive - touch controller. - - To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the - module will be called iqs626a. - config INPUT_IQS7222 tristate "Azoteq IQS7222A/B/C/D capacitive touch controller" depends on I2C diff --git a/drivers/input/misc/Makefile b/drivers/input/misc/Makefile index 6d91804d0a6f..3cc4f77536e0 100644 --- a/drivers/input/misc/Makefile +++ b/drivers/input/misc/Makefile @@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_HISI_POWERKEY) += hisi_powerkey.o obj-$(CONFIG_HP_SDC_RTC) += hp_sdc_rtc.o obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_IBM_PANEL) += ibm-panel.o obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_IMS_PCU) += ims-pcu.o -obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_IQS269A) += iqs269a.o -obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_IQS626A) += iqs626a.o obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_IQS7222) += iqs7222.o obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_KEYSPAN_REMOTE) += keyspan_remote.o obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_KXTJ9) += kxtj9.o diff --git a/drivers/input/misc/iqs269a.c b/drivers/input/misc/iqs269a.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1851848e2cd3..000000000000 --- a/drivers/input/misc/iqs269a.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1976 +0,0 @@ -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ -/* - * Azoteq IQS269A Capacitive Touch Controller - * - * Copyright (C) 2020 Jeff LaBundy - * - * This driver registers up to 3 input devices: one representing capacitive or - * inductive keys as well as Hall-effect switches, and one for each of the two - * axial sliders presented by the device. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#define IQS269_VER_INFO 0x00 -#define IQS269_VER_INFO_PROD_NUM 0x4F -#define IQS269_VER_INFO_FW_NUM_2 0x03 -#define IQS269_VER_INFO_FW_NUM_3 0x10 - -#define IQS269_SYS_FLAGS 0x02 -#define IQS269_SYS_FLAGS_SHOW_RESET BIT(15) -#define IQS269_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_MASK GENMASK(12, 11) -#define IQS269_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT 11 -#define IQS269_SYS_FLAGS_IN_ATI BIT(10) - -#define IQS269_CHx_COUNTS 0x08 - -#define IQS269_SLIDER_X 0x30 - -#define IQS269_CAL_DATA_A 0x35 -#define IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_L_MASK GENMASK(15, 12) -#define IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_L_SHIFT 12 -#define IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_R_MASK GENMASK(11, 8) -#define IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_R_SHIFT 8 - -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS 0x80 -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_CLK_DIV BIT(15) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_AUTO BIT(14) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO BIT(13) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK GENMASK(12, 11) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT 11 -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MAX 3 -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MASK GENMASK(10, 8) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_SHIFT 8 -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MAX 7 -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_SLIDER_SWIPE BIT(7) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_RESEED_OFFSET BIT(6) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE BIT(5) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE_LP BIT(4) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI BIT(2) -#define IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET BIT(0) - -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_LTA_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_LTA_SHIFT 6 -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_MASK GENMASK(5, 4) -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_MASK GENMASK(3, 2) -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_SHIFT 2 -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_NP_CNT_MASK GENMASK(1, 0) -#define IQS269_FILT_STR_MAX 3 - -#define IQS269_EVENT_MASK_SYS BIT(6) -#define IQS269_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE BIT(3) -#define IQS269_EVENT_MASK_DEEP BIT(2) -#define IQS269_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH BIT(1) -#define IQS269_EVENT_MASK_PROX BIT(0) - -#define IQS269_RATE_NP_MS_MAX 255 -#define IQS269_RATE_LP_MS_MAX 255 -#define IQS269_RATE_ULP_MS_MAX 4080 -#define IQS269_TIMEOUT_PWR_MS_MAX 130560 -#define IQS269_TIMEOUT_LTA_MS_MAX 130560 - -#define IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_DISABLE BIT(15) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_LP_ONLY BIT(14) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_TIGHTEN BIT(13) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_FILT_DISABLE BIT(12) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_MASK GENMASK(10, 8) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_SHIFT 8 -#define IQS269_MISC_A_DUAL_DIR BIT(6) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_TX_FREQ_MASK GENMASK(5, 4) -#define IQS269_MISC_A_TX_FREQ_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS269_MISC_A_TX_FREQ_MAX 3 -#define IQS269_MISC_A_GLOBAL_CAP_SIZE BIT(0) - -#define IQS269_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS269_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_SHIFT 6 -#define IQS269_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MAX 3 -#define IQS269_MISC_B_TRACKING_UI_ENABLE BIT(4) -#define IQS269_MISC_B_FILT_STR_SLIDER GENMASK(1, 0) - -#define IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_SLIDER_SEL 0x89 -#define IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_DEFAULT 0x14 -#define IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_MS_MIN 256 -#define IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_MS_MAX 65280 - -#define IQS269_TIMEOUT_TAP_MS_MAX 4080 -#define IQS269_TIMEOUT_SWIPE_MS_MAX 4080 -#define IQS269_THRESH_SWIPE_MAX 255 - -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_MEAS_CAP_SIZE BIT(15) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_RX_GND_INACTIVE BIT(13) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE BIT(12) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_MASK GENMASK(9, 8) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_SHIFT 8 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_MAX 3 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_INV_LOGIC BIT(7) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_PROJ_BIAS_MASK GENMASK(6, 5) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_PROJ_BIAS_SHIFT 5 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_PROJ_BIAS_MAX 3 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_SENSE_MODE_MASK GENMASK(3, 0) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_SENSE_MODE_MAX 15 - -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_LOCAL_CAP_ENABLE BIT(13) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_SENSE_FREQ_MASK GENMASK(10, 9) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_SENSE_FREQ_SHIFT 9 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_SENSE_FREQ_MAX 3 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_STATIC_ENABLE BIT(8) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_75 0x00 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_100 0x40 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_150 0x80 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_200 0xC0 -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_TARGET_MASK GENMASK(5, 0) -#define IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_TARGET_MAX 2016 - -#define IQS269_CHx_WEIGHT_MAX 255 -#define IQS269_CHx_THRESH_MAX 255 -#define IQS269_CHx_HYST_DEEP_MASK GENMASK(7, 4) -#define IQS269_CHx_HYST_DEEP_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS269_CHx_HYST_TOUCH_MASK GENMASK(3, 0) -#define IQS269_CHx_HYST_MAX 15 - -#define IQS269_CHx_HALL_INACTIVE 6 -#define IQS269_CHx_HALL_ACTIVE 7 - -#define IQS269_HALL_PAD_R BIT(0) -#define IQS269_HALL_PAD_L BIT(1) -#define IQS269_HALL_PAD_INV BIT(6) - -#define IQS269_HALL_UI 0xF5 -#define IQS269_HALL_UI_ENABLE BIT(15) - -#define IQS269_MAX_REG 0xFF - -#define IQS269_OTP_OPTION_DEFAULT 0x00 -#define IQS269_OTP_OPTION_TWS 0xD0 -#define IQS269_OTP_OPTION_HOLD BIT(7) - -#define IQS269_NUM_CH 8 -#define IQS269_NUM_SL 2 - -#define iqs269_irq_wait() usleep_range(200, 250) - -enum iqs269_local_cap_size { - IQS269_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE_0, - IQS269_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE_GLOBAL_ONLY, - IQS269_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE_GLOBAL_0pF5, -}; - -enum iqs269_st_offs { - IQS269_ST_OFFS_PROX, - IQS269_ST_OFFS_DIR, - IQS269_ST_OFFS_TOUCH, - IQS269_ST_OFFS_DEEP, -}; - -enum iqs269_th_offs { - IQS269_TH_OFFS_PROX, - IQS269_TH_OFFS_TOUCH, - IQS269_TH_OFFS_DEEP, -}; - -enum iqs269_event_id { - IQS269_EVENT_PROX_DN, - IQS269_EVENT_PROX_UP, - IQS269_EVENT_TOUCH_DN, - IQS269_EVENT_TOUCH_UP, - IQS269_EVENT_DEEP_DN, - IQS269_EVENT_DEEP_UP, -}; - -enum iqs269_slider_id { - IQS269_SLIDER_NONE, - IQS269_SLIDER_KEY, - IQS269_SLIDER_RAW, -}; - -enum iqs269_gesture_id { - IQS269_GESTURE_TAP, - IQS269_GESTURE_HOLD, - IQS269_GESTURE_FLICK_POS, - IQS269_GESTURE_FLICK_NEG, - IQS269_NUM_GESTURES, -}; - -struct iqs269_switch_desc { - unsigned int code; - bool enabled; -}; - -struct iqs269_event_desc { - const char *name; - enum iqs269_st_offs st_offs; - enum iqs269_th_offs th_offs; - bool dir_up; - u8 mask; -}; - -static const struct iqs269_event_desc iqs269_events[] = { - [IQS269_EVENT_PROX_DN] = { - .name = "event-prox", - .st_offs = IQS269_ST_OFFS_PROX, - .th_offs = IQS269_TH_OFFS_PROX, - .mask = IQS269_EVENT_MASK_PROX, - }, - [IQS269_EVENT_PROX_UP] = { - .name = "event-prox-alt", - .st_offs = IQS269_ST_OFFS_PROX, - .th_offs = IQS269_TH_OFFS_PROX, - .dir_up = true, - .mask = IQS269_EVENT_MASK_PROX, - }, - [IQS269_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = { - .name = "event-touch", - .st_offs = IQS269_ST_OFFS_TOUCH, - .th_offs = IQS269_TH_OFFS_TOUCH, - .mask = IQS269_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH, - }, - [IQS269_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = { - .name = "event-touch-alt", - .st_offs = IQS269_ST_OFFS_TOUCH, - .th_offs = IQS269_TH_OFFS_TOUCH, - .dir_up = true, - .mask = IQS269_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH, - }, - [IQS269_EVENT_DEEP_DN] = { - .name = "event-deep", - .st_offs = IQS269_ST_OFFS_DEEP, - .th_offs = IQS269_TH_OFFS_DEEP, - .mask = IQS269_EVENT_MASK_DEEP, - }, - [IQS269_EVENT_DEEP_UP] = { - .name = "event-deep-alt", - .st_offs = IQS269_ST_OFFS_DEEP, - .th_offs = IQS269_TH_OFFS_DEEP, - .dir_up = true, - .mask = IQS269_EVENT_MASK_DEEP, - }, -}; - -struct iqs269_ver_info { - u8 prod_num; - u8 sw_num; - u8 hw_num; - u8 fw_num; -} __packed; - -struct iqs269_ch_reg { - u8 rx_enable; - u8 tx_enable; - __be16 engine_a; - __be16 engine_b; - __be16 ati_comp; - u8 thresh[3]; - u8 hyst; - u8 assoc_select; - u8 assoc_weight; -} __packed; - -struct iqs269_sys_reg { - __be16 general; - u8 active; - u8 filter; - u8 reseed; - u8 event_mask; - u8 rate_np; - u8 rate_lp; - u8 rate_ulp; - u8 timeout_pwr; - u8 timeout_rdy; - u8 timeout_lta; - __be16 misc_a; - __be16 misc_b; - u8 blocking; - u8 padding; - u8 slider_select[IQS269_NUM_SL]; - u8 timeout_tap; - u8 timeout_swipe; - u8 thresh_swipe; - u8 redo_ati; - struct iqs269_ch_reg ch_reg[IQS269_NUM_CH]; -} __packed; - -struct iqs269_flags { - __be16 system; - u8 gesture; - u8 padding; - u8 states[4]; -} __packed; - -struct iqs269_private { - struct i2c_client *client; - struct regmap *regmap; - struct mutex lock; - struct iqs269_switch_desc switches[ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269_events)]; - struct iqs269_ver_info ver_info; - struct iqs269_sys_reg sys_reg; - struct completion ati_done; - struct input_dev *keypad; - struct input_dev *slider[IQS269_NUM_SL]; - unsigned int keycode[ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269_events) * IQS269_NUM_CH]; - unsigned int sl_code[IQS269_NUM_SL][IQS269_NUM_GESTURES]; - unsigned int otp_option; - unsigned int ch_num; - bool hall_enable; - bool ati_current; -}; - -static enum iqs269_slider_id iqs269_slider_type(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - int slider_num) -{ - int i; - - /* - * Slider 1 is unavailable if the touch-and-hold option is enabled via - * OTP. In that case, the channel selection register is repurposed for - * the touch-and-hold timer ceiling. - */ - if (slider_num && (iqs269->otp_option & IQS269_OTP_OPTION_HOLD)) - return IQS269_SLIDER_NONE; - - if (!iqs269->sys_reg.slider_select[slider_num]) - return IQS269_SLIDER_NONE; - - for (i = 0; i < IQS269_NUM_GESTURES; i++) - if (iqs269->sl_code[slider_num][i] != KEY_RESERVED) - return IQS269_SLIDER_KEY; - - return IQS269_SLIDER_RAW; -} - -static int iqs269_ati_mode_set(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - unsigned int ch_num, unsigned int mode) -{ - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - u16 engine_a; - - if (ch_num >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - if (mode > IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_MAX) - return -EINVAL; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - engine_a = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg[ch_num].engine_a); - - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_MASK; - engine_a |= (mode << IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_SHIFT); - - ch_reg[ch_num].engine_a = cpu_to_be16(engine_a); - iqs269->ati_current = false; - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_ati_mode_get(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - unsigned int ch_num, unsigned int *mode) -{ - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - u16 engine_a; - - if (ch_num >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - engine_a = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg[ch_num].engine_a); - - engine_a &= IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_MASK; - *mode = (engine_a >> IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_ATI_MODE_SHIFT); - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_ati_base_set(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - unsigned int ch_num, unsigned int base) -{ - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - u16 engine_b; - - if (ch_num >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - switch (base) { - case 75: - base = IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_75; - break; - - case 100: - base = IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_100; - break; - - case 150: - base = IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_150; - break; - - case 200: - base = IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_200; - break; - - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - engine_b = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg[ch_num].engine_b); - - engine_b &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_MASK; - engine_b |= base; - - ch_reg[ch_num].engine_b = cpu_to_be16(engine_b); - iqs269->ati_current = false; - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_ati_base_get(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - unsigned int ch_num, unsigned int *base) -{ - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - u16 engine_b; - - if (ch_num >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - engine_b = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg[ch_num].engine_b); - - switch (engine_b & IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_MASK) { - case IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_75: - *base = 75; - return 0; - - case IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_100: - *base = 100; - return 0; - - case IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_150: - *base = 150; - return 0; - - case IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_BASE_200: - *base = 200; - return 0; - - default: - return -EINVAL; - } -} - -static int iqs269_ati_target_set(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - unsigned int ch_num, unsigned int target) -{ - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - u16 engine_b; - - if (ch_num >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - if (target > IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_TARGET_MAX) - return -EINVAL; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - engine_b = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg[ch_num].engine_b); - - engine_b &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_TARGET_MASK; - engine_b |= target / 32; - - ch_reg[ch_num].engine_b = cpu_to_be16(engine_b); - iqs269->ati_current = false; - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_ati_target_get(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - unsigned int ch_num, unsigned int *target) -{ - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - u16 engine_b; - - if (ch_num >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - engine_b = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg[ch_num].engine_b); - *target = (engine_b & IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_ATI_TARGET_MASK) * 32; - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_parse_mask(const struct fwnode_handle *fwnode, - const char *propname, u8 *mask) -{ - unsigned int val[IQS269_NUM_CH]; - int count, error, i; - - count = fwnode_property_count_u32(fwnode, propname); - if (count < 0) - return 0; - - if (count > IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - error = fwnode_property_read_u32_array(fwnode, propname, val, count); - if (error) - return error; - - *mask = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { - if (val[i] >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - *mask |= BIT(val[i]); - } - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_parse_chan(struct iqs269_private *iqs269, - const struct fwnode_handle *ch_node) -{ - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg; - u16 engine_a, engine_b; - unsigned int reg, val; - int error, i; - - error = fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "reg", ®); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to read channel number: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } else if (reg >= IQS269_NUM_CH) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid channel number: %u\n", reg); - return -EINVAL; - } - - iqs269-> |= BIT(reg); - if (!fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,reseed-disable")) - iqs269->sys_reg.reseed |= BIT(reg); - - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,blocking-enable")) - iqs269->sys_reg.blocking |= BIT(reg); - - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,slider0-select")) - iqs269->sys_reg.slider_select[0] |= BIT(reg); - - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,slider1-select") && - !(iqs269->otp_option & IQS269_OTP_OPTION_HOLD)) - iqs269->sys_reg.slider_select[1] |= BIT(reg); - - ch_reg = &iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg[reg]; - - error = iqs269_parse_mask(ch_node, "azoteq,rx-enable", - &ch_reg->rx_enable); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid channel %u RX enable mask: %d\n", - reg, error); - return error; - } - - error = iqs269_parse_mask(ch_node, "azoteq,tx-enable", - &ch_reg->tx_enable); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid channel %u TX enable mask: %d\n", - reg, error); - return error; - } - - engine_a = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg->engine_a); - engine_b = be16_to_cpu(ch_reg->engine_b); - - engine_a |= IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_MEAS_CAP_SIZE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,meas-cap-decrease")) - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_MEAS_CAP_SIZE; - - engine_a |= IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_RX_GND_INACTIVE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,rx-float-inactive")) - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_RX_GND_INACTIVE; - - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE; - engine_b &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_LOCAL_CAP_ENABLE; - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,local-cap-size", &val)) { - switch (val) { - case IQS269_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE_0: - break; - - case IQS269_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE_GLOBAL_0pF5: - engine_a |= IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE; - fallthrough; - - case IQS269_LOCAL_CAP_SIZE_GLOBAL_ONLY: - engine_b |= IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_LOCAL_CAP_ENABLE; - break; - - default: - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u local cap. size: %u\n", reg, - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - } - - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_INV_LOGIC; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,invert-enable")) - engine_a |= IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_INV_LOGIC; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,proj-bias", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_PROJ_BIAS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u bias current: %u\n", reg, - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_PROJ_BIAS_MASK; - engine_a |= (val << IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_PROJ_BIAS_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,sense-mode", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_SENSE_MODE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u sensing mode: %u\n", reg, - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - engine_a &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_A_SENSE_MODE_MASK; - engine_a |= val; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,sense-freq", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_SENSE_FREQ_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u sensing frequency: %u\n", - reg, val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - engine_b &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_SENSE_FREQ_MASK; - engine_b |= (val << IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_SENSE_FREQ_SHIFT); - } - - engine_b &= ~IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_STATIC_ENABLE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,static-enable")) - engine_b |= IQS269_CHx_ENG_B_STATIC_ENABLE; - - ch_reg->engine_a = cpu_to_be16(engine_a); - ch_reg->engine_b = cpu_to_be16(engine_b); - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-mode", &val)) { - error = iqs269_ati_mode_set(iqs269, reg, val); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u ATI mode: %u\n", reg, val); - return error; - } - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-base", &val)) { - error = iqs269_ati_base_set(iqs269, reg, val); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u ATI base: %u\n", reg, val); - return error; - } - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-target", &val)) { - error = iqs269_ati_target_set(iqs269, reg, val); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u ATI target: %u\n", reg, - val); - return error; - } - } - - error = iqs269_parse_mask(ch_node, "azoteq,assoc-select", - &ch_reg->assoc_select); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid channel %u association: %d\n", - reg, error); - return error; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,assoc-weight", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_CHx_WEIGHT_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u associated weight: %u\n", - reg, val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - ch_reg->assoc_weight = val; - } - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269_events); i++) { - struct fwnode_handle *ev_node __free(fwnode_handle) = - fwnode_get_named_child_node(ch_node, - iqs269_events[i].name); - if (!ev_node) - continue; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, "azoteq,thresh", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_CHx_THRESH_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u threshold: %u\n", - reg, val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - ch_reg->thresh[iqs269_events[i].th_offs] = val; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, "azoteq,hyst", &val)) { - u8 *hyst = &ch_reg->hyst; - - if (val > IQS269_CHx_HYST_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid channel %u hysteresis: %u\n", - reg, val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (i == IQS269_EVENT_DEEP_DN || - i == IQS269_EVENT_DEEP_UP) { - *hyst &= ~IQS269_CHx_HYST_DEEP_MASK; - *hyst |= (val << IQS269_CHx_HYST_DEEP_SHIFT); - } else if (i == IQS269_EVENT_TOUCH_DN || - i == IQS269_EVENT_TOUCH_UP) { - *hyst &= ~IQS269_CHx_HYST_TOUCH_MASK; - *hyst |= val; - } - } - - error = fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, "linux,code", &val); - if (error == -EINVAL) { - continue; - } else if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to read channel %u code: %d\n", reg, - error); - return error; - } - - switch (reg) { - case IQS269_CHx_HALL_ACTIVE: - if (iqs269->hall_enable) { - iqs269->switches[i].code = val; - iqs269->switches[i].enabled = true; - } - fallthrough; - - case IQS269_CHx_HALL_INACTIVE: - if (iqs269->hall_enable) - break; - fallthrough; - - default: - iqs269->keycode[i * IQS269_NUM_CH + reg] = val; - } - - iqs269->sys_reg.event_mask &= ~iqs269_events[i].mask; - } - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_parse_prop(struct iqs269_private *iqs269) -{ - struct iqs269_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs269->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - u16 general, misc_a, misc_b; - unsigned int val; - int error; - - iqs269->hall_enable = device_property_present(&client->dev, - "azoteq,hall-enable"); - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS, sys_reg, - sizeof(*sys_reg)); - if (error) - return error; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,filt-str-lp-lta", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid filter strength: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->filter &= ~IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_LTA_MASK; - sys_reg->filter |= (val << IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_LTA_SHIFT); - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid filter strength: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->filter &= ~IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_MASK; - sys_reg->filter |= (val << IQS269_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_SHIFT); - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,filt-str-np-lta", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid filter strength: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->filter &= ~IQS269_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_MASK; - sys_reg->filter |= (val << IQS269_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_SHIFT); - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid filter strength: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->filter &= ~IQS269_FILT_STR_NP_CNT_MASK; - sys_reg->filter |= val; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,rate-np-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_RATE_NP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid report rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->rate_np = val; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,rate-lp-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_RATE_LP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid report rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->rate_lp = val; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,rate-ulp-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_RATE_ULP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid report rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->rate_ulp = val / 16; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,timeout-pwr-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_TIMEOUT_PWR_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid timeout: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_pwr = val / 512; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,timeout-lta-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_TIMEOUT_LTA_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid timeout: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_lta = val / 512; - } - - misc_a = be16_to_cpu(sys_reg->misc_a); - misc_b = be16_to_cpu(sys_reg->misc_b); - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_DISABLE; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,ati-band-disable")) - misc_a |= IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_DISABLE; - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_LP_ONLY; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,ati-lp-only")) - misc_a |= IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_LP_ONLY; - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_TIGHTEN; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,ati-band-tighten")) - misc_a |= IQS269_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_TIGHTEN; - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_FILT_DISABLE; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,filt-disable")) - misc_a |= IQS269_MISC_A_FILT_DISABLE; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,gpio3-select", - &val)) { - if (val >= IQS269_NUM_CH) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid GPIO3 selection: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_MASK; - misc_a |= (val << IQS269_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_SHIFT); - } - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_DUAL_DIR; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,dual-direction")) - misc_a |= IQS269_MISC_A_DUAL_DIR; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,tx-freq", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_MISC_A_TX_FREQ_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid excitation frequency: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_TX_FREQ_MASK; - misc_a |= (val << IQS269_MISC_A_TX_FREQ_SHIFT); - } - - misc_a &= ~IQS269_MISC_A_GLOBAL_CAP_SIZE; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,global-cap-increase")) - misc_a |= IQS269_MISC_A_GLOBAL_CAP_SIZE; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,reseed-select", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid reseed selection: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - misc_b &= ~IQS269_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MASK; - misc_b |= (val << IQS269_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_SHIFT); - } - - misc_b &= ~IQS269_MISC_B_TRACKING_UI_ENABLE; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,tracking-enable")) - misc_b |= IQS269_MISC_B_TRACKING_UI_ENABLE; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,filt-str-slider", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid filter strength: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - misc_b &= ~IQS269_MISC_B_FILT_STR_SLIDER; - misc_b |= val; - } - - sys_reg->misc_a = cpu_to_be16(misc_a); - sys_reg->misc_b = cpu_to_be16(misc_b); - - sys_reg->active = 0; - sys_reg->reseed = 0; - - sys_reg->blocking = 0; - - sys_reg->slider_select[0] = 0; - - /* - * If configured via OTP to do so, the device asserts a pulse on the - * GPIO4 pin for approximately 60 ms once a selected channel is held - * in a state of touch for a configurable length of time. - * - * In that case, the register used for slider 1 channel selection is - * repurposed for the touch-and-hold timer ceiling. - */ - if (iqs269->otp_option & IQS269_OTP_OPTION_HOLD) { - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, - "azoteq,touch-hold-ms", &val)) { - if (val < IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_MS_MIN || - val > IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid touch-and-hold ceiling: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->slider_select[1] = val / 256; - } else if (iqs269->ver_info.fw_num < IQS269_VER_INFO_FW_NUM_3) { - /* - * The default touch-and-hold timer ceiling initially - * read from early revisions of silicon is invalid if - * the device experienced a soft reset between power- - * on and the read operation. - * - * To protect against this case, explicitly cache the - * default value so that it is restored each time the - * device is re-initialized. - */ - sys_reg->slider_select[1] = IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_DEFAULT; - } - } else { - sys_reg->slider_select[1] = 0; - } - - sys_reg->event_mask = ~((u8)IQS269_EVENT_MASK_SYS); - - device_for_each_child_node_scoped(&client->dev, ch_node) { - error = iqs269_parse_chan(iqs269, ch_node); - if (error) - return error; - } - - /* - * Volunteer all active channels to participate in ATI when REDO-ATI is - * manually triggered. - */ - sys_reg->redo_ati = sys_reg->active; - - general = be16_to_cpu(sys_reg->general); - - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,clk-div")) - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_CLK_DIV; - - /* - * Configure the device to automatically switch between normal and low- - * power modes as a function of sensing activity. Ultra-low-power mode, - * if enabled, is reserved for suspend. - */ - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_AUTO; - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO; - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,suspend-mode", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid suspend mode: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - general |= (val << IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT); - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,ulp-update", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid update rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MASK; - general |= (val << IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_SHIFT); - } - - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "linux,keycodes")) { - int scale = 1; - int count = device_property_count_u32(&client->dev, - "linux,keycodes"); - if (count > IQS269_NUM_GESTURES * IQS269_NUM_SL) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Too many keycodes present\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } else if (count < 0) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to count keycodes: %d\n", - count); - return count; - } - - error = device_property_read_u32_array(&client->dev, - "linux,keycodes", - *iqs269->sl_code, count); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to read keycodes: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } - - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, - "azoteq,gesture-swipe")) - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_SLIDER_SWIPE; - - /* - * Early revisions of silicon use a more granular step size for - * tap and swipe gesture timeouts; scale them appropriately. - */ - if (iqs269->ver_info.fw_num < IQS269_VER_INFO_FW_NUM_3) - scale = 4; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, - "azoteq,timeout-tap-ms", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_TIMEOUT_TAP_MS_MAX / scale) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid timeout: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_tap = val / (16 / scale); - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, - "azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_TIMEOUT_SWIPE_MS_MAX / scale) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid timeout: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_swipe = val / (16 / scale); - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, - "azoteq,thresh-swipe", &val)) { - if (val > IQS269_THRESH_SWIPE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid threshold: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->thresh_swipe = val; - } - - sys_reg->event_mask &= ~IQS269_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE; - } - - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_RESEED_OFFSET; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,reseed-offset")) - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_RESEED_OFFSET; - - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE; - - /* - * As per the datasheet, enable streaming during normal-power mode if - * raw coordinates will be read from either slider. In that case, the - * device returns to event mode during low-power mode. - */ - if (iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, 0) == IQS269_SLIDER_RAW || - iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, 1) == IQS269_SLIDER_RAW) - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE_LP; - - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI; - general |= IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET; - - sys_reg->general = cpu_to_be16(general); - - return 0; -} - -static const struct reg_sequence iqs269_tws_init[] = { - { IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_SLIDER_SEL, IQS269_TOUCH_HOLD_DEFAULT }, - { 0xF0, 0x580F }, - { 0xF0, 0x59EF }, -}; - -static int iqs269_dev_init(struct iqs269_private *iqs269) -{ - int error; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - /* - * Early revisions of silicon require the following workaround in order - * to restore any OTP-enabled functionality after a soft reset. - */ - if (iqs269->otp_option == IQS269_OTP_OPTION_TWS && - iqs269->ver_info.fw_num < IQS269_VER_INFO_FW_NUM_3) { - error = regmap_multi_reg_write(iqs269->regmap, iqs269_tws_init, - ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269_tws_init)); - if (error) - return error; - } - - error = regmap_update_bits(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_HALL_UI, - IQS269_HALL_UI_ENABLE, - iqs269->hall_enable ? ~0 : 0); - if (error) - return error; - - error = regmap_raw_write(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS, - &iqs269->sys_reg, sizeof(iqs269->sys_reg)); - if (error) - return error; - - /* - * The following delay gives the device time to deassert its RDY output - * so as to prevent an interrupt from being serviced prematurely. - */ - usleep_range(2000, 2100); - - iqs269->ati_current = true; - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_input_init(struct iqs269_private *iqs269) -{ - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - unsigned int sw_code, keycode; - int error, i, j; - - iqs269->keypad = devm_input_allocate_device(&client->dev); - if (!iqs269->keypad) - return -ENOMEM; - - iqs269->keypad->keycodemax = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269->keycode); - iqs269->keypad->keycode = iqs269->keycode; - iqs269->keypad->keycodesize = sizeof(*iqs269->keycode); - - iqs269->keypad->name = "iqs269a_keypad"; - iqs269->keypad->id.bustype = BUS_I2C; - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269_events); i++) { - sw_code = iqs269->switches[i].code; - - for (j = 0; j < IQS269_NUM_CH; j++) { - keycode = iqs269->keycode[i * IQS269_NUM_CH + j]; - - /* - * Hall-effect sensing repurposes a pair of dedicated - * channels, only one of which reports events. - */ - switch (j) { - case IQS269_CHx_HALL_ACTIVE: - if (iqs269->hall_enable && - iqs269->switches[i].enabled) - input_set_capability(iqs269->keypad, - EV_SW, sw_code); - fallthrough; - - case IQS269_CHx_HALL_INACTIVE: - if (iqs269->hall_enable) - continue; - fallthrough; - - default: - if (keycode != KEY_RESERVED) - input_set_capability(iqs269->keypad, - EV_KEY, keycode); - } - } - } - - for (i = 0; i < IQS269_NUM_SL; i++) { - if (iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, i) == IQS269_SLIDER_NONE) - continue; - - iqs269->slider[i] = devm_input_allocate_device(&client->dev); - if (!iqs269->slider[i]) - return -ENOMEM; - - iqs269->slider[i]->keycodemax = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269->sl_code[i]); - iqs269->slider[i]->keycode = iqs269->sl_code[i]; - iqs269->slider[i]->keycodesize = sizeof(**iqs269->sl_code); - - iqs269->slider[i]->name = i ? "iqs269a_slider_1" - : "iqs269a_slider_0"; - iqs269->slider[i]->id.bustype = BUS_I2C; - - for (j = 0; j < IQS269_NUM_GESTURES; j++) - if (iqs269->sl_code[i][j] != KEY_RESERVED) - input_set_capability(iqs269->slider[i], EV_KEY, - iqs269->sl_code[i][j]); - - /* - * Present the slider as a narrow trackpad if one or more chan- - * nels have been selected to participate, but no gestures have - * been mapped to a keycode. - */ - if (iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, i) == IQS269_SLIDER_RAW) { - input_set_capability(iqs269->slider[i], - EV_KEY, BTN_TOUCH); - input_set_abs_params(iqs269->slider[i], - ABS_X, 0, 255, 0, 0); - } - - error = input_register_device(iqs269->slider[i]); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to register slider %d: %d\n", i, error); - return error; - } - } - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs269_report(struct iqs269_private *iqs269) -{ - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - struct iqs269_flags flags; - unsigned int sw_code, keycode; - int error, i, j; - u8 slider_x[IQS269_NUM_SL]; - u8 dir_mask, state; - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SYS_FLAGS, &flags, - sizeof(flags)); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to read device status: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } - - /* - * The device resets itself if its own watchdog bites, which can happen - * in the event of an I2C communication error. In this case, the device - * asserts a SHOW_RESET interrupt and all registers must be restored. - */ - if (be16_to_cpu(flags.system) & IQS269_SYS_FLAGS_SHOW_RESET) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Unexpected device reset\n"); - - error = iqs269_dev_init(iqs269); - if (error) - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to re-initialize device: %d\n", error); - - return error; - } - - if (be16_to_cpu(flags.system) & IQS269_SYS_FLAGS_IN_ATI) - return 0; - - if (iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, 0) == IQS269_SLIDER_RAW || - iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, 1) == IQS269_SLIDER_RAW) { - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SLIDER_X, - slider_x, sizeof(slider_x)); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to read slider position: %d\n", error); - return error; - } - } - - for (i = 0; i < IQS269_NUM_SL; i++) { - flags.gesture >>= (i * IQS269_NUM_GESTURES); - - switch (iqs269_slider_type(iqs269, i)) { - case IQS269_SLIDER_NONE: - continue; - - case IQS269_SLIDER_KEY: - for (j = 0; j < IQS269_NUM_GESTURES; j++) - input_report_key(iqs269->slider[i], - iqs269->sl_code[i][j], - flags.gesture & BIT(j)); - - if (!(flags.gesture & (BIT(IQS269_GESTURE_FLICK_NEG) | - BIT(IQS269_GESTURE_FLICK_POS) | - BIT(IQS269_GESTURE_TAP)))) - break; - - input_sync(iqs269->slider[i]); - - /* - * Momentary gestures are followed by a complementary - * release cycle so as to emulate a full keystroke. - */ - for (j = 0; j < IQS269_NUM_GESTURES; j++) - if (j != IQS269_GESTURE_HOLD) - input_report_key(iqs269->slider[i], - iqs269->sl_code[i][j], - 0); - break; - - case IQS269_SLIDER_RAW: - /* - * The slider is considered to be in a state of touch - * if any selected channels are in a state of touch. - */ - state = flags.states[IQS269_ST_OFFS_TOUCH]; - state &= iqs269->sys_reg.slider_select[i]; - - input_report_key(iqs269->slider[i], BTN_TOUCH, state); - - if (state) - input_report_abs(iqs269->slider[i], - ABS_X, slider_x[i]); - break; - } - - input_sync(iqs269->slider[i]); - } - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs269_events); i++) { - dir_mask = flags.states[IQS269_ST_OFFS_DIR]; - if (!iqs269_events[i].dir_up) - dir_mask = ~dir_mask; - - state = flags.states[iqs269_events[i].st_offs] & dir_mask; - - sw_code = iqs269->switches[i].code; - - for (j = 0; j < IQS269_NUM_CH; j++) { - keycode = iqs269->keycode[i * IQS269_NUM_CH + j]; - - switch (j) { - case IQS269_CHx_HALL_ACTIVE: - if (iqs269->hall_enable && - iqs269->switches[i].enabled) - input_report_switch(iqs269->keypad, - sw_code, - state & BIT(j)); - fallthrough; - - case IQS269_CHx_HALL_INACTIVE: - if (iqs269->hall_enable) - continue; - fallthrough; - - default: - input_report_key(iqs269->keypad, keycode, - state & BIT(j)); - } - } - } - - input_sync(iqs269->keypad); - - /* - * The following completion signals that ATI has finished, any initial - * switch states have been reported and the keypad can be registered. - */ - complete_all(&iqs269->ati_done); - - return 0; -} - -static irqreturn_t iqs269_irq(int irq, void *context) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = context; - - if (iqs269_report(iqs269)) - return IRQ_NONE; - - /* - * The device does not deassert its interrupt (RDY) pin until shortly - * after receiving an I2C stop condition; the following delay ensures - * the interrupt handler does not return before this time. - */ - iqs269_irq_wait(); - - return IRQ_HANDLED; -} - -static ssize_t counts_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - __le16 counts; - int error; - - if (!iqs269->ati_current || iqs269->hall_enable) - return -EPERM; - - if (!completion_done(&iqs269->ati_done)) - return -EBUSY; - - /* - * Unsolicited I2C communication prompts the device to assert its RDY - * pin, so disable the interrupt line until the operation is finished - * and RDY has been deasserted. - */ - disable_irq(client->irq); - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs269->regmap, - IQS269_CHx_COUNTS + iqs269->ch_num * 2, - &counts, sizeof(counts)); - - iqs269_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - if (error) - return error; - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", le16_to_cpu(counts)); -} - -static ssize_t hall_bin_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - unsigned int val; - int error; - - disable_irq(client->irq); - - error = regmap_read(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_CAL_DATA_A, &val); - - iqs269_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - if (error) - return error; - - switch (ch_reg[IQS269_CHx_HALL_ACTIVE].rx_enable & - ch_reg[IQS269_CHx_HALL_INACTIVE].rx_enable) { - case IQS269_HALL_PAD_R: - val &= IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_R_MASK; - val >>= IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_R_SHIFT; - break; - - case IQS269_HALL_PAD_L: - val &= IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_L_MASK; - val >>= IQS269_CAL_DATA_A_HALL_BIN_L_SHIFT; - break; - - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", val); -} - -static ssize_t hall_enable_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", iqs269->hall_enable); -} - -static ssize_t hall_enable_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - iqs269->hall_enable = val; - iqs269->ati_current = false; - - return count; -} - -static ssize_t ch_number_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", iqs269->ch_num); -} - -static ssize_t ch_number_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - if (val >= IQS269_NUM_CH) - return -EINVAL; - - iqs269->ch_num = val; - - return count; -} - -static ssize_t rx_enable_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", ch_reg[iqs269->ch_num].rx_enable); -} - -static ssize_t rx_enable_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct iqs269_ch_reg *ch_reg = iqs269->sys_reg.ch_reg; - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - if (val > 0xFF) - return -EINVAL; - - guard(mutex)(&iqs269->lock); - - ch_reg[iqs269->ch_num].rx_enable = val; - iqs269->ati_current = false; - - return count; -} - -static ssize_t ati_mode_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = iqs269_ati_mode_get(iqs269, iqs269->ch_num, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", val); -} - -static ssize_t ati_mode_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs269_ati_mode_set(iqs269, iqs269->ch_num, val); - if (error) - return error; - - return count; -} - -static ssize_t ati_base_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = iqs269_ati_base_get(iqs269, iqs269->ch_num, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", val); -} - -static ssize_t ati_base_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs269_ati_base_set(iqs269, iqs269->ch_num, val); - if (error) - return error; - - return count; -} - -static ssize_t ati_target_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = iqs269_ati_target_get(iqs269, iqs269->ch_num, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", val); -} - -static ssize_t ati_target_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs269_ati_target_set(iqs269, iqs269->ch_num, val); - if (error) - return error; - - return count; -} - -static ssize_t ati_trigger_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - - return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", - iqs269->ati_current && - completion_done(&iqs269->ati_done)); -} - -static ssize_t ati_trigger_store(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, - size_t count) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - unsigned int val; - int error; - - error = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &val); - if (error) - return error; - - if (!val) - return count; - - disable_irq(client->irq); - reinit_completion(&iqs269->ati_done); - - error = iqs269_dev_init(iqs269); - - iqs269_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - if (error) - return error; - - if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&iqs269->ati_done, - msecs_to_jiffies(2000))) - return -ETIMEDOUT; - - return count; -} - -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(counts); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(hall_bin); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(hall_enable); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(ch_number); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(rx_enable); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(ati_mode); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(ati_base); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(ati_target); -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(ati_trigger); - -static struct attribute *iqs269_attrs[] = { - &dev_attr_counts.attr, - &dev_attr_hall_bin.attr, - &dev_attr_hall_enable.attr, - &dev_attr_ch_number.attr, - &dev_attr_rx_enable.attr, - &dev_attr_ati_mode.attr, - &dev_attr_ati_base.attr, - &dev_attr_ati_target.attr, - &dev_attr_ati_trigger.attr, - NULL, -}; -ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS(iqs269); - -static const struct regmap_config iqs269_regmap_config = { - .reg_bits = 8, - .val_bits = 16, - .max_register = IQS269_MAX_REG, -}; - -static int iqs269_probe(struct i2c_client *client) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269; - int error; - - iqs269 = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(*iqs269), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!iqs269) - return -ENOMEM; - - i2c_set_clientdata(client, iqs269); - iqs269->client = client; - - iqs269->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(client, &iqs269_regmap_config); - if (IS_ERR(iqs269->regmap)) { - error = PTR_ERR(iqs269->regmap); - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to initialize register map: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } - - mutex_init(&iqs269->lock); - init_completion(&iqs269->ati_done); - - iqs269->otp_option = (uintptr_t)device_get_match_data(&client->dev); - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_VER_INFO, - &iqs269->ver_info, sizeof(iqs269->ver_info)); - if (error) - return error; - - if (iqs269->ver_info.prod_num != IQS269_VER_INFO_PROD_NUM) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Unrecognized product number: 0x%02X\n", - iqs269->ver_info.prod_num); - return -EINVAL; - } - - error = iqs269_parse_prop(iqs269); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs269_dev_init(iqs269); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to initialize device: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } - - error = iqs269_input_init(iqs269); - if (error) - return error; - - error = devm_request_threaded_irq(&client->dev, client->irq, - NULL, iqs269_irq, IRQF_ONESHOT, - client->name, iqs269); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to request IRQ: %d\n", error); - return error; - } - - if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&iqs269->ati_done, - msecs_to_jiffies(2000))) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to complete ATI\n"); - return -ETIMEDOUT; - } - - /* - * The keypad may include one or more switches and is not registered - * until ATI is complete and the initial switch states are read. - */ - error = input_register_device(iqs269->keypad); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to register keypad: %d\n", error); - return error; - } - - return error; -} - -static u16 iqs269_general_get(struct iqs269_private *iqs269) -{ - u16 general = be16_to_cpu(iqs269->sys_reg.general); - - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI; - general &= ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET; - - return general | IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO; -} - -static int iqs269_suspend(struct device *dev) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - int error; - u16 general = iqs269_general_get(iqs269); - - if (!(general & IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK)) - return 0; - - disable_irq(client->irq); - - error = regmap_write(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS, general); - - iqs269_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - return error; -} - -static int iqs269_resume(struct device *dev) -{ - struct iqs269_private *iqs269 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct i2c_client *client = iqs269->client; - int error; - u16 general = iqs269_general_get(iqs269); - - if (!(general & IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK)) - return 0; - - disable_irq(client->irq); - - error = regmap_write(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS, - general & ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK); - if (!error) - error = regmap_write(iqs269->regmap, IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS, - general & ~IQS269_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO); - - iqs269_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - return error; -} - -static DEFINE_SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(iqs269_pm, iqs269_suspend, iqs269_resume); - -static const struct of_device_id iqs269_of_match[] = { - { - .compatible = "azoteq,iqs269a", - .data = (void *)IQS269_OTP_OPTION_DEFAULT, - }, - { - .compatible = "azoteq,iqs269a-00", - .data = (void *)IQS269_OTP_OPTION_DEFAULT, - }, - { - .compatible = "azoteq,iqs269a-d0", - .data = (void *)IQS269_OTP_OPTION_TWS, - }, - { } -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, iqs269_of_match); - -static struct i2c_driver iqs269_i2c_driver = { - .driver = { - .name = "iqs269a", - .dev_groups = iqs269_groups, - .of_match_table = iqs269_of_match, - .pm = pm_sleep_ptr(&iqs269_pm), - }, - .probe = iqs269_probe, -}; -module_i2c_driver(iqs269_i2c_driver); - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff LaBundy "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Azoteq IQS269A Capacitive Touch Controller"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/input/misc/iqs626a.c b/drivers/input/misc/iqs626a.c deleted file mode 100644 index 7a6e6927f331..000000000000 --- a/drivers/input/misc/iqs626a.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1821 +0,0 @@ -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ -/* - * Azoteq IQS626A Capacitive Touch Controller - * - * Copyright (C) 2020 Jeff LaBundy - * - * This driver registers up to 2 input devices: one representing capacitive or - * inductive keys as well as Hall-effect switches, and one for a trackpad that - * can express various gestures. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#define IQS626_VER_INFO 0x00 -#define IQS626_VER_INFO_PROD_NUM 0x51 - -#define IQS626_SYS_FLAGS 0x02 -#define IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_SHOW_RESET BIT(15) -#define IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_IN_ATI BIT(12) -#define IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_MASK GENMASK(9, 8) -#define IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT 8 - -#define IQS626_HALL_OUTPUT 0x23 - -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS 0x80 -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_CLK_DIV BIT(15) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_AUTO BIT(14) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO BIT(13) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK GENMASK(12, 11) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT 11 -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MAX 3 -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MASK GENMASK(10, 8) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_SHIFT 8 -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MAX 7 -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE BIT(5) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE_LP BIT(4) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI BIT(2) -#define IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET BIT(0) - -#define IQS626_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_DISABLE BIT(7) -#define IQS626_MISC_A_TPx_LTA_UPDATE_MASK GENMASK(6, 4) -#define IQS626_MISC_A_TPx_LTA_UPDATE_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS626_MISC_A_TPx_LTA_UPDATE_MAX 7 -#define IQS626_MISC_A_ATI_LP_ONLY BIT(3) -#define IQS626_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_MASK GENMASK(2, 0) -#define IQS626_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_MAX 7 - -#define IQS626_EVENT_MASK_SYS BIT(6) -#define IQS626_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE BIT(3) -#define IQS626_EVENT_MASK_DEEP BIT(2) -#define IQS626_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH BIT(1) -#define IQS626_EVENT_MASK_PROX BIT(0) - -#define IQS626_RATE_NP_MS_MAX 255 -#define IQS626_RATE_LP_MS_MAX 255 -#define IQS626_RATE_ULP_MS_MAX 4080 -#define IQS626_TIMEOUT_PWR_MS_MAX 130560 -#define IQS626_TIMEOUT_LTA_MS_MAX 130560 - -#define IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_SHIFT 6 -#define IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MAX 3 -#define IQS626_MISC_B_THRESH_EXTEND BIT(5) -#define IQS626_MISC_B_TRACKING_UI_ENABLE BIT(4) -#define IQS626_MISC_B_TPx_SWIPE BIT(3) -#define IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_OFFSET BIT(2) -#define IQS626_MISC_B_FILT_STR_TPx GENMASK(1, 0) - -#define IQS626_THRESH_SWIPE_MAX 255 -#define IQS626_TIMEOUT_TAP_MS_MAX 4080 -#define IQS626_TIMEOUT_SWIPE_MS_MAX 4080 - -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_MEAS_CAP_SIZE BIT(7) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_RX_TERM_VSS BIT(5) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_LINEARIZE BIT(4) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_DUAL_DIR BIT(3) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_FILT_DISABLE BIT(2) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_ATI_MODE_MASK GENMASK(1, 0) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_ATI_MODE_MAX 3 - -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_HIGH_1 BIT(7) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_HIGH_0 BIT(6) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_PROJ_BIAS_MASK GENMASK(5, 4) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_PROJ_BIAS_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_PROJ_BIAS_MAX 3 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_ENABLE BIT(3) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_SENSE_FREQ_MASK GENMASK(2, 1) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_SENSE_FREQ_SHIFT 1 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_SENSE_FREQ_MAX 3 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_ATI_BAND_TIGHTEN BIT(0) - -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_SHIFT 6 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_MAX 3 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_ENABLE BIT(5) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_SENSE_MODE_MASK GENMASK(3, 0) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_SENSE_MODE_MAX 15 - -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_TX_FREQ_MASK GENMASK(5, 4) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_TX_FREQ_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_TX_FREQ_MAX 3 -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_INV_LOGIC BIT(0) - -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_RX_TERM_VREG BIT(6) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_CCT_LOW_1 BIT(5) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_CCT_LOW_0 BIT(4) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_COMP_DISABLE BIT(1) -#define IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_STATIC_ENABLE BIT(0) - -#define IQS626_TPx_ATI_BASE_MIN 45 -#define IQS626_TPx_ATI_BASE_MAX 300 -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_75 0x00 -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_100 0x40 -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_150 0x80 -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_200 0xC0 -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_TARGET_MASK GENMASK(5, 0) -#define IQS626_CHx_ATI_TARGET_MAX 2016 - -#define IQS626_CHx_THRESH_MAX 255 -#define IQS626_CHx_HYST_DEEP_MASK GENMASK(7, 4) -#define IQS626_CHx_HYST_DEEP_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS626_CHx_HYST_TOUCH_MASK GENMASK(3, 0) -#define IQS626_CHx_HYST_MAX 15 - -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_TPx_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_TPx_SHIFT 6 -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_TPx_MASK GENMASK(5, 4) -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_TPx_SHIFT 4 - -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_CNT_MASK GENMASK(7, 6) -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_CNT_SHIFT 6 -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_MASK GENMASK(5, 4) -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_SHIFT 4 -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_MASK GENMASK(3, 2) -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_SHIFT 2 -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_LTA_MASK GENMASK(1, 0) -#define IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX 3 - -#define IQS626_ULP_PROJ_ENABLE BIT(4) -#define IQS626_GEN_WEIGHT_MAX 255 - -#define IQS626_MAX_REG 0xFF - -#define IQS626_NUM_CH_TP_3 9 -#define IQS626_NUM_CH_TP_2 6 -#define IQS626_NUM_CH_GEN 3 -#define IQS626_NUM_CRx_TX 8 - -#define IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_SLEEP_US 50000 -#define IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_TIMEOUT_US 500000 - -#define iqs626_irq_wait() usleep_range(350, 400) - -enum iqs626_ch_id { - IQS626_CH_ULP_0, - IQS626_CH_TP_2, - IQS626_CH_TP_3, - IQS626_CH_GEN_0, - IQS626_CH_GEN_1, - IQS626_CH_GEN_2, - IQS626_CH_HALL, -}; - -enum iqs626_rx_inactive { - IQS626_RX_INACTIVE_VSS, - IQS626_RX_INACTIVE_FLOAT, - IQS626_RX_INACTIVE_VREG, -}; - -enum iqs626_st_offs { - IQS626_ST_OFFS_PROX, - IQS626_ST_OFFS_DIR, - IQS626_ST_OFFS_TOUCH, - IQS626_ST_OFFS_DEEP, -}; - -enum iqs626_th_offs { - IQS626_TH_OFFS_PROX, - IQS626_TH_OFFS_TOUCH, - IQS626_TH_OFFS_DEEP, -}; - -enum iqs626_event_id { - IQS626_EVENT_PROX_DN, - IQS626_EVENT_PROX_UP, - IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN, - IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP, - IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_DN, - IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_UP, -}; - -enum iqs626_gesture_id { - IQS626_GESTURE_FLICK_X_POS, - IQS626_GESTURE_FLICK_X_NEG, - IQS626_GESTURE_FLICK_Y_POS, - IQS626_GESTURE_FLICK_Y_NEG, - IQS626_GESTURE_TAP, - IQS626_GESTURE_HOLD, - IQS626_NUM_GESTURES, -}; - -struct iqs626_event_desc { - const char *name; - enum iqs626_st_offs st_offs; - enum iqs626_th_offs th_offs; - bool dir_up; - u8 mask; -}; - -static const struct iqs626_event_desc iqs626_events[] = { - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_DN] = { - .name = "event-prox", - .st_offs = IQS626_ST_OFFS_PROX, - .th_offs = IQS626_TH_OFFS_PROX, - .mask = IQS626_EVENT_MASK_PROX, - }, - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_UP] = { - .name = "event-prox-alt", - .st_offs = IQS626_ST_OFFS_PROX, - .th_offs = IQS626_TH_OFFS_PROX, - .dir_up = true, - .mask = IQS626_EVENT_MASK_PROX, - }, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = { - .name = "event-touch", - .st_offs = IQS626_ST_OFFS_TOUCH, - .th_offs = IQS626_TH_OFFS_TOUCH, - .mask = IQS626_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH, - }, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = { - .name = "event-touch-alt", - .st_offs = IQS626_ST_OFFS_TOUCH, - .th_offs = IQS626_TH_OFFS_TOUCH, - .dir_up = true, - .mask = IQS626_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH, - }, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_DN] = { - .name = "event-deep", - .st_offs = IQS626_ST_OFFS_DEEP, - .th_offs = IQS626_TH_OFFS_DEEP, - .mask = IQS626_EVENT_MASK_DEEP, - }, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_UP] = { - .name = "event-deep-alt", - .st_offs = IQS626_ST_OFFS_DEEP, - .th_offs = IQS626_TH_OFFS_DEEP, - .dir_up = true, - .mask = IQS626_EVENT_MASK_DEEP, - }, -}; - -struct iqs626_ver_info { - u8 prod_num; - u8 sw_num; - u8 hw_num; - u8 padding; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_flags { - __be16 system; - u8 gesture; - u8 padding_a; - u8 states[4]; - u8 ref_active; - u8 padding_b; - u8 comp_min; - u8 comp_max; - u8 trackpad_x; - u8 trackpad_y; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_ch_reg_ulp { - u8 thresh[2]; - u8 hyst; - u8 filter; - u8 engine[2]; - u8 ati_target; - u8 padding; - __be16 ati_comp; - u8 rx_enable; - u8 tx_enable; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_ch_reg_tp { - u8 thresh; - u8 ati_base; - __be16 ati_comp; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_tp_grp_reg { - u8 hyst; - u8 ati_target; - u8 engine[2]; - struct iqs626_ch_reg_tp ch_reg_tp[IQS626_NUM_CH_TP_3]; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_ch_reg_gen { - u8 thresh[3]; - u8 padding; - u8 hyst; - u8 ati_target; - __be16 ati_comp; - u8 engine[5]; - u8 filter; - u8 rx_enable; - u8 tx_enable; - u8 assoc_select; - u8 assoc_weight; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_ch_reg_hall { - u8 engine; - u8 thresh; - u8 hyst; - u8 ati_target; - __be16 ati_comp; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_sys_reg { - __be16 general; - u8 misc_a; - u8 event_mask; - u8 active; - u8 reseed; - u8 rate_np; - u8 rate_lp; - u8 rate_ulp; - u8 timeout_pwr; - u8 timeout_rdy; - u8 timeout_lta; - u8 misc_b; - u8 thresh_swipe; - u8 timeout_tap; - u8 timeout_swipe; - u8 redo_ati; - u8 padding; - struct iqs626_ch_reg_ulp ch_reg_ulp; - struct iqs626_tp_grp_reg tp_grp_reg; - struct iqs626_ch_reg_gen ch_reg_gen[IQS626_NUM_CH_GEN]; - struct iqs626_ch_reg_hall ch_reg_hall; -} __packed; - -struct iqs626_channel_desc { - const char *name; - int num_ch; - u8 active; - bool events[ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_events)]; -}; - -static const struct iqs626_channel_desc iqs626_channels[] = { - [IQS626_CH_ULP_0] = { - .name = "ulp-0", - .num_ch = 1, - .active = BIT(0), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = true, - }, - }, - [IQS626_CH_TP_2] = { - .name = "trackpad-3x2", - .num_ch = IQS626_NUM_CH_TP_2, - .active = BIT(1), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - }, - }, - [IQS626_CH_TP_3] = { - .name = "trackpad-3x3", - .num_ch = IQS626_NUM_CH_TP_3, - .active = BIT(2) | BIT(1), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - }, - }, - [IQS626_CH_GEN_0] = { - .name = "generic-0", - .num_ch = 1, - .active = BIT(4), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_UP] = true, - }, - }, - [IQS626_CH_GEN_1] = { - .name = "generic-1", - .num_ch = 1, - .active = BIT(5), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_UP] = true, - }, - }, - [IQS626_CH_GEN_2] = { - .name = "generic-2", - .num_ch = 1, - .active = BIT(6), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_PROX_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_UP] = true, - }, - }, - [IQS626_CH_HALL] = { - .name = "hall", - .num_ch = 1, - .active = BIT(7), - .events = { - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN] = true, - [IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP] = true, - }, - }, -}; - -struct iqs626_private { - struct i2c_client *client; - struct regmap *regmap; - struct iqs626_sys_reg sys_reg; - struct completion ati_done; - struct input_dev *keypad; - struct input_dev *trackpad; - struct touchscreen_properties prop; - unsigned int kp_type[ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_channels)] - [ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_events)]; - unsigned int kp_code[ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_channels)] - [ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_events)]; - unsigned int tp_code[IQS626_NUM_GESTURES]; - unsigned int suspend_mode; -}; - -static noinline_for_stack int -iqs626_parse_events(struct iqs626_private *iqs626, - struct fwnode_handle *ch_node, enum iqs626_ch_id ch_id) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - const char *ev_name; - u8 *thresh, *hyst; - unsigned int val; - int i; - - switch (ch_id) { - case IQS626_CH_ULP_0: - thresh = sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.thresh; - hyst = &sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.hyst; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_TP_2: - case IQS626_CH_TP_3: - thresh = &sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.ch_reg_tp[0].thresh; - hyst = &sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.hyst; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_GEN_0: - case IQS626_CH_GEN_1: - case IQS626_CH_GEN_2: - i = ch_id - IQS626_CH_GEN_0; - thresh = sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].thresh; - hyst = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].hyst; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_HALL: - thresh = &sys_reg->ch_reg_hall.thresh; - hyst = &sys_reg->ch_reg_hall.hyst; - break; - - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_events); i++) { - if (!iqs626_channels[ch_id].events[i]) - continue; - - struct fwnode_handle *ev_node __free(fwnode_handle) = NULL; - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_TP_2 || ch_id == IQS626_CH_TP_3) { - /* - * Trackpad touch events are simply described under the - * trackpad child node. - */ - ev_node = fwnode_handle_get(ch_node); - } else { - ev_name = iqs626_events[i].name; - ev_node = fwnode_get_named_child_node(ch_node, ev_name); - if (!ev_node) - continue; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, "linux,code", - &val)) { - iqs626->kp_code[ch_id][i] = val; - - if (fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, - "linux,input-type", - &val)) { - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_HALL) - val = EV_SW; - else - val = EV_KEY; - } - - if (val != EV_KEY && val != EV_SW) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid input type: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - iqs626->kp_type[ch_id][i] = val; - - sys_reg->event_mask &= ~iqs626_events[i].mask; - } - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, "azoteq,hyst", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_HYST_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel hysteresis: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (i == IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_DN || - i == IQS626_EVENT_DEEP_UP) { - *hyst &= ~IQS626_CHx_HYST_DEEP_MASK; - *hyst |= (val << IQS626_CHx_HYST_DEEP_SHIFT); - } else if (i == IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_DN || - i == IQS626_EVENT_TOUCH_UP) { - *hyst &= ~IQS626_CHx_HYST_TOUCH_MASK; - *hyst |= val; - } - } - - if (ch_id != IQS626_CH_TP_2 && ch_id != IQS626_CH_TP_3 && - !fwnode_property_read_u32(ev_node, "azoteq,thresh", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_THRESH_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel threshold: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_HALL) - *thresh = val; - else - *(thresh + iqs626_events[i].th_offs) = val; - } - } - - return 0; -} - -static noinline_for_stack int -iqs626_parse_ati_target(struct iqs626_private *iqs626, - struct fwnode_handle *ch_node, enum iqs626_ch_id ch_id) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - unsigned int val; - u8 *ati_target; - int i; - - switch (ch_id) { - case IQS626_CH_ULP_0: - ati_target = &sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.ati_target; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_TP_2: - case IQS626_CH_TP_3: - ati_target = &sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.ati_target; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_GEN_0: - case IQS626_CH_GEN_1: - case IQS626_CH_GEN_2: - i = ch_id - IQS626_CH_GEN_0; - ati_target = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].ati_target; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_HALL: - ati_target = &sys_reg->ch_reg_hall.ati_target; - break; - - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-target", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ATI_TARGET_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel ATI target: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *ati_target &= ~IQS626_CHx_ATI_TARGET_MASK; - *ati_target |= (val / 32); - } - - if (ch_id != IQS626_CH_TP_2 && ch_id != IQS626_CH_TP_3 && - !fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-base", &val)) { - switch (val) { - case 75: - val = IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_75; - break; - - case 100: - val = IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_100; - break; - - case 150: - val = IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_150; - break; - - case 200: - val = IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_200; - break; - - default: - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel ATI base: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *ati_target &= ~IQS626_CHx_ATI_BASE_MASK; - *ati_target |= val; - } - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs626_parse_pins(struct iqs626_private *iqs626, - struct fwnode_handle *ch_node, - const char *propname, u8 *enable) -{ - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - unsigned int val[IQS626_NUM_CRx_TX]; - int error, count, i; - - if (!fwnode_property_present(ch_node, propname)) - return 0; - - count = fwnode_property_count_u32(ch_node, propname); - if (count > IQS626_NUM_CRx_TX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Too many %s channel CRX/TX pins present\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node)); - return -EINVAL; - } else if (count < 0) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to count %s channel CRX/TX pins: %d\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), count); - return count; - } - - error = fwnode_property_read_u32_array(ch_node, propname, val, count); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to read %s channel CRX/TX pins: %d\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), error); - return error; - } - - *enable = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { - if (val[i] >= IQS626_NUM_CRx_TX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel CRX/TX pin: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val[i]); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *enable |= BIT(val[i]); - } - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs626_parse_trackpad(struct iqs626_private *iqs626, - struct fwnode_handle *ch_node, - enum iqs626_ch_id ch_id) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - u8 *hyst = &sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.hyst; - int error, count, i; - unsigned int val; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,lta-update", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_MISC_A_TPx_LTA_UPDATE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel update rate: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->misc_a &= ~IQS626_MISC_A_TPx_LTA_UPDATE_MASK; - sys_reg->misc_a |= (val << IQS626_MISC_A_TPx_LTA_UPDATE_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-trackpad", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->misc_b &= ~IQS626_MISC_B_FILT_STR_TPx; - sys_reg->misc_b |= val; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *hyst &= ~IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_TPx_MASK; - *hyst |= (val << IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_TPx_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *hyst &= ~IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_TPx_MASK; - *hyst |= (val << IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_TPx_SHIFT); - } - - for (i = 0; i < iqs626_channels[ch_id].num_ch; i++) { - u8 *ati_base = &sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.ch_reg_tp[i].ati_base; - u8 *thresh = &sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.ch_reg_tp[i].thresh; - char tc_name[10]; - - snprintf(tc_name, sizeof(tc_name), "channel-%d", i); - - struct fwnode_handle *tc_node __free(fwnode_handle) = - fwnode_get_named_child_node(ch_node, tc_name); - if (!tc_node) - continue; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(tc_node, "azoteq,ati-base", - &val)) { - if (val < IQS626_TPx_ATI_BASE_MIN || - val > IQS626_TPx_ATI_BASE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s %s ATI base: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), tc_name, val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *ati_base = val - IQS626_TPx_ATI_BASE_MIN; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(tc_node, "azoteq,thresh", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_THRESH_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s %s threshold: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), tc_name, val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *thresh = val; - } - } - - if (!fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "linux,keycodes")) - return 0; - - count = fwnode_property_count_u32(ch_node, "linux,keycodes"); - if (count > IQS626_NUM_GESTURES) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Too many keycodes present\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } else if (count < 0) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to count keycodes: %d\n", count); - return count; - } - - error = fwnode_property_read_u32_array(ch_node, "linux,keycodes", - iqs626->tp_code, count); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to read keycodes: %d\n", error); - return error; - } - - sys_reg->misc_b &= ~IQS626_MISC_B_TPx_SWIPE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,gesture-swipe")) - sys_reg->misc_b |= IQS626_MISC_B_TPx_SWIPE; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,timeout-tap-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_TIMEOUT_TAP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel timeout: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_tap = val / 16; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_TIMEOUT_SWIPE_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel timeout: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_swipe = val / 16; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,thresh-swipe", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_THRESH_SWIPE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel threshold: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->thresh_swipe = val; - } - - sys_reg->event_mask &= ~IQS626_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE; - - return 0; -} - -static noinline_for_stack int -iqs626_parse_channel(struct iqs626_private *iqs626, - struct fwnode_handle *ch_node, enum iqs626_ch_id ch_id) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - u8 *engine, *filter, *rx_enable, *tx_enable; - u8 *assoc_select, *assoc_weight; - unsigned int val; - int error, i; - - switch (ch_id) { - case IQS626_CH_ULP_0: - engine = sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.engine; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_TP_2: - case IQS626_CH_TP_3: - engine = sys_reg->tp_grp_reg.engine; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_GEN_0: - case IQS626_CH_GEN_1: - case IQS626_CH_GEN_2: - i = ch_id - IQS626_CH_GEN_0; - engine = sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].engine; - break; - - case IQS626_CH_HALL: - engine = &sys_reg->ch_reg_hall.engine; - break; - - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - - error = iqs626_parse_ati_target(iqs626, ch_node, ch_id); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs626_parse_events(iqs626, ch_node, ch_id); - if (error) - return error; - - if (!fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-exclude")) - sys_reg->redo_ati |= iqs626_channels[ch_id].active; - - if (!fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,reseed-disable")) - sys_reg->reseed |= iqs626_channels[ch_id].active; - - *engine |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_MEAS_CAP_SIZE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,meas-cap-decrease")) - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_MEAS_CAP_SIZE; - - *engine |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_RX_TERM_VSS; - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,rx-inactive", &val)) { - switch (val) { - case IQS626_RX_INACTIVE_VSS: - break; - - case IQS626_RX_INACTIVE_FLOAT: - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_RX_TERM_VSS; - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_0 || - ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_1 || - ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_2) - *(engine + 4) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_RX_TERM_VREG; - break; - - case IQS626_RX_INACTIVE_VREG: - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_0 || - ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_1 || - ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_2) { - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_RX_TERM_VSS; - *(engine + 4) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_RX_TERM_VREG; - break; - } - fallthrough; - - default: - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel CRX pin termination: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - } - - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_LINEARIZE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,linearize")) - *engine |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_LINEARIZE; - - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_DUAL_DIR; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,dual-direction")) - *engine |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_DUAL_DIR; - - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_FILT_DISABLE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-disable")) - *engine |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_FILT_DISABLE; - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-mode", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_ATI_MODE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel ATI mode: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *engine &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_0_ATI_MODE_MASK; - *engine |= val; - } - - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_HALL) - return 0; - - *(engine + 1) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_ENABLE; - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,cct-increase", - &val) && val) { - unsigned int orig_val = val--; - - /* - * In the case of the generic channels, the charge cycle time - * field doubles in size and straddles two separate registers. - */ - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_0 || - ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_1 || - ch_id == IQS626_CH_GEN_2) { - *(engine + 4) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_CCT_LOW_1; - if (val & BIT(1)) - *(engine + 4) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_CCT_LOW_1; - - *(engine + 4) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_CCT_LOW_0; - if (val & BIT(0)) - *(engine + 4) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_CCT_LOW_0; - - val >>= 2; - } - - if (val & ~GENMASK(1, 0)) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel charge cycle time: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), orig_val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *(engine + 1) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_HIGH_1; - if (val & BIT(1)) - *(engine + 1) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_HIGH_1; - - *(engine + 1) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_HIGH_0; - if (val & BIT(0)) - *(engine + 1) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_HIGH_0; - - *(engine + 1) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_CCT_ENABLE; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,proj-bias", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_PROJ_BIAS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel bias current: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *(engine + 1) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_PROJ_BIAS_MASK; - *(engine + 1) |= (val << IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_PROJ_BIAS_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,sense-freq", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_SENSE_FREQ_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel sensing frequency: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *(engine + 1) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_SENSE_FREQ_MASK; - *(engine + 1) |= (val << IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_SENSE_FREQ_SHIFT); - } - - *(engine + 1) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_ATI_BAND_TIGHTEN; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,ati-band-tighten")) - *(engine + 1) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_1_ATI_BAND_TIGHTEN; - - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_TP_2 || ch_id == IQS626_CH_TP_3) - return iqs626_parse_trackpad(iqs626, ch_node, ch_id); - - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_ULP_0) { - sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.hyst &= ~IQS626_ULP_PROJ_ENABLE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,proj-enable")) - sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.hyst |= IQS626_ULP_PROJ_ENABLE; - - filter = &sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.filter; - - rx_enable = &sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.rx_enable; - tx_enable = &sys_reg->ch_reg_ulp.tx_enable; - } else { - i = ch_id - IQS626_CH_GEN_0; - filter = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].filter; - - rx_enable = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].rx_enable; - tx_enable = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].tx_enable; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *filter &= ~IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_CNT_MASK; - *filter |= (val << IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_CNT_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *filter &= ~IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_MASK; - *filter |= (val << IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_CNT_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-np-lta", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *filter &= ~IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_MASK; - *filter |= (val << IQS626_FILT_STR_NP_LTA_SHIFT); - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,filt-str-lp-lta", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_FILT_STR_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel filter strength: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *filter &= ~IQS626_FILT_STR_LP_LTA_MASK; - *filter |= val; - } - - error = iqs626_parse_pins(iqs626, ch_node, "azoteq,rx-enable", - rx_enable); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs626_parse_pins(iqs626, ch_node, "azoteq,tx-enable", - tx_enable); - if (error) - return error; - - if (ch_id == IQS626_CH_ULP_0) - return 0; - - *(engine + 2) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_ENABLE; - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,local-cap-size", - &val) && val) { - unsigned int orig_val = val--; - - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel local cap. size: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), orig_val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *(engine + 2) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_MASK; - *(engine + 2) |= (val << IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_SHIFT); - - *(engine + 2) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_LOCAL_CAP_ENABLE; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,sense-mode", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_SENSE_MODE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel sensing mode: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *(engine + 2) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_2_SENSE_MODE_MASK; - *(engine + 2) |= val; - } - - if (!fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,tx-freq", &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_TX_FREQ_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel excitation frequency: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *(engine + 3) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_TX_FREQ_MASK; - *(engine + 3) |= (val << IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_TX_FREQ_SHIFT); - } - - *(engine + 3) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_INV_LOGIC; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,invert-enable")) - *(engine + 3) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_3_INV_LOGIC; - - *(engine + 4) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_COMP_DISABLE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,comp-disable")) - *(engine + 4) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_COMP_DISABLE; - - *(engine + 4) &= ~IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_STATIC_ENABLE; - if (fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,static-enable")) - *(engine + 4) |= IQS626_CHx_ENG_4_STATIC_ENABLE; - - i = ch_id - IQS626_CH_GEN_0; - assoc_select = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].assoc_select; - assoc_weight = &sys_reg->ch_reg_gen[i].assoc_weight; - - *assoc_select = 0; - if (!fwnode_property_present(ch_node, "azoteq,assoc-select")) - return 0; - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_channels); i++) { - if (fwnode_property_match_string(ch_node, "azoteq,assoc-select", - iqs626_channels[i].name) < 0) - continue; - - *assoc_select |= iqs626_channels[i].active; - } - - if (fwnode_property_read_u32(ch_node, "azoteq,assoc-weight", &val)) - return 0; - - if (val > IQS626_GEN_WEIGHT_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Invalid %s channel associated weight: %u\n", - fwnode_get_name(ch_node), val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - *assoc_weight = val; - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs626_parse_prop(struct iqs626_private *iqs626) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - unsigned int val; - int error, i; - u16 general; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,suspend-mode", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid suspend mode: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - iqs626->suspend_mode = val; - } - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, sys_reg, - sizeof(*sys_reg)); - if (error) - return error; - - general = be16_to_cpu(sys_reg->general); - general &= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MASK; - - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,clk-div")) - general |= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_CLK_DIV; - - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,ulp-enable")) - general |= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_AUTO; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,ulp-update", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid update rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - general &= ~IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_MASK; - general |= (val << IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ULP_UPDATE_SHIFT); - } - - sys_reg->misc_a &= ~IQS626_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_DISABLE; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,ati-band-disable")) - sys_reg->misc_a |= IQS626_MISC_A_ATI_BAND_DISABLE; - - sys_reg->misc_a &= ~IQS626_MISC_A_ATI_LP_ONLY; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,ati-lp-only")) - sys_reg->misc_a |= IQS626_MISC_A_ATI_LP_ONLY; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,gpio3-select", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid GPIO3 selection: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->misc_a &= ~IQS626_MISC_A_GPIO3_SELECT_MASK; - sys_reg->misc_a |= val; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,reseed-select", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid reseed selection: %u\n", - val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->misc_b &= ~IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_MASK; - sys_reg->misc_b |= (val << IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_UI_SEL_SHIFT); - } - - sys_reg->misc_b &= ~IQS626_MISC_B_THRESH_EXTEND; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,thresh-extend")) - sys_reg->misc_b |= IQS626_MISC_B_THRESH_EXTEND; - - sys_reg->misc_b &= ~IQS626_MISC_B_TRACKING_UI_ENABLE; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,tracking-enable")) - sys_reg->misc_b |= IQS626_MISC_B_TRACKING_UI_ENABLE; - - sys_reg->misc_b &= ~IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_OFFSET; - if (device_property_present(&client->dev, "azoteq,reseed-offset")) - sys_reg->misc_b |= IQS626_MISC_B_RESEED_OFFSET; - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,rate-np-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_RATE_NP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid report rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->rate_np = val; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,rate-lp-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_RATE_LP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid report rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->rate_lp = val; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,rate-ulp-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_RATE_ULP_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid report rate: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->rate_ulp = val / 16; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,timeout-pwr-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_TIMEOUT_PWR_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid timeout: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_pwr = val / 512; - } - - if (!device_property_read_u32(&client->dev, "azoteq,timeout-lta-ms", - &val)) { - if (val > IQS626_TIMEOUT_LTA_MS_MAX) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Invalid timeout: %u\n", val); - return -EINVAL; - } - - sys_reg->timeout_lta = val / 512; - } - - sys_reg->event_mask = ~((u8)IQS626_EVENT_MASK_SYS); - sys_reg->redo_ati = 0; - - sys_reg->reseed = 0; - sys_reg->active = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_channels); i++) { - struct fwnode_handle *ch_node __free(fwnode_handle) = - device_get_named_child_node(&client->dev, - iqs626_channels[i].name); - if (!ch_node) - continue; - - error = iqs626_parse_channel(iqs626, ch_node, i); - if (error) - return error; - - sys_reg->active |= iqs626_channels[i].active; - } - - general |= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE; - - /* - * Enable streaming during normal-power mode if the trackpad is used to - * report raw coordinates instead of gestures. In that case, the device - * returns to event mode during low-power mode. - */ - if (sys_reg->active & iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_TP_2].active && - sys_reg->event_mask & IQS626_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE) - general |= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE_LP; - - general |= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI; - general |= IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET; - - sys_reg->general = cpu_to_be16(general); - - error = regmap_raw_write(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, - &iqs626->sys_reg, sizeof(iqs626->sys_reg)); - if (error) - return error; - - iqs626_irq_wait(); - - return 0; -} - -static int iqs626_input_init(struct iqs626_private *iqs626) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - int error, i, j; - - iqs626->keypad = devm_input_allocate_device(&client->dev); - if (!iqs626->keypad) - return -ENOMEM; - - iqs626->keypad->keycodemax = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626->kp_code); - iqs626->keypad->keycode = iqs626->kp_code; - iqs626->keypad->keycodesize = sizeof(**iqs626->kp_code); - - iqs626->keypad->name = "iqs626a_keypad"; - iqs626->keypad->id.bustype = BUS_I2C; - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_channels); i++) { - if (!(sys_reg->active & iqs626_channels[i].active)) - continue; - - for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_events); j++) { - if (!iqs626->kp_type[i][j]) - continue; - - input_set_capability(iqs626->keypad, - iqs626->kp_type[i][j], - iqs626->kp_code[i][j]); - } - } - - if (!(sys_reg->active & iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_TP_2].active)) - return 0; - - iqs626->trackpad = devm_input_allocate_device(&client->dev); - if (!iqs626->trackpad) - return -ENOMEM; - - iqs626->trackpad->keycodemax = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626->tp_code); - iqs626->trackpad->keycode = iqs626->tp_code; - iqs626->trackpad->keycodesize = sizeof(*iqs626->tp_code); - - iqs626->trackpad->name = "iqs626a_trackpad"; - iqs626->trackpad->id.bustype = BUS_I2C; - - /* - * Present the trackpad as a traditional pointing device if no gestures - * have been mapped to a keycode. - */ - if (sys_reg->event_mask & IQS626_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE) { - u8 tp_mask = iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_TP_3].active; - - input_set_capability(iqs626->trackpad, EV_KEY, BTN_TOUCH); - input_set_abs_params(iqs626->trackpad, ABS_Y, 0, 255, 0, 0); - - if ((sys_reg->active & tp_mask) == tp_mask) - input_set_abs_params(iqs626->trackpad, - ABS_X, 0, 255, 0, 0); - else - input_set_abs_params(iqs626->trackpad, - ABS_X, 0, 128, 0, 0); - - touchscreen_parse_properties(iqs626->trackpad, false, - &iqs626->prop); - } else { - for (i = 0; i < IQS626_NUM_GESTURES; i++) - if (iqs626->tp_code[i] != KEY_RESERVED) - input_set_capability(iqs626->trackpad, EV_KEY, - iqs626->tp_code[i]); - } - - error = input_register_device(iqs626->trackpad); - if (error) - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to register trackpad: %d\n", - error); - - return error; -} - -static int iqs626_report(struct iqs626_private *iqs626) -{ - struct iqs626_sys_reg *sys_reg = &iqs626->sys_reg; - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - struct iqs626_flags flags; - __le16 hall_output; - int error, i, j; - u8 state; - u8 *dir_mask = &flags.states[IQS626_ST_OFFS_DIR]; - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_FLAGS, &flags, - sizeof(flags)); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to read device status: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } - - /* - * The device resets itself if its own watchdog bites, which can happen - * in the event of an I2C communication error. In this case, the device - * asserts a SHOW_RESET interrupt and all registers must be restored. - */ - if (be16_to_cpu(flags.system) & IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_SHOW_RESET) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Unexpected device reset\n"); - - error = regmap_raw_write(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, - sys_reg, sizeof(*sys_reg)); - if (error) - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to re-initialize device: %d\n", error); - - return error; - } - - if (be16_to_cpu(flags.system) & IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_IN_ATI) - return 0; - - /* - * Unlike the ULP or generic channels, the Hall channel does not have a - * direction flag. Instead, the direction (i.e. magnet polarity) can be - * derived based on the sign of the 2's complement differential output. - */ - if (sys_reg->active & iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_HALL].active) { - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_HALL_OUTPUT, - &hall_output, sizeof(hall_output)); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, - "Failed to read Hall output: %d\n", error); - return error; - } - - *dir_mask &= ~iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_HALL].active; - if (le16_to_cpu(hall_output) < 0x8000) - *dir_mask |= iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_HALL].active; - } - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_channels); i++) { - if (!(sys_reg->active & iqs626_channels[i].active)) - continue; - - for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs626_events); j++) { - if (!iqs626->kp_type[i][j]) - continue; - - state = flags.states[iqs626_events[j].st_offs]; - state &= iqs626_events[j].dir_up ? *dir_mask - : ~(*dir_mask); - state &= iqs626_channels[i].active; - - input_event(iqs626->keypad, iqs626->kp_type[i][j], - iqs626->kp_code[i][j], !!state); - } - } - - input_sync(iqs626->keypad); - - /* - * The following completion signals that ATI has finished, any initial - * switch states have been reported and the keypad can be registered. - */ - complete_all(&iqs626->ati_done); - - if (!(sys_reg->active & iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_TP_2].active)) - return 0; - - if (sys_reg->event_mask & IQS626_EVENT_MASK_GESTURE) { - state = flags.states[IQS626_ST_OFFS_TOUCH]; - state &= iqs626_channels[IQS626_CH_TP_2].active; - - input_report_key(iqs626->trackpad, BTN_TOUCH, state); - - if (state) - touchscreen_report_pos(iqs626->trackpad, &iqs626->prop, - flags.trackpad_x, - flags.trackpad_y, false); - } else { - for (i = 0; i < IQS626_NUM_GESTURES; i++) - input_report_key(iqs626->trackpad, iqs626->tp_code[i], - flags.gesture & BIT(i)); - - if (flags.gesture & GENMASK(IQS626_GESTURE_TAP, 0)) { - input_sync(iqs626->trackpad); - - /* - * Momentary gestures are followed by a complementary - * release cycle so as to emulate a full keystroke. - */ - for (i = 0; i < IQS626_GESTURE_HOLD; i++) - input_report_key(iqs626->trackpad, - iqs626->tp_code[i], 0); - } - } - - input_sync(iqs626->trackpad); - - return 0; -} - -static irqreturn_t iqs626_irq(int irq, void *context) -{ - struct iqs626_private *iqs626 = context; - - if (iqs626_report(iqs626)) - return IRQ_NONE; - - /* - * The device does not deassert its interrupt (RDY) pin until shortly - * after receiving an I2C stop condition; the following delay ensures - * the interrupt handler does not return before this time. - */ - iqs626_irq_wait(); - - return IRQ_HANDLED; -} - -static const struct regmap_config iqs626_regmap_config = { - .reg_bits = 8, - .val_bits = 16, - .max_register = IQS626_MAX_REG, -}; - -static int iqs626_probe(struct i2c_client *client) -{ - struct iqs626_ver_info ver_info; - struct iqs626_private *iqs626; - int error; - - iqs626 = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(*iqs626), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!iqs626) - return -ENOMEM; - - i2c_set_clientdata(client, iqs626); - iqs626->client = client; - - iqs626->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(client, &iqs626_regmap_config); - if (IS_ERR(iqs626->regmap)) { - error = PTR_ERR(iqs626->regmap); - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to initialize register map: %d\n", - error); - return error; - } - - init_completion(&iqs626->ati_done); - - error = regmap_raw_read(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_VER_INFO, &ver_info, - sizeof(ver_info)); - if (error) - return error; - - if (ver_info.prod_num != IQS626_VER_INFO_PROD_NUM) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Unrecognized product number: 0x%02X\n", - ver_info.prod_num); - return -EINVAL; - } - - error = iqs626_parse_prop(iqs626); - if (error) - return error; - - error = iqs626_input_init(iqs626); - if (error) - return error; - - error = devm_request_threaded_irq(&client->dev, client->irq, - NULL, iqs626_irq, IRQF_ONESHOT, - client->name, iqs626); - if (error) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to request IRQ: %d\n", error); - return error; - } - - if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&iqs626->ati_done, - msecs_to_jiffies(2000))) { - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to complete ATI\n"); - return -ETIMEDOUT; - } - - /* - * The keypad may include one or more switches and is not registered - * until ATI is complete and the initial switch states are read. - */ - error = input_register_device(iqs626->keypad); - if (error) - dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to register keypad: %d\n", error); - - return error; -} - -static int iqs626_suspend(struct device *dev) -{ - struct iqs626_private *iqs626 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - unsigned int val; - int error; - - if (!iqs626->suspend_mode) - return 0; - - disable_irq(client->irq); - - /* - * Automatic power mode switching must be disabled before the device is - * forced into any particular power mode. In this case, the device will - * transition into normal-power mode. - */ - error = regmap_update_bits(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, - IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO, ~0); - if (error) - goto err_irq; - - /* - * The following check ensures the device has completed its transition - * into normal-power mode before a manual mode switch is performed. - */ - error = regmap_read_poll_timeout(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_FLAGS, val, - !(val & IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_MASK), - IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_SLEEP_US, - IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_TIMEOUT_US); - if (error) - goto err_irq; - - error = regmap_update_bits(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, - IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK, - iqs626->suspend_mode << - IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT); - if (error) - goto err_irq; - - /* - * This last check ensures the device has completed its transition into - * the desired power mode to prevent any spurious interrupts from being - * triggered after iqs626_suspend has already returned. - */ - error = regmap_read_poll_timeout(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_FLAGS, val, - (val & IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_MASK) - == (iqs626->suspend_mode << - IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_SHIFT), - IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_SLEEP_US, - IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_TIMEOUT_US); - -err_irq: - iqs626_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - return error; -} - -static int iqs626_resume(struct device *dev) -{ - struct iqs626_private *iqs626 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct i2c_client *client = iqs626->client; - unsigned int val; - int error; - - if (!iqs626->suspend_mode) - return 0; - - disable_irq(client->irq); - - error = regmap_update_bits(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, - IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK, 0); - if (error) - goto err_irq; - - /* - * This check ensures the device has returned to normal-power mode - * before automatic power mode switching is re-enabled. - */ - error = regmap_read_poll_timeout(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_FLAGS, val, - !(val & IQS626_SYS_FLAGS_PWR_MODE_MASK), - IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_SLEEP_US, - IQS626_PWR_MODE_POLL_TIMEOUT_US); - if (error) - goto err_irq; - - error = regmap_update_bits(iqs626->regmap, IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS, - IQS626_SYS_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO, 0); - if (error) - goto err_irq; - - /* - * This step reports any events that may have been "swallowed" as a - * result of polling PWR_MODE (which automatically acknowledges any - * pending interrupts). - */ - error = iqs626_report(iqs626); - -err_irq: - iqs626_irq_wait(); - enable_irq(client->irq); - - return error; -} - -static DEFINE_SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(iqs626_pm, iqs626_suspend, iqs626_resume); - -static const struct of_device_id iqs626_of_match[] = { - { .compatible = "azoteq,iqs626a" }, - { } -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, iqs626_of_match); - -static struct i2c_driver iqs626_i2c_driver = { - .driver = { - .name = "iqs626a", - .of_match_table = iqs626_of_match, - .pm = pm_sleep_ptr(&iqs626_pm), - }, - .probe = iqs626_probe, -}; -module_i2c_driver(iqs626_i2c_driver); - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff LaBundy "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Azoteq IQS626A Capacitive Touch Controller"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); From patchwork Mon Mar 10 22:59:49 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jeff LaBundy X-Patchwork-Id: 14010852 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id BC3784A02; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:59:55 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741647598; cv=fail; b=ZZjGDWbXhRxYhdx8Ehhx8Vltvu7nnbwhm9GO23+k3qRtFs8BHKkDLeDfTG15iNgRAFCiH/TDMFl7+/tVfPZSoBkg6SLY/msN5CbBOAIiTx8VNbnV6j0LdDtCjcshNpe0I6ZIiWbL9viKN2ODzF0ZORxbXRWOXW8mfY4Uu46rTes= ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741647598; c=relaxed/simple; bh=ODmoL8QpMRtFM6pfYgP7g1CLZqjos2VhFF5I8lX1mY4=; h=Date:From:To:Cc:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type: Content-Disposition:In-Reply-To:References:MIME-Version; b=VZCnV6ZXXVAiKu2UloWrBpBDjlFgCAB7naZdABTPGSxrphqSpDl9CwBLSo4mp3+YVawiRAcuW1J4kOtuzIvsz1KS51Y7mBW3PZtYL6c3Y8EGttDW0IdkBhOmSYbQ+HcIioP6gwOnF9k6obCR0w9f2gN1S8JbH6W7agNZst7f6zQ= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dmarc=none (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b=jRmeLJvw; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=none (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="jRmeLJvw" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=f1DnUlcuY9d8PfCp6wwgBqXyfpZAuxwyp0rKHYRGPj2te73Yh6vf0tg5OlYQuYqFuSPV7JsSVCr3k6FDRfgIB8fyhLdcM85wGkAzrUnsRCHZ7rKkRvsHHz8K65Qum1qlzIwo+Mn/Rw52bkJEA8OhqDo1C5iYFsuvHpc93+73gtLYagLoEzXy/k8kD5IOiJIH+bF1uqUHQZr548zUBBZ4M5cU0+WSdAOX2BCkjpRF0+DoSbvIW3zgOc1caufHcR8uCQjr88BHlqxbnYQmWCKIV2/r/8+yF2aLOX+M+ciEpTHY+C447gn2EL5COZnYjaZD/O19fRPxMEIbD00+RJEsmA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=BnvGi5RopCNtC6GalGMprqIegr4JNPXQtB7Pd5EdzKY=; b=dYE7NLuKcasd2bMnkmewFgrUSYL+P6R2asZjUf9Ky0YXSFGLeTGyrHgihLnBU02COX7iv6lkRdx5c+AQqDQH6Gmt1//wVFPy35i/ffJg+GrM4529Q6vMdDnQ73n8BWW/oO7+ZSPkakDqBLKsKY8k1ll8Kpc1BvwdYzCCmtKwymjC2iHmVYJwWYthZhWKcCTvTox2MycNZgfEyWG9GwTYRDwWMPsoe5/4gus5jhiwnXLYIC7b0AcW0SdE54uOAZfW6Zk1pw1kkjx5fC9LF8NoqxE0y1efogcGvO13igmhlUbP+DwzU3z+ylzgdXfeg4XAMQkwy+gYfVA3DdGt5hamCQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1-NETORG5796793-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=BnvGi5RopCNtC6GalGMprqIegr4JNPXQtB7Pd5EdzKY=; b=jRmeLJvwyt/Hr/XbGfU0klVFQl40TftCIediQik3dutU6yO9uSeeilM1h4Mj/6Htm38pYp8eVw6btkOo7a5WcAWLnRc/0EdXGbsea2LN+oFrII4qem/nvJ1d+PUNOkS1ryykhDe/C78x8AmTax61ql9JvSVwkqo10hTuo+bH7n4= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:406:8f::25) by (2603:10b6:806:397::22) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8511.26; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:59:52 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::b729:b21d:93b4:504d]) by ([fe80::b729:b21d:93b4:504d%4]) with mapi id 15.20.8511.025; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:59:52 +0000 Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:59:49 -0500 From: Jeff LaBundy To:,,, Cc:,, Subject: [PATCH 2/2] dt-bindings: input: Remove bindings for Azoteq IQS269A and IQS626A Message-ID: Content-Disposition: inline In-Reply-To: References: X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:930:a0::28) To (2603:10b6:406:8f::25) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BN7PR08MB3937:EE_|SA3PR08MB8826:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 20add3cb-5474-4d2b-90d7-08dd60274417 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;ARA:13230040|1800799024|366016|376014|13003099007; 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No new product development will use either device. Remove both bindings to prune unused documentation and avoid the need for any further maintenance. Signed-off-by: Jeff LaBundy --- .../devicetree/bindings/input/iqs269a.yaml | 648 ------------- .../devicetree/bindings/input/iqs626a.yaml | 878 ------------------ 2 files changed, 1526 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs269a.yaml delete mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs626a.yaml diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs269a.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs269a.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 2c3f693b8982..000000000000 --- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs269a.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,648 +0,0 @@ -# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause) -%YAML 1.2 ---- -$id: -$schema: - -title: Azoteq IQS269A Capacitive Touch Controller - -maintainers: - - Jeff LaBundy - -allOf: - - $ref: input.yaml# - -description: | - The Azoteq IQS269A is an 8-channel capacitive touch controller that features - additional Hall-effect and inductive sensing capabilities. - - Link to datasheet: - -properties: - compatible: - enum: - - azoteq,iqs269a - - azoteq,iqs269a-00 - - azoteq,iqs269a-d0 - - reg: - maxItems: 1 - - interrupts: - maxItems: 1 - - "#address-cells": - const: 1 - - "#size-cells": - const: 0 - - azoteq,hall-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Enables Hall-effect sensing on channels 6 and 7. In this case, keycodes - assigned to channel 6 are ignored and keycodes assigned to channel 7 are - interpreted as switch codes. Refer to the datasheet for requirements im- - posed on channels 6 and 7 by Hall-effect sensing. - - azoteq,suspend-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the power mode during suspend as follows: - 0: Automatic (same as normal runtime, i.e. suspend/resume disabled) - 1: Low power (all sensing at a reduced reporting rate) - 2: Ultra-low power (channel 0 proximity sensing) - 3: Halt (no sensing) - - azoteq,clk-div: - type: boolean - description: Divides the device's core clock by a factor of 4. - - azoteq,ulp-update: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - default: 3 - description: Specifies the ultra-low-power mode update rate. - - azoteq,reseed-offset: - type: boolean - description: - Applies an 8-count offset to all long-term averages upon either ATI or - reseed events. - - azoteq,filt-str-lp-lta: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the long-term average filter strength during low-power mode. - - azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the raw count filter strength during low-power mode. - - azoteq,filt-str-np-lta: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the long-term average filter strength during normal-power mode. - - azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the raw count filter strength during normal-power mode. - - azoteq,rate-np-ms: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 16 - description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during normal-power mode. - - azoteq,rate-lp-ms: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 160 - description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during low-power mode. - - azoteq,rate-ulp-ms: - multipleOf: 16 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4080 - default: 160 - description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during ultra-low-power mode. - - azoteq,timeout-pwr-ms: - multipleOf: 512 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 130560 - default: 2560 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait for an event during normal- - power mode before transitioning to low-power mode. - - azoteq,timeout-lta-ms: - multipleOf: 512 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 130560 - default: 32768 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait before resetting the long- - term average of all channels. Specify the maximum timeout to disable it - altogether. - - azoteq,ati-band-disable: - type: boolean - description: Disables the ATI band check. - - azoteq,ati-lp-only: - type: boolean - description: Limits automatic ATI to low-power mode. - - azoteq,ati-band-tighten: - type: boolean - description: Tightens the ATI band from 1/8 to 1/16 of the desired target. - - azoteq,filt-disable: - type: boolean - description: Disables all raw count filtering. - - azoteq,gpio3-select: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - default: 0 - description: - Selects the channel for which the GPIO3 pin represents touch state. - - azoteq,dual-direction: - type: boolean - description: - Specifies that long-term averages are to freeze in the presence of either - increasing or decreasing counts, thereby permitting events to be reported - in either direction. - - azoteq,tx-freq: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the inductive sensing excitation frequency as follows (paren- - thesized numbers represent the frequency if 'azoteq,clk-div' is present): - 0: 16 MHz (4 MHz) - 1: 8 MHz (2 MHz) - 2: 4 MHz (1 MHz) - 3: 2 MHz (500 kHz) - - azoteq,global-cap-increase: - type: boolean - description: Increases the global capacitance adder from 0.5 pF to 1.5 pF. - - azoteq,reseed-select: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the event(s) that prompt the device to reseed (i.e. reset the - long-term average) of an associated channel as follows: - 0: None - 1: Proximity - 2: Proximity or touch - 3: Proximity, touch or deep touch - - azoteq,tracking-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Enables all associated channels to track their respective reference - channels. - - azoteq,filt-str-slider: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 1 - description: Specifies the slider coordinate filter strength. - - azoteq,touch-hold-ms: - multipleOf: 256 - minimum: 256 - maximum: 65280 - default: 5120 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) for which the channel selected by - 'azoteq,gpio3-select' must be held in a state of touch in order for an - approximately 60-ms pulse to be asserted on the GPIO4 pin. - - linux,keycodes: - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 8 - description: | - Specifies the numeric keycodes associated with each available gesture in - the following order (enter 0 for unused gestures): - 0: Slider 0 tap - 1: Slider 0 hold - 2: Slider 0 positive flick or swipe - 3: Slider 0 negative flick or swipe - 4: Slider 1 tap - 5: Slider 1 hold - 6: Slider 1 positive flick or swipe - 7: Slider 1 negative flick or swipe - - azoteq,gesture-swipe: - type: boolean - description: - Directs the device to interpret axial gestures as a swipe (finger remains - on slider) instead of a flick (finger leaves slider). - - azoteq,timeout-tap-ms: - multipleOf: 16 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4080 - default: 400 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) within which a slider touch must be - released in order to be interpreted as a tap. Default and maximum values - as well as step size are reduced by a factor of 4 with device version 2. - - azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms: - multipleOf: 16 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4080 - default: 2000 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) within which an axial gesture must be - completed in order to be interpreted as a flick or swipe. Default and max- - imum values as well as step size are reduced by a factor of 4 with device - version 2. - - azoteq,thresh-swipe: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 128 - description: - Specifies the number of points across which an axial gesture must travel - in order to be interpreted as a flick or swipe. - -dependencies: - azoteq,gesture-swipe: ["linux,keycodes"] - azoteq,timeout-tap-ms: ["linux,keycodes"] - azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms: ["linux,keycodes"] - azoteq,thresh-swipe: ["linux,keycodes"] - -patternProperties: - "^channel@[0-7]$": - type: object - description: - Represents a single sensing channel. A channel is active if defined and - inactive otherwise. - - properties: - reg: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - description: Index of the channel. - - azoteq,reseed-disable: - type: boolean - description: - Prevents the channel from being reseeded if the long-term average - timeout (defined in 'azoteq,timeout-lta') expires. - - azoteq,blocking-enable: - type: boolean - description: Specifies that the channel is a blocking channel. - - azoteq,slider0-select: - type: boolean - description: Specifies that the channel participates in slider 0. - - azoteq,slider1-select: - type: boolean - description: Specifies that the channel participates in slider 1. - - azoteq,rx-enable: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 8 - items: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - description: - Specifies the CRX pin(s) associated with the channel. By default, only - the CRX pin corresponding to the channel's index is enabled (e.g. CRX0 - for channel 0). - - azoteq,tx-enable: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 8 - items: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - default: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] - description: Specifies the TX pin(s) associated with the channel. - - azoteq,meas-cap-decrease: - type: boolean - description: - Decreases the internal measurement capacitance from 60 pF to 15 pF. - - azoteq,rx-float-inactive: - type: boolean - description: Floats any inactive CRX pins instead of grounding them. - - azoteq,local-cap-size: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the capacitance to be added to the channel as follows: - 0: None - 1: Global adder (based on 'azoteq,global-cap-increase') - 2: Global adder + 0.5 pF - - azoteq,invert-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Inverts the polarity of the states reported for proximity, touch and - deep-touch events relative to their respective thresholds. - - azoteq,proj-bias: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 2 - description: | - Specifies the bias current applied during projected-capacitance - sensing as follows: - 0: 2.5 uA - 1: 5 uA - 2: 10 uA - 3: 20 uA - - azoteq,sense-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 9, 14, 15] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the channel's sensing mode as follows: - 0: Self capacitance - 1: Projected capacitance - 9: Self or mutual inductance - 14: Hall effect - 15: Temperature - - azoteq,sense-freq: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 1 - description: | - Specifies the channel's sensing frequency as follows (parenthesized - numbers represent the frequency if 'azoteq,clk-div' is present): - 0: 4 MHz (1 MHz) - 1: 2 MHz (500 kHz) - 2: 1 MHz (250 kHz) - 3: 500 kHz (125 kHz) - - azoteq,static-enable: - type: boolean - description: Enables the static front-end for the channel. - - azoteq,ati-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 3 - description: | - Specifies the channel's ATI mode as follows: - 0: Disabled - 1: Semi-partial - 2: Partial - 3: Full - - azoteq,ati-base: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [75, 100, 150, 200] - default: 100 - description: Specifies the channel's ATI base. - - azoteq,ati-target: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - multipleOf: 32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 2016 - default: 512 - description: Specifies the channel's ATI target. - - azoteq,assoc-select: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 8 - items: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - description: - Specifies the associated channels for which the channel serves as a - reference channel. By default, no channels are selected. - - azoteq,assoc-weight: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the channel's impact weight if it acts as an associated - channel (0 = 0% impact, 255 = 200% impact). - - patternProperties: - "^event-prox(-alt)?$": - type: object - $ref: input.yaml# - description: - Represents a proximity event reported by the channel in response to - a decrease in counts. Node names suffixed with '-alt' instead corre- - spond to an increase in counts. - - By default, the long-term average tracks an increase in counts such - that only events corresponding to a decrease in counts are reported - (refer to the datasheet for more information). - - Specify 'azoteq,dual-direction' to freeze the long-term average when - the counts increase or decrease such that events of either direction - can be reported. Alternatively, specify 'azoteq,invert-enable' to in- - vert the polarity of the states reported by the channel. - - Complementary events (e.g. event-touch and event-touch-alt) can both - be present and specify different key or switch codes, but not differ- - ent thresholds or hysteresis (if applicable). - - properties: - azoteq,thresh: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 10 - description: Specifies the threshold for the event. - - linux,code: true - - additionalProperties: false - - "^event-touch(-alt)?$": - type: object - $ref: input.yaml# - description: Represents a touch event reported by the channel. - - properties: - azoteq,thresh: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 8 - description: Specifies the threshold for the event. - - azoteq,hyst: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 15 - default: 4 - description: Specifies the hysteresis for the event. - - linux,code: true - - additionalProperties: false - - "^event-deep(-alt)?$": - type: object - $ref: input.yaml# - description: Represents a deep-touch event reported by the channel. - - properties: - azoteq,thresh: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 26 - description: Specifies the threshold for the event. - - azoteq,hyst: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 15 - default: 0 - description: Specifies the hysteresis for the event. - - linux,code: true - - additionalProperties: false - - required: - - reg - - additionalProperties: false - -if: - properties: - compatible: - contains: - enum: - - azoteq,iqs269a-d0 -then: - patternProperties: - "^channel@[0-7]$": - properties: - azoteq,slider1-select: false -else: - properties: - azoteq,touch-hold-ms: false - -required: - - compatible - - reg - - interrupts - - "#address-cells" - - "#size-cells" - -additionalProperties: false - -examples: - - | - #include - #include - - i2c { - #address-cells = <1>; - #size-cells = <0>; - - touch@44 { - #address-cells = <1>; - #size-cells = <0>; - - compatible = "azoteq,iqs269a"; - reg = <0x44>; - interrupt-parent = <&gpio>; - interrupts = <17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>; - - azoteq,hall-enable; - azoteq,suspend-mode = <2>; - - linux,keycodes = , - , - , - ; - - azoteq,timeout-tap-ms = <400>; - azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms = <800>; - - channel@0 { - reg = <0x0>; - - event-prox { - linux,code = ; - }; - }; - - channel@1 { - reg = <0x1>; - azoteq,slider0-select; - }; - - channel@2 { - reg = <0x2>; - azoteq,slider0-select; - }; - - channel@3 { - reg = <0x3>; - azoteq,slider0-select; - }; - - channel@4 { - reg = <0x4>; - azoteq,slider0-select; - }; - - channel@5 { - reg = <0x5>; - azoteq,slider0-select; - }; - - channel@6 { - reg = <0x6>; - azoteq,invert-enable; - azoteq,static-enable; - azoteq,reseed-disable; - azoteq,rx-enable = <0>; - azoteq,sense-freq = <0x0>; - azoteq,sense-mode = <0xE>; - azoteq,ati-mode = <0x0>; - azoteq,ati-base = <200>; - azoteq,ati-target = <320>; - }; - - channel@7 { - reg = <0x7>; - azoteq,invert-enable; - azoteq,static-enable; - azoteq,reseed-disable; - azoteq,rx-enable = <0>, <6>; - azoteq,sense-freq = <0x0>; - azoteq,sense-mode = <0xE>; - azoteq,ati-mode = <0x3>; - azoteq,ati-base = <200>; - azoteq,ati-target = <320>; - - event-touch { - linux,code = ; - }; - }; - }; - }; - -... diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs626a.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs626a.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index e424d67b0542..000000000000 --- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs626a.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,878 +0,0 @@ -# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause) -%YAML 1.2 ---- -$id: -$schema: - -title: Azoteq IQS626A Capacitive Touch Controller - -maintainers: - - Jeff LaBundy - -description: | - The Azoteq IQS626A is a 14-channel capacitive touch controller that features - additional Hall-effect and inductive sensing capabilities. - - Link to datasheet: - -allOf: - - $ref: touchscreen/touchscreen.yaml# - -properties: - compatible: - const: azoteq,iqs626a - - reg: - maxItems: 1 - - interrupts: - maxItems: 1 - - "#address-cells": - const: 1 - - "#size-cells": - const: 0 - - azoteq,suspend-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the power mode during suspend as follows: - 0: Automatic (same as normal runtime, i.e. suspend/resume disabled) - 1: Low power (all sensing at a reduced reporting rate) - 2: Ultra-low power (ULP channel proximity sensing) - 3: Halt (no sensing) - - azoteq,clk-div: - type: boolean - description: Divides the device's core clock by a factor of 4. - - azoteq,ulp-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Permits the device to automatically enter ultra-low-power mode from low- - power mode. - - azoteq,ulp-update: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] - default: 3 - description: | - Specifies the rate at which the trackpad, generic and Hall channels are - updated during ultra-low-power mode as follows: - 0: 8 - 1: 13 - 2: 28 - 3: 54 - 4: 89 - 5: 135 - 6: 190 - 7: 256 - - azoteq,ati-band-disable: - type: boolean - description: Disables the ATI band check. - - azoteq,ati-lp-only: - type: boolean - description: Limits automatic ATI to low-power mode. - - azoteq,gpio3-select: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] - default: 1 - description: | - Selects the channel or group of channels for which the GPIO3 pin - represents touch state as follows: - 0: None - 1: ULP channel - 2: Trackpad - 3: Trackpad - 4: Generic channel 0 - 5: Generic channel 1 - 6: Generic channel 2 - 7: Hall channel - - azoteq,reseed-select: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the event(s) that prompt the device to reseed (i.e. reset the - long-term average) of an associated channel as follows: - 0: None - 1: Proximity - 2: Proximity or touch - 3: Proximity, touch or deep touch - - azoteq,thresh-extend: - type: boolean - description: Multiplies all touch and deep-touch thresholds by 4. - - azoteq,tracking-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Enables all associated channels to track their respective reference - channels. - - azoteq,reseed-offset: - type: boolean - description: - Applies an 8-count offset to all long-term averages upon either ATI or - reseed events. - - azoteq,rate-np-ms: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 150 - description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during normal-power mode. - - azoteq,rate-lp-ms: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 150 - description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during low-power mode. - - azoteq,rate-ulp-ms: - multipleOf: 16 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4080 - default: 0 - description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during ultra-low-power mode. - - azoteq,timeout-pwr-ms: - multipleOf: 512 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 130560 - default: 2560 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait for an event before moving - from normal-power mode to low-power mode, or (if 'azoteq,ulp-enable' is - present) from low-power mode to ultra-low-power mode. - - azoteq,timeout-lta-ms: - multipleOf: 512 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 130560 - default: 40960 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait before resetting the long- - term average of all channels. Specify the maximum timeout to disable it - altogether. - - touchscreen-inverted-x: true - touchscreen-inverted-y: true - touchscreen-swapped-x-y: true - -patternProperties: - "^ulp-0|generic-[0-2]|hall$": - type: object - description: - Represents a single sensing channel. A channel is active if defined and - inactive otherwise. - - properties: - azoteq,ati-exclude: - type: boolean - description: - Prevents the channel from participating in an ATI event that is - manually triggered during initialization. - - azoteq,reseed-disable: - type: boolean - description: - Prevents the channel from being reseeded if the long-term average - timeout (defined in 'azoteq,timeout-lta') expires. - - azoteq,meas-cap-decrease: - type: boolean - description: - Decreases the internal measurement capacitance from 60 pF to 15 pF. - - azoteq,rx-inactive: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies how inactive CRX pins are to be terminated as follows: - 0: VSS - 1: Floating - 2: VREG (generic channels only) - - azoteq,linearize: - type: boolean - description: - Enables linearization of the channel's counts (generic and Hall - channels) or inverts the polarity of the channel's proximity or - touch states (ULP channel). - - azoteq,dual-direction: - type: boolean - description: - Specifies that the channel's long-term average is to freeze in the - presence of either increasing or decreasing counts, thereby permit- - ting events to be reported in either direction. - - azoteq,filt-disable: - type: boolean - description: Disables raw count filtering for the channel. - - azoteq,ati-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - description: | - Specifies the channel's ATI mode as follows: - 0: Disabled - 1: Semi-partial - 2: Partial - 3: Full - - The default value is a function of the channel and the device's reset - user interface (RUI); reference the datasheet for further information - about the available RUI options. - - azoteq,ati-base: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [75, 100, 150, 200] - description: - Specifies the channel's ATI base. The default value is a function - of the channel and the device's RUI. - - azoteq,ati-target: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - multipleOf: 32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 2016 - description: - Specifies the channel's ATI target. The default value is a function - of the channel and the device's RUI. - - azoteq,cct-increase: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 16 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the degree to which the channel's charge cycle time is to - be increased, with 0 representing no increase. The maximum value is - limited to 4 in the case of the ULP channel, and the property is un- - available entirely in the case of the Hall channel. - - azoteq,proj-bias: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the bias current applied during projected-capacitance - sensing as follows: - 0: 2.5 uA - 1: 5 uA - 2: 10 uA - 3: 20 uA - - This property is unavailable in the case of the Hall channel. - - azoteq,sense-freq: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - description: | - Specifies the channel's sensing frequency as follows (parenthesized - numbers represent the frequency if 'azoteq,clk-div' is present): - 0: 4 MHz (1 MHz) - 1: 2 MHz (500 kHz) - 2: 1 MHz (250 kHz) - 3: 500 kHz (125 kHz) - - This property is unavailable in the case of the Hall channel. The - default value is a function of the channel and the device's RUI. - - azoteq,ati-band-tighten: - type: boolean - description: - Tightens the ATI band from 1/8 to 1/16 of the desired target (ULP and - generic channels only). - - azoteq,proj-enable: - type: boolean - description: Enables projected-capacitance sensing (ULP channel only). - - azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the raw count filter strength during normal-power mode (ULP - and generic channels only). - - azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the raw count filter strength during low-power mode (ULP and - generic channels only). - - azoteq,filt-str-np-lta: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the long-term average filter strength during normal-power - mode (ULP and generic channels only). - - azoteq,filt-str-lp-lta: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the long-term average filter strength during low-power mode - (ULP and generic channels only). - - azoteq,rx-enable: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 8 - items: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - description: - Specifies the CRX pin(s) associated with the channel. - - This property is unavailable in the case of the Hall channel. The - default value is a function of the channel and the device's RUI. - - azoteq,tx-enable: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 8 - items: - minimum: 0 - maximum: 7 - description: - Specifies the TX pin(s) associated with the channel. - - This property is unavailable in the case of the Hall channel. The - default value is a function of the channel and the device's RUI. - - azoteq,local-cap-size: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the capacitance to be added to the channel as follows: - 0: 0 pF - 1: 0.5 pF - 2: 1.0 pF - 3: 1.5 pF - 4: 2.0 pF - - This property is unavailable in the case of the ULP or Hall channels. - - azoteq,sense-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15] - description: | - Specifies the channel's sensing mode as follows: - 0: Self capacitance - 1: Projected capacitance - 8: Self inductance - 9: Mutual inductance - 12: External - 14: Hall effect - 15: Temperature - - This property is unavailable in the case of the ULP or Hall channels. - The default value is a function of the channel and the device's RUI. - - azoteq,tx-freq: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the inductive sensing excitation frequency as follows - (parenthesized numbers represent the frequency if 'azoteq,clk-div' - is present): - 0: 16 MHz (4 MHz) - 1: 8 MHz (2 MHz) - 2: 4 MHz (1 MHz) - 3: 2 MHz (500 kHz) - - This property is unavailable in the case of the ULP or Hall channels. - - azoteq,invert-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Inverts the polarity of the states reported for proximity, touch and - deep-touch events relative to their respective thresholds (generic - channels only). - - azoteq,comp-disable: - type: boolean - description: - Disables compensation for the channel (generic channels only). - - azoteq,static-enable: - type: boolean - description: - Enables the static front-end for the channel (generic channels only). - - azoteq,assoc-select: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/string-array - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 6 - items: - enum: - - ulp-0 - - trackpad-3x2 - - trackpad-3x3 - - generic-0 - - generic-1 - - generic-2 - - hall - description: - Specifies the associated channels for which the channel serves as a - reference channel. By default, no channels are selected. This prop- - erty is only available for the generic channels. - - azoteq,assoc-weight: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the channel's impact weight if it acts as an associated - channel (0 = 0% impact, 255 = 200% impact). This property is only - available for the generic channels. - - patternProperties: - "^event-(prox|touch|deep)(-alt)?$": - type: object - $ref: input.yaml# - description: - Represents a proximity, touch or deep-touch event reported by the - channel in response to a decrease in counts. Node names suffixed with - '-alt' instead correspond to an increase in counts. - - By default, the long-term average tracks an increase in counts such - that only events corresponding to a decrease in counts are reported - (refer to the datasheet for more information). - - Specify 'azoteq,dual-direction' to freeze the long-term average when - the counts increase or decrease such that events of either direction - can be reported. Alternatively, specify 'azoteq,invert-enable' to in- - vert the polarity of the states reported by the channel. - - Complementary events (e.g. event-touch and event-touch-alt) can both - be present and specify different key or switch codes, but not differ- - ent thresholds or hysteresis (if applicable). - - Proximity events are unavailable in the case of the Hall channel, and - deep-touch events are only available for the generic channels. Unless - otherwise specified, default values are a function of the channel and - the device's RUI. - - properties: - azoteq,thresh: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - description: Specifies the threshold for the event. - - azoteq,hyst: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 15 - description: - Specifies the hysteresis for the event (touch and deep-touch - events only). - - linux,code: true - - linux,input-type: - enum: [1, 5] - description: - Specifies whether the event is to be interpreted as a key (1) or - a switch (5). By default, Hall-channel events are interpreted as - switches and all others are interpreted as keys. - - additionalProperties: false - - dependencies: - azoteq,assoc-weight: ["azoteq,assoc-select"] - - additionalProperties: false - - "^trackpad-3x[2-3]$": - type: object - $ref: input.yaml# - description: - Represents all channels associated with the trackpad. The channels are - collectively active if the trackpad is defined and inactive otherwise. - - properties: - azoteq,ati-exclude: - type: boolean - description: - Prevents the trackpad channels from participating in an ATI event - that is manually triggered during initialization. - - azoteq,reseed-disable: - type: boolean - description: - Prevents the trackpad channels from being reseeded if the long-term - average timeout (defined in 'azoteq,timeout-lta') expires. - - azoteq,meas-cap-decrease: - type: boolean - description: - Decreases the internal measurement capacitance from 60 pF to 15 pF. - - azoteq,rx-inactive: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies how inactive CRX pins are to be terminated as follows: - 0: VSS - 1: Floating - - azoteq,linearize: - type: boolean - description: Inverts the polarity of the trackpad's touch state. - - azoteq,dual-direction: - type: boolean - description: - Specifies that the trackpad's long-term averages are to freeze in - the presence of either increasing or decreasing counts, thereby - permitting events to be reported in either direction. - - azoteq,filt-disable: - type: boolean - description: Disables raw count filtering for the trackpad channels. - - azoteq,ati-mode: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the trackpad's ATI mode as follows: - 0: Disabled - 1: Semi-partial - 2: Partial - 3: Full - - azoteq,ati-target: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - multipleOf: 32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 2016 - default: 0 - description: Specifies the trackpad's ATI target. - - azoteq,cct-increase: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the degree to which the trackpad's charge cycle time is to - be increased, with 0 representing no increase. - - azoteq,proj-bias: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the bias current applied during projected-capacitance - sensing as follows: - 0: 2.5 uA - 1: 5 uA - 2: 10 uA - 3: 20 uA - - azoteq,sense-freq: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the trackpad's sensing frequency as follows (parenthesized - numbers represent the frequency if 'azoteq,clk-div' is present): - 0: 4 MHz (1 MHz) - 1: 2 MHz (500 kHz) - 2: 1 MHz (250 kHz) - 3: 500 kHz (125 kHz) - - azoteq,ati-band-tighten: - type: boolean - description: - Tightens the ATI band from 1/8 to 1/16 of the desired target. - - azoteq,hyst: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 15 - default: 0 - description: Specifies the trackpad's touch hysteresis. - - azoteq,lta-update: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] - default: 0 - description: | - Specifies the update rate of the trackpad's long-term average during - ultra-low-power mode as follows: - 0: 2 - 1: 4 - 2: 8 - 3: 16 - 4: 32 - 5: 64 - 6: 128 - 7: 255 - - azoteq,filt-str-trackpad: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: Specifies the trackpad coordinate filter strength. - - azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the raw count filter strength during normal-power mode. - - azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the raw count filter strength during low-power mode. - - linux,keycodes: - minItems: 1 - maxItems: 6 - description: | - Specifies the numeric keycodes associated with each available gesture - in the following order (enter 0 for unused gestures): - 0: Positive flick or swipe in X direction - 1: Negative flick or swipe in X direction - 2: Positive flick or swipe in Y direction - 3: Negative flick or swipe in Y direction - 4: Tap - 5: Hold - - azoteq,gesture-swipe: - type: boolean - description: - Directs the device to interpret axial gestures as a swipe (finger - remains on trackpad) instead of a flick (finger leaves trackpad). - - azoteq,timeout-tap-ms: - multipleOf: 16 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4080 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) within which a trackpad touch - must be released in order to be interpreted as a tap. - - azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms: - multipleOf: 16 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 4080 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the length of time (in ms) within which an axial gesture - must be completed in order to be interpreted as a flick or swipe. - - azoteq,thresh-swipe: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 0 - description: - Specifies the number of points across which an axial gesture must - travel in order to be interpreted as a flick or swipe. - - patternProperties: - "^channel-[0-8]$": - type: object - description: Represents a single trackpad channel. - - properties: - azoteq,thresh: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 255 - default: 0 - description: Specifies the threshold for the channel. - - azoteq,ati-base: - $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 - minimum: 45 - maximum: 300 - default: 45 - description: Specifies the channel's ATI base. - - additionalProperties: false - - dependencies: - azoteq,gesture-swipe: ["linux,keycodes"] - azoteq,timeout-tap-ms: ["linux,keycodes"] - azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms: ["linux,keycodes"] - azoteq,thresh-swipe: ["linux,keycodes"] - - additionalProperties: false - -required: - - compatible - - reg - - interrupts - - "#address-cells" - - "#size-cells" - -additionalProperties: false - -examples: - - | - #include - #include - - i2c { - #address-cells = <1>; - #size-cells = <0>; - - touch@44 { - #address-cells = <1>; - #size-cells = <0>; - - compatible = "azoteq,iqs626a"; - reg = <0x44>; - interrupt-parent = <&gpio>; - interrupts = <17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>; - - azoteq,rate-np-ms = <16>; - azoteq,rate-lp-ms = <160>; - - azoteq,timeout-pwr-ms = <2560>; - azoteq,timeout-lta-ms = <32768>; - - ulp-0 { - azoteq,meas-cap-decrease; - - azoteq,ati-base = <75>; - azoteq,ati-target = <1024>; - - azoteq,rx-enable = <2>, <3>, <4>, - <5>, <6>, <7>; - - event-prox { - linux,code = ; - }; - }; - - trackpad-3x3 { - azoteq,filt-str-np-cnt = <1>; - azoteq,filt-str-lp-cnt = <1>; - - azoteq,hyst = <4>; - - azoteq,ati-mode = <3>; - azoteq,ati-target = <512>; - - azoteq,proj-bias = <1>; - azoteq,sense-freq = <2>; - - linux,keycodes = , - , - , - , - , - ; - - azoteq,gesture-swipe; - azoteq,timeout-swipe-ms = <800>; - azoteq,timeout-tap-ms = <400>; - azoteq,thresh-swipe = <40>; - - channel-0 { - azoteq,thresh = <35>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-1 { - azoteq,thresh = <40>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-2 { - azoteq,thresh = <40>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-3 { - azoteq,thresh = <38>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-4 { - azoteq,thresh = <33>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-5 { - azoteq,thresh = <38>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-6 { - azoteq,thresh = <35>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-7 { - azoteq,thresh = <35>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - - channel-8 { - azoteq,thresh = <35>; - azoteq,ati-base = <195>; - }; - }; - - /* - * Preserve the default register settings for - * the temperature-tracking channel leveraged - * by reset user interface (RUI) 1. - * - * Scalar properties (e.g. ATI mode) are left - * untouched by simply omitting them; boolean - * properties must be specified explicitly as - * needed. - */ - generic-2 { - azoteq,reseed-disable; - azoteq,meas-cap-decrease; - azoteq,dual-direction; - azoteq,comp-disable; - azoteq,static-enable; - }; - - hall { - azoteq,reseed-disable; - azoteq,meas-cap-decrease; - - event-touch { - linux,code = ; - }; - }; - }; - }; - -...